American History at a Crossroad: Humanity's Possible Irreversible Impact

In a heartfelt audio message recently shared with a family member, Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a French immigrant who has called the United States home for the last 15 years shared his concerns about the rapid changes and challenges The United States faces as a society. His words resonate with a sense of urgency, reflecting deep worries about the future of our world and the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping it.

The speaker begins by drawing a parallel to former Vice President Al Gore's mission to combat global warming—a mission he views as ultimately unsuccessful in reversing the tides of environmental change. He uses this analogy to frame his own mission against an arguably more daunting challenge: the unchecked rise of AI and its potential to fundamentally alter human existence.

The Frenchman’s concerns are not just about the environment but about the essence of humanity itself. He speaks of a future where people are connected to microchips and AI, a scenario that sounds like science fiction but is becoming increasingly tangible. He fears reaching a "point of no return," where the core of human identity and agency is compromised by technological overreach.

This fear is fueled by his personal experience as a data analyst whose career was abruptly disrupted by advancements in AI. Despite his efforts to adapt by enrolling in an MIT course on AI, he remains skeptical about the long-term implications of such technologies, especially for those unable to keep pace with these rapid changes.

The speaker also critiques the societal divide that AI is predicted to exacerbate, leading to increased homelessness and displacement. He cites Elon Musk's almost cynical fascination with AI's dominance and Mark Zuckerberg’s alleged preparations for societal collapse as evidence of the elite's awareness and preparedness for these disruptions.

Amid these profound changes, the speaker expresses a poignant desire not to remain passive. He mentions writing a letter to the president and engaging in advocacy—not because he believes it will necessarily effect change, but because he feels compelled to act, to try. His narrative is not just a personal outcry but a call to collective action, urging society to make ethical decisions about AI. This is similar to some approaches in Europe, aimed at averting what he sees as the potential “fall of the American Empire,” as depicted in Kevin’s open letter, “Act Now,” addressed to the United States Congress.

As he envisions a future that resembles scenes from dystopian fiction, with social unrest and widespread despair, he grapples with his responsibilities not just to his future children but to the society he has made his home. This immigrant’s message is a powerful reminder that the decisions we make today about technology and ethics will shape the future not just of America, but of humanity at large.

His story is a wake-up call at a critical crossroad in American history. It challenges us to consider whether we will steer toward a future dominated by technological control and social divides, or one where technology is harnessed ethically to enhance and not replace the human experience. As the world stands at this precipice, the choices we make might indeed have irreversible impacts.

Below is a modified transcript of the recording above. It can be translated into the most commonly spoken languages in the United States using the translation option on this website: French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Arabic, Korean, Dutch, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Hindi, and Japanese.

Modified Transcript:

”I just read your text message and now understand that my battle does not need to be shared by anyone else; it is fine as it is. I’m not claiming to be someone influential like a vice president such as Al Gore. I'm simply a French individual who moved to the United States 15 years ago. Al Gore had a mission in life to fight global warming. Unfortunately, he hasn't succeeded, and if we look at the state of the world today, it’s apparent why.

Global warming has become a show, despite one individual’s efforts to communicate the urgency through significant gestures like his escalator episode, which I personally witnessed. He predicted where we’d be in ten years, and despite the laughter from the audience back then, we’ve reached a point of no return in terms of global warming. Personally, I hope we never reach the point where it compromises humanity itself. This is the real issue at hand.

In our lifetimes, we are witnessing the integration of advanced technologies like AI and microchips becoming part of everyday life—far from being mere elements of a sci-fi movie. This reality will unfold within our lifetimes, and the news online is already focusing on AI every day. Despite its prevalence in media, it feels like a massive elephant in the room that no one wants to address, especially by American News media on TV. I refuse to be an 85-year-old on my deathbed, regretting not taking action. Although I am not claiming that I will be successful in making a change, I at least want to be able to say that I tried.

AI is rapidly overtaking many sectors, and as a data analyst whose job is slowy but surely phasing out due to technological advancements, I am taking proactive steps by enrolling in an MIT course on AI to remain employable. But this is not just about employment; it's about the societal divide that is emerging. This divide is between those who can adapt to the AI-driven job market and those who can't. We are looking at a potential increase in homelessness and widespread displacement due to technological unemployment.

Elon Musk has highlighted similar concerns in his talks, suggesting even the most secure and successful among us are preparing for severe societal upheavals by building safe havens like bunkers which Mark zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has currently been building to protect his own family. If vast numbers of people become unemployable, we could face severe social unrest. It's a grim scenario that paints a picture of societal collapse where the unprepared suffer immensely. This is not just theoretical; it's a future that could very well unfold, leading to an era reminiscent of dystopian films, such as The Hunger Games, where societal divides are stark and survival is a privilege.

In such a future, I fear for those who aren't prepared. I've relocated to a relatively secure area in Dana Point, California, which could potentially find itself barricaded, like “The Capitol” in The Hunger Games movies, against the chaos that might ensue from other areas. But around us, in places less fortified, the reality could be harsh, marked by hunger and desperation. It’s a potential outcome that could happen if ethical decisions regarding AI and technology are not made soon. This is the message I've conveyed in my personal writings and discussions, stressing the need for urgent and thoughtful action to prevent such a bleak future.

In conclusion, while my efforts may seem insignificant or destined for failure in the grand scheme, they are steps towards ensuring that if nothing else, I can tell my future children that I did not sit passively by during one of the most critical periods of human history.”

American workers on AI displacement: “Can we get a rain check on that future surprise?”

@POTUS @KamalaHarris @RepAnnaEshoo @RepMcCaul @elonmusk

AI's rapid advance is our modern-day Titanic, a colossal force we can't afford to underestimate. Without immediate action, we may witness a disaster beyond recovery. It's high time for a steadfast captain to steer us away from the iceberg of irreversible consequences. #ActOnAI @POTUS


We need to find a metaphor for a captain who didn't abandon ship and managed to bring it safely to port.


The captain died in the movie Titanic.

It's possible that America may not be saved, and the entire world as well.

Friend: Maybe indeed. But maybe not. That's not what you want, and neither do I.


Nobody wants it, but given the pace at which AI technologies are being implemented in the United States, we are heading there very, very quickly, at a staggering and astonishing speed. Worse than that of global warming, and it is likely that we will reach the "point of no return" once again in the coming months, with irreversible consequences.

The American government must take action today.

@elonmusk: “Time to make crime illegal again.”

@GuardiansOfAI: “No kidding.”


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