Senate Bill 1047: Vote Yes or No on the Bill?

What You Need to Know About SB 1047: A Q&A with Anjney Midha -

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On May 21, the California Senate passed Bill 1047. This bill, which sets out to regulate AI at the model level, is now slated for a California Assembly vote in August. If passed, one signature from Governor Gavin Newsom could cement it into California law. As AI continues to evolve and play an increasingly significant role in our lives, this bill could have far-reaching implications for the future of technology and innovation in California. Let's break down what Senate Bill 1047 entails and explore the arguments for and against it.

What is Bill 1047 and What Does it Do?

SB 1047: Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act - Read the Bill here.

Senate Bill 1047, known as the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, aims to regulate artificial intelligence models that exceed certain compute and cost thresholds. The bill requires developers to implement cybersecurity measures, establish a safety and security protocol, and undergo third-party audits to ensure their models do not pose unreasonable risks. Key provisions include:

  • Scope and Definitions:

    • Advanced Persistent Threat: A sophisticated adversary using multiple attack vectors to achieve its goals.

    • Artificial Intelligence: Engineered systems with varying autonomy that infer inputs to generate outputs.

    • Covered Models: AI models that exceed specific compute (10^26 FLOPs) and cost ($100 million) thresholds, with different criteria before and after January 1, 2027.

    • Critical Harm: Severe harms, such as mass casualties or significant property damage, caused or enabled by AI models.

  • Developer Requirements:

    • Cybersecurity Protections: Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access and misuse.

    • Safety and Security Protocol: Develop a detailed protocol to ensure models do not pose unreasonable risks.

    • Third-Party Audits: Obtain compliance certification from accredited auditors by January 1, 2028.

    • Incident Reporting: Report AI safety incidents to the Frontier Model Division within 72 hours.

  • Operational and Access Policies:

    • Identifying Information: Operators of computing clusters must gather customer information and assess intentions.

    • Transparent Pricing: Maintain uniform pricing for access to computing clusters and covered models.

  • Legal and Compliance Provisions:

    • Civil Actions: The Attorney General can bring civil actions for violations, with penalties including fines and injunctive relief.

    • Employee Protections: Developers must not prevent or retaliate against employees disclosing compliance violations.

    • Annual Certifications and Audits: Ensure ongoing compliance through regular certifications and audits.

  • Frontier Model Division:

    • Oversight and Guidance: Issue standards and best practices for AI model safety.

    • Public Cloud Computing (CalCompute): Develop infrastructure to support safe AI deployment.

Reasons to Vote No (Against the Bill)

  1. Protecting Innovation: The bill could stifle innovation, particularly among startups and small developers who may not have the resources to comply with the new regulations. This could drive AI development out of California or even the U.S., as developers seek more favorable environments.

  2. Supporting Open-Source Development: Open-source projects have been crucial for AI advancements. The bill’s stringent regulations could hinder these projects, limiting collaboration and slowing down the pace of innovation.

  3. Misplaced Focus: Critics argue that the bill targets the wrong aspects of AI development. Instead of regulating the models themselves, the focus should be on preventing malicious uses of AI. By placing the burden on developers, the bill may not effectively address the real threats.

  4. Avoiding Regulatory Burden: The bill imposes significant legal and financial burdens on developers, potentially leading to a chilling effect on AI research and development. Smaller companies and academic researchers might be disproportionately affected, stifling creativity and progress.

  5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Technological advances quickly outpace fixed regulatory thresholds, making the bill potentially outdated and overly restrictive. As algorithmic efficiency improves, the thresholds set by the bill may soon cover a much wider range of models than initially intended.

Reasons to Vote Yes (In Favor of the Bill)

  1. Ensuring Safety and Accountability: The bill aims to ensure that AI developers are accountable for the potential harms their models could cause, promoting safer AI practices and reducing the risk of harmful applications.

  2. Preventing Misuse: By requiring certifications and safeguards, the bill seeks to prevent AI models from being used for hazardous or malicious purposes, thereby protecting society from potential dangers.

  3. Establishing Standards: The creation of a regulatory agency would help set safety standards and provide oversight, leading to more responsible AI development. This could help establish a framework for ethical AI use that other states and countries might follow.

  4. Building Public Trust: Stronger regulations might increase public trust in AI technologies, as they would be developed and deployed under stricter safety and ethical guidelines. This trust is essential for the widespread acceptance and integration of AI into various sectors.

  5. Setting a Precedent: Passing the bill could set a precedent for other states and countries to follow, potentially leading to global standards for AI safety and accountability. This could ensure that AI development is guided by ethical considerations on a larger scale.


As you consider your position, reflect on your values and priorities regarding technological progress, innovation, safety, and ethical considerations in AI development. The future of AI in California, and potentially beyond, hangs in the balance.

  • Voting Yes:

    • Ensures safety and accountability in AI development.

    • Prevents misuse of AI models.

    • Establishes standards for ethical AI practices.

    • Builds public trust in AI technologies.

    • Sets a precedent for global AI safety and accountability.

  • Voting No:

    • Protects innovation and reduces regulatory burden on small developers and startups.

    • Supports open-source AI development and collaboration.

    • Focuses on preventing malicious uses of AI rather than the models themselves.

    • Avoids overly restrictive and potentially outdated regulatory thresholds.

While we deal with bipartisan issues, an election year, and being distracted by assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the focus should be on the following:

Make your voice heard! Share your thoughts, engage with your representatives, and be a part of this pivotal moment in history.

The decisions made today will resonate for generations. Let's advocate for a future where technology enhances our lives responsibly and ethically.

Inclination Towards Ethical AI

Given my strong advocacy for ethical AI, workforce preservation, and the importance of responsible AI development, I would likely be advocating for a yes vote on Senate Bill 1047. While I acknowledge the need to protect innovation and support open-source development, my primary concern is ensuring that AI technologies are developed and used responsibly. I see the potential benefits of the bill in establishing necessary safeguards, promoting accountability, and building public trust in AI technologies.

However, it is crucial to advocate for amendments that address the bill's shortcomings, ensuring it doesn't unduly hamper innovation or burden small developers and startups. Supporting the bill with these considerations in mind could strike a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring ethical AI practices.


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