The Urgent Call to the United Nations – Can They Stop the Unchecked Power of American Tech CEOs Before It’s Too Late?

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Will the United Nations step in next week to address the reckless actions of tech CEOs and lend their support to Governor Newsom by pushing for the signing of SB 1047, preventing the looming threat of an “AI Apocalypse”?

The rise of unregulated artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a critical juncture. Tech CEOs like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sam Altman are wielding unimaginable power, with little to no accountability, pushing us toward an uncertain future where AI could spiral out of control. Their behavior and actions, including financial preparations for an “AI Apocalypse,” indicate that they understand the dangers of unregulated AI, yet continue to pursue these developments without consideration for the consequences it may have on humanity.

The question we now face is: Will the United Nations (UN) step in before it’s too late? Will they recognize the gravity of this situation and rally their resources to urge Governor Gavin Newsom to sign Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), a crucial legislative step toward regulating AI? The stakes could not be higher. If unregulated AI continues on its current trajectory, we could see mass job displacement, market manipulation, loss of privacy, destabilization of democratic processes, and even potential existential threats.

The UN’s history and its core mission statement clearly position them as an organization that must act. For decades, the UN has been a global leader in advocating for peace, security, and human rights. Their work in promoting international cooperation, addressing existential threats like climate change, and safeguarding humanity from atrocities has set the precedent for what must happen now. The UN has intervened in crises around the world to prevent war, genocide, and humanitarian disasters—why should this crisis be any different?

This is not just a local or national issue—it is global. The unchecked development of AI affects every country and every person on this planet. Without the UN stepping up and utilizing its influence to address this issue, we risk creating a world where the 1% control AI to their advantage while the rest of humanity is left to suffer the fallout of their reckless ambitions.

The United Nations has stood for global peace, justice, and dignity, and their intervention in the AI regulation debate is not only fitting but absolutely necessary. By supporting the passage of SB 1047, the UN would be taking a stand for ethical technology development and safeguarding the future of humanity from the potential dangers of unregulated AI.

In the past, the UN has helped secure international treaties on nuclear weapons, human rights, and climate action. This situation, involving AI’s potential to destabilize entire societies, is no less urgent. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is a perfect example of how the UN has successfully managed global risks—now it’s time for the UN to focus its efforts on AI governance before it’s too late.

I urge all of you reading this to recognize the significance of what is happening. We need to demand that the United Nations intervenes and supports Governor Newsom in signing SB 1047. This bill represents one of the last chances we have to ensure that AI is developed and used in ways that benefit humanity as a whole, not just the tech elite.

The clock is ticking, and the risks are escalating every day. Will the United Nations step up to its mandate of safeguarding the world's future, or will it remain on the sidelines as AI reshapes society in ways that we cannot control? The time for action is now.

Let’s demand that the UN intervenes and helps steer us away from an apocalyptic future.

In an era where technology is evolving faster than our ability to regulate it, we find ourselves at a crossroads that could determine the fate of humanity. Recent events have highlighted an alarming trend: some of the wealthiest tech CEOs in America seem to be financially preparing for an "AI apocalypse," as described by none other than Elon Musk. What should concern us even more is not just their preparations but their attitude towards the consequences of unregulated artificial intelligence (AI).

I recently sent an urgent correspondence to the United Nations (UN), calling for immediate action to regulate AI and investigate the behaviors of tech leaders who are, quite frankly, playing god with the future of humanity. Mark Zuckerberg’s construction of a $260 million bunker in Hawaii and Elon Musk’s public comments about an AI apocalypse signal something deeper—a detachment from reality and, perhaps, a realization that the very systems they’ve created could spiral out of control. Musk’s statement, “Would I rather be alive to experience AI apocalypse, or not? I guess I’d like to see it,” followed by sarcastic laughter, underscores a troubling lack of empathy for the billions of people whose lives could be upended by these advancements.

The Question We Must Ask: Can the United Nations Stop This?

Would the United Nations be capable of gathering the necessary resources, such as assistance from Interpol, to put a stop to this madness? That is the burning question. The CEOs of the world's most powerful tech companies—Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, OpenAI’s Sam Altman, and Tesla’s Elon Musk—are in a unique position. They have the resources, the technological power, and the influence to change the course of history. But instead of using these tools responsibly, they seem to be preparing for a future in which AI goes unregulated and potentially wreaks havoc on human society.

If the United Nations truly understands the gravity of the situation, they must act now. Their ability to gather global resources and partner with law enforcement organizations like Interpol is essential to prevent the worst-case scenarios from becoming a reality. The psychological well-being of these tech leaders—who hold the power to shape the future—needs to be questioned. How can we trust individuals who appear to see the possible destruction of human society as a twisted spectacle to witness?

The Urgent Need for International Oversight

Unregulated AI is not just a national issue; it’s a global crisis waiting to happen. AI, if left unchecked, has the power to:

  • Displace millions of workers, destabilizing economies worldwide.

  • Manipulate financial markets, causing global recessions.

  • Influence elections and public opinion to an unprecedented degree.

  • Execute autonomous decisions in law enforcement, healthcare, and legal systems—areas that have profound implications on people’s lives.

  • Be weaponized in geopolitical conflicts, creating new forms of warfare that we are not prepared for.

As tech CEOs prepare themselves for the worst, the rest of humanity remains vulnerable. How long will it be before these AI systems are used in ways that undermine our civil liberties, democratic processes, and fundamental human rights? Without regulatory oversight, the world could quickly descend into a nightmare where algorithms dictate not only our economy but also our very existence.

A Call to Action: The Role of SB 1047 and Global Leadership

In the United States, Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) is one of the first legislative attempts to regulate AI development. It represents a crucial opportunity to hold these tech companies accountable and ensure AI serves humanity rather than threatens it. But SB 1047 is currently unsigned by Governor Gavin Newsom, despite the clear risks posed by AI’s unchecked growth.

This is why I have urged the United Nations to reach out to Governor Newsom and press for the immediate passage of SB 1047. This bill is not just a California issue; it could set a precedent for AI regulation worldwide. The United Nations has the power to influence global policy, and it is imperative that they act swiftly before the dangers of AI become too large to contain.

But even SB 1047 may not be enough. Shouldn’t the United Nations be considering international standards for AI regulation? Shouldn’t there be an effort to convene world leaders, scientists, and ethicists to address these existential threats? The time for action is now.

Final Thoughts: The Clock Is Ticking

As the power of AI continues to grow, the stakes have never been higher. We are facing a future where the decisions of a few wealthy tech CEOs could shape the destiny of billions. Do we trust them to make the right decisions for humanity, or have they lost touch with reality?

It’s clear that the United Nations must take a stand and consider whether the global community is ready for what lies ahead. Can they mobilize the necessary resources, including Interpol, to investigate and hold these CEOs accountable? If we wait too long, the window to regulate AI may close forever, leaving the fate of the world in the hands of those who are preparing for an apocalypse instead of preventing one.

This is a call to action not just for world leaders but for all of us. The future of humanity hangs in the balance, and we cannot afford to stand by while a few individuals dictate its course.

Follow-up letter to the United Nations

Date: September 19, 2024

Subject: Urgent Follow-Up – The Global Imperative for Regulating AI and Ensuring Ethical Leadership

Dear United Nations Representatives,

I am writing to follow up on my previous correspondence regarding the escalating risks posed by unregulated artificial intelligence (AI) and the critical importance of immediate action. It is no longer a theoretical issue but a present and growing danger to global stability and the future of humanity.

Recent developments in the behavior of tech leaders, including multibillion-dollar CEOs in the United States, indicate just how serious this issue has become. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg's plans to build a $260 million bunker on a secluded Hawaiian island serve as a stark signal of the preparations the wealthy elite are making for potential catastrophic scenarios.

Article resource from The New York Post:

These scenarios include those driven by unregulated AI, which could fundamentally destabilize the global economy, societal structures, and even humanity itself. This is not an isolated occurrence; Elon Musk himself publicly mentioned during a panel discussion that some of these leaders are financially preparing for what can only be described as an "AI apocalypse."

In his own words, Musk stated: “We live in the most interesting times…the most interesting…Would I rather be alive to experience AI apocalypse, or not? I guess I’d like to see it,” and continued by laughing sarcastically.

Video link:

While I am no medical expert, this statement reflects a disturbing lack of empathy toward the very people he is addressing—essentially, the rest of the world. His comment comes across almost as if he views this potential catastrophe as some sort of dark joke. This raises serious concerns about his psychological well-being and motivations, particularly given his position of extraordinary power and influence over the future of AI and its global impact.

A recent article titled "Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real" by Charles Stross highlights a worrying ideology adopted by today’s tech elite. These billionaires, many of whom are now in their 50s, grew up on science fiction novels and seem intent on recreating the dystopian futures portrayed in works like The Terminator and The Hunger Games. The article points out that these CEOs are pushing agendas that mirror science fiction cautionary tales, creating real-world scenarios where the 1% control the wealth while the rest of society is left to struggle under increasingly authoritarian regimes.

Hunger Games Society:

I strongly recommend that you connect with Interpol to investigate the psychological well-being of individuals like Elon Musk, OpenAI's CEO Sam Altman, and Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg. These tech leaders possess enormous power to change the course of history through their control over AI technologies, and their actions could have negative impacts on the approximately 8 billion people in the world today. It is imperative that these individuals are acting in the best interests of humanity and not from a place of indifference, recklessness, or lack of accountability.

We must understand the severity of the situation and the clear message these tech leaders are sending. When the very people driving AI development are making preparations for potential disasters, it signals an urgent need for global intervention. This is not just an American issue but a global one, and the failure to regulate AI could have disastrous implications for all of us.

Unregulated AI could cause:

  • Massive job displacement across borders, further exacerbating inequality and economic instability.

  • Market manipulation and financial crises due to unchecked AI algorithms running amok in global markets.

  • Autonomous decision-making in critical sectors like healthcare, security, and legal systems, potentially leading to widespread injustices and errors that could affect millions of lives.

  • Exploitation of AI in geopolitical conflicts, weaponization, and mass surveillance, threatening global peace and security.

  • Unintended societal consequences, including the erosion of democratic processes and civil liberties as AI influences media, politics, and public opinion without regulation.

Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) in California represents one of the most significant opportunities to regulate AI at its source, given that California is home to many of the world’s largest tech companies driving these developments. Its passage is crucial not only for the United States but for setting a precedent that could influence AI regulation worldwide.

I urge the United Nations to take immediate action by reaching out to Governor Gavin Newsom. His decision on whether to sign SB 1047 will have far-reaching consequences. Your influence and advocacy are critical in ensuring this legislation passes, which could become a model for AI governance globally. This is not a moment for complacency. The time to act is now.

I demand that the United Nations prioritize this issue, communicate the gravity of the situation to Governor Newsom, and take necessary steps to protect humanity from the disastrous consequences of unregulated AI.

The fate of billions of people rests in the decisions we make today. Let us not leave the future of humanity to chance—or worse, to a few individuals who appear to be preparing only for themselves while the rest of the world faces potential fallout.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Advocate for ethical AI, workforce preservation and human rights.

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

God Bless.


The Future of AI and Senate Bill 1047: Insights from Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt and the Critical Decision Facing Governor Newsom


The Harsh Reality Governor Newsom Doesn’t Want to Face by Not Signing SB 1047: Unregulated AI Consequences of AI Agents