Why I’m More Determined Than Ever to Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation

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A long-time friend recently reached out to me, noticing that I haven’t been as active on social media lately about my personal life. “What are you up to these days? You don’t seem like yourself on social media,” they said. It got me thinking that it’s time to share a bit more about what’s been consuming my focus and why I’ve taken on a quieter, more reflective approach.

As an advocate for ethical AI and workforce preservation, my mission has evolved. The more I learn about the profound and often dangerous impacts that unregulated AI can have on society and humanity, the more determined I become. And I’ve realized that my current path requires less surface-level social media posting and more focused action.

One of the most critical issues right now is the veto of SB 1047, a California bill that could have laid the groundwork for safeguarding our future against the potential harms of AI. While the bill has been vetoed, the fight is far from over. Both houses of the California Legislature still have the power to make SB 1047 into law with a two-thirds vote. This pivotal moment could either open the floodgates to AI advancements without necessary protections or create a future where jobs, human dignity, and ethical treatment remain priorities. The work ahead is crucial, and the responsibility lies in continuing to push for the protections this bill represents.

Every voice counts, and now more than ever, we need to advocate for lawmakers to take decisive action.

This journey has been both enlightening and unsettling. I’ve released a series of podcast episodes exploring these exact issues, including a special one titled “The Human Cost of AI”, which delves deep into the risks of unchecked AI. From the displacement of workers to the mental health crisis that could follow mass unemployment, the stakes are high, and it feels like we’re on the brink of something that could either uplift or destroy countless lives.

Here are the reasons why I’m advocating so hard for ethical AI, which I cover in my podcasts:

  • Job Displacement: Millions of jobs could be automated away, leading to widespread economic instability. It’s not just about losing work—it’s about losing purpose, routine, and financial security.

  • Increasing Inequality: Unregulated AI will only benefit the few who control it, leaving everyone else further behind. If we don’t act, the gap between the rich and the poor will widen dramatically.

  • Impact on Mental Health: As more people face job insecurity due to AI, we’re already seeing the mental health toll—stress, anxiety, depression—all stemming from the fear of being left behind.

  • Ethical Concerns: AI has the power to make decisions that impact human lives, yet without regulation, we risk allowing biases and discrimination to shape these decisions. We need transparency and fairness at every level.

  • The Need for Regulation: Technology moves fast, but it’s up to us to ensure that AI develops in a way that benefits society as a whole—not just a select few at the top.

  • AI’s Threat to Democracy: In my special episode, I talk about how AI could be used to influence elections and manipulate public opinion, eroding the very foundations of our democratic processes.

  • A Call for Upskilling: While AI is transforming industries, it’s critical that we provide workers with the tools to upskill and stay relevant. We can’t abandon those who may be replaced by technology.

This fight is far from over. The more I uncover, the more strength I find to stand up against the few powerful voices that seem indifferent to the ethical implications AI holds over our lives. My determination grows daily, especially with the veto on SB 1047—this is a defining moment for our future.

I am not stepping back from social media because I’ve lost interest, but because the work I’m doing now requires me to focus on long-term, impactful solutions. It’s not just about sharing memes or posting updates—it’s about making a real difference against forces that seem overwhelming at times.

I want to invite you, my friends, to understand what I’m working on and why it matters to me. You can view and listen to the stories I’ve been telling through video montages and podcasts here: AI Therapy Podcast Series.

We are at a crossroads, and I’m ready to be part of the movement that ensures AI works for humanity—not against it. I hope you’ll join me in advocating for ethical AI and preserving the dignity of our workforce.

#DemandAIRegulation #SB1047 #AI #WorkforcePreservation #VoiceForChange

Thank you for your support,


A Call to Global Action for SB 1047 – Fighting for AI Safety After Governor Newsom’s Veto


Is a Two-Thirds Majority Vote in Both Houses on SB 1047 Possible to Save Humanity from Rogue AI?