“ACT NOW” Open Letter

aimed at The United States Congress

This open letter, titled "Act Now," is a comprehensive appeal to the U.S. Congress, urging immediate action to address the profound impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation on the workforce, economy, and societal ethics.

Authored by Kevin Bihan-Poudec, Founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, it outlines the urgent need for legislative measures to harness the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks.

The document highlights significant areas for consideration, including the transformation of employment landscapes, ethical dilemmas posed by advanced AI technologies, and the necessity for establishing ethical frameworks and policies to guide responsible AI integration. The letter advocates for a proactive approach in leveraging AI advancements for societal well-being and global competitiveness, emphasizing the critical role of Congress in leading these efforts.

Find below the links to access the "Act Now" open letter in pdf format addressed at the United States Congress, available in both English and French.

🇺🇸 English:

🇫🇷 French:

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