A Call to Global Action for SB 1047 – Fighting for AI Safety After Governor Newsom’s Veto

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As we move forward into an era dominated by artificial intelligence, it is crucial that we ensure the technology is developed and regulated with the public's safety in mind. Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) aimed to establish essential safeguards for AI, but in a disappointing decision, Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill. However, the fight is far from over. The bill is still up for reconsideration by both the California Assembly and Senate, and while it is rare for the state to override a veto with a two-thirds majority, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

As an advocate for ethical AI, I find myself, along with many other advocates, at a critical juncture. We are not just fighting for a bill—we are fighting for the future safety of Californians and the world. Although I’m currently dealing with personal struggles, including a fractured left hand and severe pain, I will not allow these challenges to derail my efforts. Thanks to the assistance of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT, I am able to continue this work despite my physical limitations, literally typing with one hand.

The Coalition for SB 1047: Building a Plan of Action

Time is of the essence. Governor Newsom’s veto does not mean the end of this critical legislation—it means we need to double down on our efforts. I have outlined a detailed plan of action to ensure that every avenue is pursued in order to build a coalition of supporters, ranging from nonprofit organizations to influential legislators, to fight for the reconsideration of SB 1047. Here are the key steps:

  1. Engaging Key Legislators: My outreach will focus on key legislators, including Senator Scott Wiener, the author of SB 1047, who has been a staunch supporter of AI regulation. By targeting undecided legislators and building personalized outreach campaigns, we can sway the necessary votes for the bill’s reconsideration. Now is the time to build relationships with Assembly and Senate members, particularly those who may be on the fence or who represent tech-heavy districts but see the need for responsible oversight.

  2. Public Mobilization Through Advocacy and Social Media: This is a collective effort, and we need as many voices as possible. I have begun crafting toolkits for public engagement, which include key talking points, sample social media posts, and resources for anyone who wants to join this effort. Every tweet, post, and email counts—together, we can create a groundswell of support that will be hard for legislators to ignore.

  3. Media Outreach and Storytelling: It is vital that we bring attention to the real-world consequences of unregulated AI through personal stories and media campaigns. I will be working to reach local media outlets, draft op-eds, and share case studies of the dangers that rogue AI systems pose. The goal is to make this issue resonate not only in the halls of the legislature but with the public at large.

  4. Coalition Building with Advocacy Groups and Nonprofits: This effort will not succeed without the collective power of organizations and individuals united for ethical AI. I am reaching out to other nonprofits, tech ethics organizations, and labor rights groups to form a united front. Together, we can issue joint statements and amplify our message, creating a network of support across industries and interest groups.

  5. Direct Legislative Engagement: Scheduling meetings with key legislators will be critical. I intend to address concerns raised by those who opposed the bill, including Representatives like Zoe Lofgren and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, who expressed reservations about SB 1047. Through careful research and dialogue, I will highlight the bill’s strengths compared to Governor Newsom’s more limited AI initiatives, which fail to address key safety concerns. The stakes go beyond innovation—without enforceable safety measures like SB 1047’s shutdown protocol for dangerous models, the potential risks of rogue AI systems are too great to ignore.

The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher: Why We Can’t Afford Inaction

Governor Newsom’s veto represents a significant failure to prioritize public safety over the interests of tech companies. His current AI initiatives, while forward-thinking in some respects, do not go far enough. They focus primarily on fostering innovation without the necessary stringent safety protocols that SB 1047 would have mandated. For example, Newsom’s plan lacks the enforceable risk assessment processes, third-party audits, and shutdown mechanisms required by SB 1047, leaving significant gaps in AI governance.

This Fight is Global

This fight is not just about California—it’s about global leadership in AI safety. What unfolds here will have consequences that extend beyond state lines, impacting the future of artificial intelligence globally. The changes we see with unregulated AI will unfold at an exponential rate far faster than even the progression of global warming. While climate change presents its own existential threat, the rapid and unpredictable growth of AI poses a much more immediate danger—one that we cannot afford to ignore.

If we don’t act now, we risk reaching a "point of no return" where AI’s impacts become uncontrollable. Countries worldwide will look to California as a leader in AI governance, and SB 1047 presents an opportunity for us to set a global standard. Without it, we leave ourselves vulnerable to a future shaped by unchecked technology—a future that could see AI systems causing irreparable harm to human safety and societal stability.

A Call to Action: I Need Your Help

This is a fight that no one can win alone, and I am calling on all advocates, organizations, and individuals to join me. We cannot afford to sit idly by and hope for the best. If you care about the future of technology and the safety of our society, now is the time to act. Let’s do everything we can to reverse the decision that was made and build a safer future for everyone.

Join me in this fight. Spread the word, share this post, and take action by contacting your local representatives. Together, we can make a difference.


Contact me to get involved:

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation


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