Government Accountability

Advocating for Responsible AI Integration by Global Governments to Protect Citizens and Ensure Worldwide Economic Stability

Unanswered Calls for Action in the Face of America's Silent Job Crisis:

In recent days, I've reached out to influential bodies across the globe, including the editorial team of France's leading news channel, TF1, and esteemed figures such as French President Emmanuel Macron and Executive Director of Europol, Catherine De Bolle. My communications were driven by a pressing concern—the silent displacement of American jobs by the relentless advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the cascading effects on the future global economy. Despite the urgency and the potential for widespread impact, my appeals have been met with silence. This lack of response underscores a broader issue: the pressing need for global governmental bodies to take immediate, responsible action to mitigate the risks AI poses to the workforce, both in the United States and worldwide.

The blog post titled "Driving the Effort Against America’s Silent Job Displacement: Advocating for Responsible AI Integration by Global Governments to Protect Citizens and Ensure Worldwide Economic Stability" encapsulates this advocacy journey. It is a testament to the efforts made and the urgent plea for international support and responsible integration of AI technologies.

As the founder of "Voice for Change," I've strived to illuminate the shadowed corners of job displacement—a phenomenon that remains largely unaddressed in public discourse. With over 780 families affected daily by job losses in the technology sector alone since the onset of 2024, the situation demands immediate attention. Yet, despite presenting evidence and calling for action through various channels, including an open letter to the United States Congress and direct communications with influential news platforms and political figures, the response has been dishearteningly non-existent.

This silence is more than just a personal disappointment; it is a glaring indicator of the collective inaction and a lack of accountability from those in positions of power. It's imperative that governmental bodies worldwide recognize their role in safeguarding the livelihoods of their citizens against the unforeseen consequences of technological advancement. The stability of the global economy is at stake, reliant on our ability to foster an international dialogue that leads to sustainable and equitable solutions.

As someone who has personally felt the sting of job displacement within the tech sector, transitioning from a career in data analysis to a temporary role as a receptionist, I stand as a real-life example of the rapid changes affecting our workforce. The saturation of the tech job market, where up to 75% of resumes are rejected by automated systems, illustrates the immediacy of this crisis. It's a narrative shared by thousands, each story adding to the collective urgency for change.

This blog post is not just a recount of my efforts but a call to action. The responsibility falls on the shoulders of global government entities to act decisively to protect their citizens and ensure the stability of our worldwide economy. As we continue to push forward, let this be a reminder that silence is not an option. The time to respond, to discuss, and to act is now. The future of our global workforce, the well-being of countless families, and the integrity of the global economy depend on it.

To read communications sent to the bodies above, read below.

Email sent to the editorial team of France’s top number one News Channel, TF1, on March 13, 2024:

Content of the email above:

Subject: Immediate Action Required Regarding AI-Related Job Displacement in the United States - A Franco-American Perspective

To the editorial team of TF1,

I'm contacting you today as a Franco-American expatriate in the technology sector, having lived in the United States for 15 years, to express my deep concern about the rapid and devastating impact of artificial intelligence on employment in the USA. The current situation, witnessing an unprecedented transformation of the job market, raises urgent questions about how we can adapt our policies and educational systems to better prepare individuals for this new reality.

Currently, the technology sector, not including other sectors, is the most affected, with more than 780 people losing their jobs per day on average since the beginning of 2024. This trend not only threatens the American job market but also, in the long term, the global economic balance.

As the founder of "Voice for Change," a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for ethical AI measures, I find myself at a crossroads, torn between despair and the urgency to act to draw the attention of the American public and policymakers.

Despite my efforts, including through an open letter to the United States Congress titled "Act Now | A Plan for Progress: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation for the Evolution of the American Workforce," which calls for immediate actions to prevent the negative consequences of this technological revolution, I regret to note a lack of interest and responsiveness. This disinterest is apparent at both the local and national levels in the American media.

This letter, also attached, translated from English to French by AI itself (OpenAI's ChatGPT), gives you an idea of the power of this technology, both fascinating and dangerous, capable of replacing professional translators' jobs.

I recommend reading the following articles to better understand the challenges posed by AI:

  • The first critiques the "Plan for an AI Bill of Rights: Putting Automated Systems to Work for the American People" by the White House, published in October 2022, highlighting omissions such as the lack of accountability of the private sector in technological layoffs and the absence of a strategy to financially support displaced workers. It also mentions the weaknesses of the unemployment system, exacerbated by the outdated use of fax, making my experience over the last five months particularly frustrating. For more details, click here.

  • The second details my efforts to personally address my concerns to Adam Schiff, a potential Senate candidate for California, about the impact of AI on employment. Despite his verbal support, I remain skeptical about the effectiveness of progressive politicians, often financially supported by large tech companies, in initiating significant changes for the sector's workers.

  • The third presents an analysis predicting that 8 to 10% of tech jobs could be at risk in 2024 due to AI, potentially affecting up to 528,600 positions in the technology sector alone. These projections, currently being verified by a mathematician at the IUT of Béziers, highlight the urgency to act. You can access ChatGPT's analysis in English here.

One of my close friends, holding a position in the United States Congress, confided in me confidentially that, despite the official announcement by the White House on February 20, 2024, of the creation of a task force dedicated to Artificial Intelligence, current discussions within the American administration, as I report at the time of writing this email, suggest that no concrete action will likely be taken before 2025. This delay is explained by the current priorities of the government, focusing on bipartisan issues, as well as the context of an election year. Screenshots of our exchange are available HERE for more details.

I also wish to raise, in a nuanced manner, a concern regarding certain political currents, particularly in their interaction with the tech sector. Without targeting anyone specifically, it is notable that public figures have benefited from substantial contributions from large tech companies for their electoral campaigns. This situation raises a dilemma: how to convince these political actors to vigorously defend the interests of the average citizen, in the face of challenges posed by practices such as mass layoffs? In recent months, the trend of tech companies replacing the workforce with AI solutions to increase profits well illustrates this issue. The task proves to be difficult, but not insurmountable. It is essential to ensure a balance between technological progress and social justice.

This is why I turn to TF1, a renowned media outlet, to solicit your support in spreading this critical cause and denouncing the United States of America's slow response to unethical practices towards its citizens.

As an influential voice, your platform could greatly contribute to raising awareness on this urgent issue, not only among the French public but also on an international scale, thereby highlighting the efforts of a compatriot determined to induce positive change.

Recognizing the key role of media in shaping public opinion and influencing political decisions, I would be honored to collaborate with your team to bring this critical issue to light. I am fully available for any further information or to organize an interview.

In an effort to raise awareness and disseminate information about my initiative, I have taken the initiative to contact several French media outlets, including yours, to consider constructive collaboration. This approach aims to establish apartnership with media entities deeply invested in debates on major societal issues and collective well-being. Your channel's contribution, known for its in-depth analysis and commitment to the public space, would add an extra dimension to this essential discussion. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to see how our potential collaboration could enrich the dialogue around this critical issue.

In the wake of an inevitable evolution in the tech sector, marked by the dominant rise of artificial intelligence, my position as a director for a financing company as a data analyst became obsolete. This reality, combined with the economic pressure of living on the West Coast, notably the high cost of living and inflation, leaves me no choice but to accept any available job to survive. Currently, I find myself in a temporary role as a receptionist. The saturation of the tech job market, where automated systems now reject up to 75% of resumes, makes the search for a position in this sector particularly challenging. With no other viable options in this difficult context, I'm doing what I can to navigate through this transition period.

I'm also open to an initial phone call to discuss the next steps and refine the details of our potential in-person meeting. I remain entirely at your disposal on the following days: Friday 15th, Saturday 16th, Tuesday 19th, and Thursday 22nd March for an in-person interview in the Los Angeles, California area. Furthermore, if including my temporary professional setting in your report interests you, I would be pleased to request the necessary permission from my employer. My temporary workdays are scheduled for this Sunday 17th March, Monday 18th, Wednesday 20th, and Thursday 21st March, thus offering flexibility for our collaboration.

I thank you in advance for the precious attention you will give to my request and sincerely hope that we can join forces to address this issue of international importance.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder of the nonprofit organization: "Voice for Change"

Follow-up email to top number one French News Channel, TF1, on March 15th 2024

Content of the email above:

Subject: Urgent Call for Action: Addressing the Unseen Crisis of AI in the American Workforce

Dear TF1 team,

I wanted to follow up with you in regards to my last email on whether you had any thoughts about what I previously shared. I am more than willing to have a phone call discussion to open a dialogue.

I also would like to share additional information. 

To reiterate what I’ve mentioned in my previous communication to you, an a daily basis, since the beginning of the year 2024, an average of 780 families whose lives are turned upside down due to the current job displacement issue in The United States. This has had, as you can imagine, significant impacts on the stability of these families, financially and emotionally. 

In a bold move and with an unconventional approach, which you could argue as risky, I am wanting to break the silence of the madness that the United States workforce is going through, especially in the tech sector. The video link below is a recent private conversation that I had with my brother of an audio recording on WhatsApp audio from March 8th 2024. For privacy concerns, you can only hear my voice:

If anything, this recording will make someone who is going through a similar situation as myself relate to my struggles which I believe could bring not only sympathy but empathy.

Mental health struggles, whether it is anxiety or depression have been taboo for way too long. No one should feel shame about feeling a certain emotional way or being distressed, especially in the times of this AI Era not currently being beneficial to the workforce, struggling to maintain balance and a stability in their lives. Knowing that not just one individual like myself but many other thousands, are having a hard time still grasping to the idea of staying relevant, in my case, as a data analyst, has left me powerless. In today’s world, you still have thousands of data analysts that are currently still working but knowing that Artificial Intelligence is increasing at an alarming exponential rate, it is not too far-fetched to assume that the AI could at some point, in the very near future, do an analysis of the data better than a human could ever achieve in his lifetime, even after a career in the field for 40 plus years.

In having worked in a field for almost a decade as a data analyst, seeing that this technology has already began to replace data analytics skills, it is as you can imagine making me feel that I am losing a sense of self-worth, especially after taking years and years of hard work to acquire and master specific skills. Just last year, I never thought that my field could ever be in jeopardy.

I believe that if you still have a stable job in a stable industry today, and still have some kind of stable life, it could be only a matter of time until you might be next. I experienced this last year when The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) in Hollywood went on strike for almost 4 months as these workers saw this technology having the potential to eradicating their skills completely. I remember thinking at the time that I would be safe for a long time as a data analyst as my field was more technical and did not involve writing text. I was obviously wrong. As of January 20th 2024, ChatGPT can now create bar charts from simply uploading an Excel spreadsheet and you can ask follow up questions to the AI in regards to the data, questions in regards to the analysis of the data, making me doubtful that I could work as a data analyst for the remaining time of my career of most likely 30 plus years as I am 35 years old today.

My goal is not to sound as an alarmist or scare people as I know it is not the best approach but at some point, we all have to understand that most jobs if not all could be replaced by AI or Automation if ethical decisions are not adopted quickly. Time is of the essence. It was just announced a few days ago that software engineering jobs could be facing a complete replacement in the near future by the AI.

It is doubtful to believe that a tech company would still want to keep most of their software developers in the long run when their wages average between $171,000 and $263,000/year in California (depending on the company and experience level), when there is most likely to be a tool available in the near future that would cost the tech companies $20/month in an AI membership tool (similar to ChatGPT) and could do the job of a software engineer more efficiently and rapidly.

CEO of tech companies may be selling to the world these new technologies as something positive making you everyone believe that it will be a way for workers to be more productive and efficient but do not be fooled. It is important to consider the narrative that big tech companies want to maintain as their success depend on investors’ money and they also want to maintain a narrative of having the public opinion believe that this technology will help make everyone's easier, but, what we are experiencing in the real world today, with the many job displacement issues is saying otherwise.

A human worker will always be needed in the beginning as the implementer of these AI tools and solutions and their usage, while these companies maximize their profits by not needing as many workers on staff but with the technology of "AI Agents" that CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, announced just a few months ago, the role of an implementer could be potentially replaced by the AI itself as being the implementer of these AI tools by just typing a single prompt of what you would like the AI to do, rendering the job of a human AI implementer long term obsolete. It will be interesting to see, (not that I would ever want it to happen), as I am trying my advocacy efforts to avoid us getting there, if we don’t do anything, how many years it will take to get there. See below my projections.

I am thinking that as companies are streamlining their operations at the moment, meaning switching their manual processes to AI, this could take the next 6 months or so. It may take another year for new ChatGPTs, (which are plugins of the main AI), to be created for industries in all sectors to have an (upcoming) existing plugin available at automating manual tasks. As an example, there could be an AI ChatGPT plugin specifically helping automating manual processes specific to the accounting industry, another one, for the legal industry, etc. In the next 3 to 5 years, human workers’ work across the entire tech industry, will most likely switch to becoming implementers behind the computer managing these AI plugins and solutions, requiring no specific skills (drag and drop). With upcoming future investments and exponential growth of AI Agent technologies, it is not far-fetched to think that it could take an additional couple of years for human implementors to be gradually potentially replaced by an AI agent. I am forecasting then than within the next decade, working in the tech sector as a human worker will no longer exist. 

I am hoping that what you read above is not being perceived as an apocalyptic scenario but is a possibility. If you have any doubts or concerns (even slightly) that this scenario could happen, this means that there are some risks that this could be an eventuality. Again, I am doing everything that I can in my power and I am begging for your media coverage. What I have in mind is not talk about an apocalyptic scenario or scare people but talk casually about the story of a displaced tech worker finding a hard time finding a new job in the current job market and who is now working as a receptionist. This narrative which has always been my vision and I apologize for not mentioning this earlier, could be opening dialogues in living rooms and have people wonder: "I guess there is another side of the story about AI we hear on the news in the US” which is the job displacement issue due to tech companies switching their manual processes to AI and this is a true fact as seen in many news articles around the world.

I hope that I was able to grab your attention and persuade you, one way or another in regards to this important international safety and socio-economical global concern. Let’s not sit and do nothing and let’s come together to build a brighter future that benefits us all for generations to come.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Kind regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Fondateur de l’organisation à but non lucratif:  « Voix du Changement »

Email sent on March 16th 2024 to French President, Emmanuel Macron, Executive Director of Europol, Catherine De Bolle,
and the editorial team of France’s top number one News Channel, TF1,
regarding the urgent measures required from global governmental entities to integrate Artificial Intelligence responsibly, ensuring the protection of American citizens and preventing risks to the stability of the global economy.

Content of the email above:

Subject: Urgent Call for International Support in Response to the Impact of AI on the American and Global Workforce

Dear President Emmanuel Macron, Distinguished Representatives of Europol, and the Editorial Team of TF1,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am reaching out to you today not just as a concerned citizen, but also as a voice echoing the silent struggles of many people across the United States, whose livelihoods are profoundly affected by the rapid development and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our workforce.

The United States, a country emblematic of innovation and progress, sees its very foundation shaken as AI technologies threaten to displace an unprecedented number of jobs. This is not merely an American issue; it is a global concern that requires the attention, empathy, and action of the international community. The economic repercussions of this displacement are vast and could potentially destabilize the global economy, affecting international trade, global markets, and the livelihoods of people well beyond the borders of the United States.

Therefore, I turn to you, President Macron, Europol, and TF1, to solicit your support and guidance. We are at a critical juncture where international cooperation and intervention can pave the way for innovative solutions that ensure the transition into this new era of technology enhances human work rather than replacing it.

Could France, known for its leading role in defending workers' rights and its progressive approach to technology and digital policy, lead this cause? Could Europol, with its extensive network and understanding of cross-border challenges, help shape policies protecting workers from the unintended consequences of AI? And could TF1, with its powerful platform and commitment to journalism, help bring this urgent issue to the forefront of public discourse, not only in Europe but around the world?

I call for an international dialogue involving governments, corporations, technologists, and the workers themselves to explore sustainable and equitable solutions. This could include investments in education and training programs equipping workers with the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow, the development of AI ethics and governance frameworks prioritizing human well-being, and policies supporting workers during transition periods.

This call is a cry for help, a call to action for the good not only of the American people but for the global economy and the international community. The time to act is now, before the gap between technological progress and human prosperity widens further.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this urgent matter, and I look forward to the possibility of your support and leadership in addressing this global challenge.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Email sent on March 19th 2024 to President of Interpol President, Europol Executive Director of Europol, , President of the French Republic, , Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, , and Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, .

Content of the email above:

Subject: Urgent: Global and French Government Action Needed for Ethical Oversight of AI

Email Content:

Dear Interpol President, Europol Executive Director, President of the French Republic, Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, and Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs,

I wish to welcome our new interlocutors to this crucial conversation and reiterate my thanks to the members who continue to provide unwavering support to our shared cause. Continuing our previous dialogue, I wish to underscore once again my deep commitment to promoting ethical AI on a global scale. Your authority and involvement in this field are crucial, and I am convinced that together, we can make significant progress on this important issue.

In today's rapidly changing technological landscape, the ethical implications of artificial intelligence (AI) have never been more urgent. As we witness AI's integration into various aspects of our lives, it is imperative to ensure its development and deployment adhere to principles of fairness, transparency, and accountability.

I have recently become aware of a highly concerning case involving the American company OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT. It involves the censorship of a private conversation I had recently with the AI on my account. This exchange shed light on projections for the evolution of employment in the US technology sector for the year 2024. This action highlights questionable methods aimed at manipulating public and investor discourse. American tech companies are attempting to convince the world that these technologies will assist human workers, making their jobs faster and more efficient. However, it's crucial not to be misled about the real nature of these actions. My conversation was never deleted by me, but it mysteriously disappeared from the servers. Fortunately, I took screenshots last week, which I share here to document this situation.

Faced with these unethical censorship practices and the increased power of a few individuals, such as Mr. Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla, X (Twitter), Neuralink, and co-founder of OpenAI, and Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, it is clear that these figures have the potential to dominate public discourse. My subsequent analysis highlights the negative consequences for humanity in the coming years.

Recognizing the immediate and long-term risks becomes crucial. In the short term, these dynamics could threaten the safety of American workers and citizens. In the longer term, they could endanger people worldwide, as well as the stability of the global economy and humanity itself. Aware of these stakes, I took the initiative to contact Interpol through their online form to inform them of the situation. A screenshot of my message is included below:

Email Content to Interpol sent on March 19th 2024:

Email Subject:

URGENT: Immediate Action Request Regarding Unethical AI Practices and Public Discourse Manipulation

Email Content:

Dear Interpol, We are reaching out to bring to your attention an urgent matter concerning unethical AI practices and potential manipulation of public discourse by prominent tech companies. Our organization, Voice for Change, has recently witnessed actions by OpenAI, including the censorship of private conversations revealing critical information about the future of employment in the tech sector. These actions raise significant ethical questions and appear to indicate a deliberate attempt to influence public opinion.

In response to this situation, we have initiated contact with Interpol via your online form to inform you of these concerns. We believe that a collaborative effort with Interpol and other international bodies is crucial to address these challenges and ensure the ethical development and deployment of AI technologies. Your guidance and support in this matter would be invaluable.

For more detailed information on unethical AI practices and our communications with governmental bodies and media channels, please visit the following links:

Unethical AI Practices: [link]

Overview of Communications: [link]

We look forward to your prompt response and are ready to provide any additional information or assistance required.

Sincerely, Kevin Bihan-Poudec”

I firmly believe the time has come to act decisively, and I am ready to commit as a dedicated advocate for ethical AI. With your esteemed influence and support, I am confident we can bring about meaningful change and shape a future where AI serves humanity in a fair and responsible manner.

If nothing can be done to curb or somehow control the decision-makers in artificial intelligence, I offer a glimpse of my vision and commitment to this cause to combat the unethical deployment of AI and to strengthen my personal commitment to this cause in order to raise further awareness among decision-makers and the general public about the deep implications of these issues. I aim to highlight the dangers posed by power centralization and the lack of transparency in AI development while promoting an ethical framework that respects human rights and dignity. Together, we can work towards a future where artificial intelligence is developed and deployed responsibly, fairly, and in service to all humanity, rather than serving the interests of a technological elite. Your support and action are crucial for moving towards this goal.

I have created a video presentation that summarizes my perspectives, experiences, and aspirations as an advocate for ethical AI. I invite you to watch this video, accessible via the following link, here, which I hope will underscore my readiness to assume this critical role if necessary.

In this presentation, I deliver a compelling message from an unconventional setting: my home, passionately addressing an invisible audience, as I have failed to attract media attention. Recorded by a security camera, I am seated, making my fervent appeal to a white wall, a symbol of my solitary stance against the silence of media and governmental bodies worldwide. This poignant recording summarizes my deep commitment to initiating meaningful dialogue on the ethical integration of AI. It illustrates the efforts I have made to amplify a message that, so far, has been met with indifference. My approach emphasizes a critical message: when traditional platforms do not echo our calls to action, we must find other ways to make our voices heard. This video is not just a call to action; it is a testament to my resilience in defending a cause that affects the stability and ethical progress of the global community.

I am genuinely passionate about promoting dialogue, collaboration, and action in favor of ethical AI, and I look forward to engaging with you and others who share this vision. Your ideas, advice, and support would be invaluable as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Aware of the international gravity of this topic, I would prefer to keep OpenAI's censorship measures and my analysis of Elon Musk and Sam Altman confidential, thereby avoiding the need to approach the media. A behind-the-scenes negotiation would be more appropriate, away from the public eye. However, without a response within one to two weeks, and despite my reluctance and the seriousness of the situation and its impact on nearly 7.88 billion individuals, I will feel compelled to reveal this information through a public link on my website and to alert the media. This would be my last resort to highlight the inaction of global decision-makers regarding global security.

I express my gratitude in advance for the attention you will give to this email and for the response you will kindly provide regarding the proposed measures.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I am fully committed to this cause, and I look forward to the opportunity to work with you for the benefit of our global community.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec Founder of the non-profit organization: "Voice for Change"