Introducing a new business endeavor, still in its infancy, in collaboration with AI Expert: Lubna Dajani

I often liken our current world to a scene from "The Matrix," where Neo must choose between the blue pill or the red pill. Humanity stands at a crossroads due to rapid technological advancements. We can view AI as a threat or embrace it for a better future. I have chosen the latter, not just for personal and professional reasons but for peace of mind. Over the past eight months, since losing my job, I've moved through the stages of grief, from shock and denial to anger to acceptance. Initially, I felt powerless, as if I were in a science fiction movie, but the reality was undeniable.

I recall a speech by the Secretary of SAG-AFTRA during their strike, where she emphasized "boundaries on AI." This struck me deeply, highlighting the need for humans to fight for their relevance against advancing technologies. Just as the Hollywood writers' strike set boundaries on AI in their industry, we must recognize the broader implications for all sectors. Despite the lack of regulations in the U.S., other regions like Europe have taken steps to safeguard their workforce. The French Revolution and World War II taught them the importance of regulation and balance.

Without learning from history, the U.S. risks falling into chaos. The Constitution has remained largely unchanged for centuries, unlike France, which has evolved through multiple republics. America's innovation, once a ray of hope, could lead to despair if unchecked. As I move forward, I aim to use AI for good, combating global warming and fostering sustainable business practices. This new business model is committed to partnering with businesses to leverage technology for positive change, supporting renewable energy and self-sufficient communities through our nonprofit initiatives.

I met Lubna Dajani while attending the Climate Reality Project event hosted by Al Gore in Rome, Italy. Her insights into the ethical implications of AI and automation have been a guiding force in my journey. Lubna's foresight into the integration of technology and humanity has shaped my positive approach to advocacy and innovation.

Business Summary

This new business venture is at the forefront of merging human and artificial intelligence to drive business growth and sustainability. Led by visionary CEO Lubna Dajani and newly appointed Vice President Kevin Bihan-Poudec, the business leverages cutting-edge technology to create innovative solutions that meet business needs and contribute to global sustainability. Our mission is to develop AI-driven strategies that not only enhance operational efficiency and profitability but also prioritize ethical considerations and environmental responsibility. Together, we aim to build a future where technology and humanity thrive in harmony, fostering a world where AI supports sustainable development and empowers communities. Through strategic partnerships, we aim to support renewable energy initiatives and self-sufficient communities, ensuring that technological advancements serve the greater good.

A Glimpse into the Visionary Mind of Lubna Dajani:

Lubna Dajani is a seasoned professional with a wealth of experience in technology and business development. Her career began at General Electric as a Key Account Manager and Sr. Consultant from 1990 to 1992, where she led mission-critical projects for prominent clients like NY Telephone, NYNEX, Verizon, and Bank of America. Throughout her career, Lubna has consistently demonstrated her ability to drive process re-engineering initiatives and optimize productivity.

Notably, while at Viacom, Lubna led the conception, design, and implementation of the first corporate intranet. She leveraged a combination of Mosaic, HTML, MS SQL Server, JAVA, and other web-based tools to create an innovative online directory, interactive help-desk, and shared knowledge-base.

She also led a transformative project for a tax group, redesigning file management systems with document management and imaging solutions to improve access time and security. Additionally, she automated data collection, storage, and retrieval processes, significantly enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Her efforts culminated in the creation of a visual executive decision support dashboard that leveraged global assets, relations, and resources.

Lubna's expertise extends to international collaborations and strategic partnerships. She played a pivotal role in designing and implementing an International HR extranet in collaboration with Price Waterhouse, providing expats with easy access to local information and enabling seamless integration into new environments. As the leader of Corporate Customer Support and Network Services teams, she successfully developed and executed strategic plans that overcame organizational, geographical, and technical boundaries, fostering interdepartmental collaborations across major divisions including MTVN, Showtime, Paramount, Blockbuster, and Simon & Schuster.

Her thought leadership and industry expertise have been widely recognized, earning her prestigious awards such as the Connected World Women of Technology in 2019 and the European Expert in Inclusive and Disruptive Learning in 2018. Lubna is a prolific author, contributing to publications like My Customer and Disruption Hub, where she explores the intersections of technology, empathy, and customer experience. Her work in transdisciplinary collaboration and digital identity underscores her commitment to advancing the field of technology while maintaining a focus on ethical and inclusive practices.

In addition to her professional achievements, Lubna is deeply committed to mentoring and volunteering. She serves as a member and mentor for several organizations, including Catalyst 2030, SOSV, and the IEEE Systems Council. Her contributions to various working groups and standards within IEEE highlight her dedication to ethical AI, metaverse systems, and sustainability. Lubna's extensive network and influential presence in the technology industry make her a valuable asset to any organization seeking innovative solutions and strategic growth.

Overall, Lubna Dajani's career is marked by her innovative spirit, strategic vision, and unwavering dedication to leveraging technology for positive impact. Her multifaceted expertise and leadership have positioned her as a key influencer in the digital and mobile technology sectors, driving significant advancements and fostering a collaborative, inclusive approach to technological development.

The Role and Impact of Digital Innovation on Humanity: A Manifesto for the Future

Over the past decade, the digital landscape has undergone a profound transformation. Ten years ago, Lubna Dajani, in her forward-thinking manifesto—though still in draft form—was cited by the European Commission in an innovation report. She challenged us to consider the role we, the people, want to play in shaping our future and introduced the concept of the Allternet—a fully connected digital world. Today, this vision has not only materialized but evolved beyond our initial expectations. We are at the forefront of an era where AI and AGI are reshaping our societal, economic, and personal landscapes.

The Digital Cloud and AI-Driven Society

Like many, she has integrated much of her life into the cloud. Her pictures, music, and financial transactions are stored in cyberspace, readily accessible from anywhere. Tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook manage our data, calendars, and social connections. This pervasive connectivity is both exhilarating and daunting, heralding a new era of ubiquitous computing where the internet is an integral part of everyday life.

A decade ago, the viability of mobile platforms was debated. Today, many businesses are entirely online, and the smartphone has become indispensable. We no longer need physical wallets or music players; soon, we may not even need traditional computers. The seamless integration of technology into daily life is profound, creating a digital mesh that connects everyone and everything.

Smart Cities and the Future of Urban Living

Cities are becoming the epicenters of digital innovation. Smart cities leverage technology to improve infrastructure, enhance public services, and foster sustainable living. According to recent studies, urban areas will drive 65% of global GDP growth in the coming years​ ​. Initiatives in smart buildings and responsive environments are redefining how we interact with our surroundings. Imagine building facades that interact with passersby, offering tailored information and services.

This transformation is not limited to developed nations. In many parts of the world, mobile devices are the primary means of internet access, making digital inclusion a global phenomenon. As new cities emerge, particularly in the developing world, they can adopt advanced technologies without the constraints of legacy systems.

The Implications of AI and AGI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already a significant force in our lives, from personal assistants to advanced analytics. However, the next frontier is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which aims to replicate human cognitive abilities. While experts believe we are still decades away from true AGI, the advancements in AI are paving the way for more autonomous and intelligent systems​ ​.

These developments raise critical questions about privacy, security, and the balance of power. As AI systems become more sophisticated, they will generate vast amounts of data. This data, if not managed ethically, can lead to unprecedented levels of surveillance and control. Ensuring that AI benefits all of humanity requires robust governance frameworks and ethical guidelines.

Data Control and Personal Freedom

In the Allternet age, controlling data equates to controlling power. The challenge lies in harnessing the benefits of digital connectivity while safeguarding individual privacy and freedom. The rise of big data means that every action, from financial transactions to social interactions, is recorded and analyzed. This data is used to tailor experiences and services but also poses significant risks if misused.

Governments and corporations must work together to create transparent, accountable systems that protect personal data. The integration of AI in everyday life should enhance, not diminish, personal autonomy. Ethical considerations must guide the development and deployment of these technologies to ensure they serve humanity as a whole.

eDemocracy and Digital Participation

The concept of eDemocracy leverages digital technologies to enhance democratic processes. It promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement. However, ensuring the security and integrity of digital voting systems remains a significant challenge. As more citizens participate in digital governance, platforms must protect against manipulation and cyber threats.

eDemocracy also has the potential to engage younger generations in political processes. By providing platforms for expression and participation, we can foster a more inclusive and responsive democratic environment.

The Future of Healthcare and Wearable Technology

Advances in wearable technology and telehealth are revolutionizing healthcare. Devices that monitor vital signs and transmit data in real-time are improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. The integration of AI in healthcare diagnostics and treatment planning offers significant potential for personalized medicine and improved public health.

Crowdsourcing and Collective Intelligence

Crowdsourcing leverages the collective intelligence of online communities to solve problems, fund projects, and drive innovation. This democratization of innovation enables diverse participation and fosters a collaborative approach to addressing global challenges.

Conclusion: Shaping Our Digital Future

We stand at a pivotal moment in history where technology can either liberate or constrain us. The decisions we make today will shape the future of our digital society. By prioritizing ethical considerations, transparency, and inclusivity, we can ensure that technological advancements benefit all of humanity.

As we look to the future, we must strive to create a digital world that respects individual privacy, promotes freedom, and fosters innovation. The power to shape this future lies in our hands, and it is our collective responsibility to use it wisely.

I am excited to embark on this new adventure and to explore ways to leverage artificial intelligence to make the world a better place.


Leveraging AI for Climate Action: A Roadmap to Reducing Global Temperatures by 1°C by 2032