The Harsh Reality Governor Newsom Doesn’t Want to Face by Not Signing SB 1047: Unregulated AI Consequences of AI Agents

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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform our world at breakneck speed, many of us find ourselves both amazed by its potential and anxious about its unchecked power. AI is no longer just an advanced tool—it’s quickly becoming a force capable of making critical decisions, automating industries, and even influencing the very foundations of our economy and society.

Yet, in this critical moment, one of the most important pieces of legislation aimed at reining in these developments, Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), sits unsigned on Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk. The decision not to act on this bill threatens not just California but the entire nation. Without this vital regulation, AI could accelerate into dangerous, uncharted territories, with consequences that are hard to imagine and even harder to reverse.

Why SB 1047 Matters

SB 1047 is more than just a piece of legislation—it’s a safeguard for the future. This bill sets critical guidelines for how AI should be developed, deployed, and managed, ensuring that its evolution aligns with our values and public safety. It’s about keeping AI innovation ethical, transparent, and beneficial for all—not just for tech giants, corporations, and those with deep pockets.

Governor Newsom has been at the forefront of innovation in California. He has embraced the tech industry, and rightly so—Silicon Valley is the heart of technological progress. But with that progress comes a responsibility to protect society from the darker side of innovation. Ignoring this legislation means turning a blind eye to the risks that unchecked AI will bring to Californians and, by extension, to the rest of the country.

What Happens If SB 1047 Isn’t Signed?

Here’s the harsh reality: if SB 1047 doesn’t get signed, the rapid, unregulated growth of AI will have serious, far-reaching consequences. These aren’t distant hypotheticals—they are real, immediate threats that are already emerging.

  1. Massive Job Displacement AI agents are becoming more autonomous by the day. Right now, AI is capable of executing entire workflows—writing code, managing businesses, making decisions, and even performing financial transactions without human oversight. What happens when these systems become the norm, and millions of workers find themselves displaced? Alongside the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024, SB 1047 would prevent this by advocating for reskilling initiatives and policies that protect the workforce. Without it, we are inviting widespread unemployment with little recourse for those affected.

  2. Market Manipulation and Economic Instability AI is already a powerful force in financial markets, driving decisions in milliseconds, executing trades, and managing investments. But what happens when these systems go unchecked? We’ve already seen what happens when technology moves faster than regulation—think of the financial crashes spurred by high-frequency trading algorithms. Without regulation like SB 1047, AI could cause catastrophic disruptions in the stock market, cryptocurrencies, and other financial systems, leading to instability that affects everyone.

  3. Erosion of Privacy and Personal Freedom Imagine AI managing every detail of your personal life—monitoring your habits, making purchases for you, and even managing your household. AI’s power over personal data is already alarming, and without SB 1047, the invasion of privacy will escalate. Tech companies, with little oversight, will have access to more intimate information about individuals than ever before. This would lead to a world where your every move, decision, and preference could be manipulated by AI algorithms to serve corporate interests.

  4. The Undermining of Democracy AI is not only becoming smarter—it’s becoming more manipulative. Autonomous AI agents are capable of running political campaigns, analyzing voter data, and crafting targeted messaging to sway public opinion. If left unchecked, these systems could easily be weaponized to manipulate elections, spread disinformation, and erode the democratic process. Without a framework like SB 1047, AI’s influence on politics could lead to an era where democracy is determined by algorithms, not the will of the people.

  5. Healthcare and Legal Decisions Without Human Oversight AI has already made tremendous strides in healthcare and law, diagnosing illnesses and analyzing legal documents faster than any human could. But without regulation, AI could make critical decisions—about patient care or legal judgments—without human involvement. This opens the door to errors, bias, and unethical outcomes, with no clear accountability. SB 1047 addresses these risks by ensuring that AI operates within ethical and legal boundaries.

The Governor’s Uncomfortable Reality

Governor Newsom’s reluctance to sign SB 1047 represents a broader unwillingness to confront the consequences of unregulated AI. The tech industry is a powerful force in California, and its influence is felt throughout the state. However, failing to implement safeguards against AI’s potential risks is a mistake that could cost us dearly.

In reality, SB 1047 isn’t about stifling innovation—it’s about guiding it responsibly. It’s about ensuring that AI remains a tool for empowerment and progress, not a force of chaos and inequality. By regulating AI, we are creating a framework that allows for continued innovation while protecting the rights, safety, and well-being of the people.

Time to Act

Governor Newsom, the time to act is now. AI is advancing faster than we can regulate it, and the longer we wait, the harder it will be to control its growth. The risks of not signing SB 1047 are simply too great—mass unemployment, economic instability, the erosion of privacy, and even the undermining of democracy itself.

We must prioritize the safety of the public over the interests of a few powerful tech companies. By signing SB 1047, you have the opportunity to lead the nation in responsible AI regulation and safeguard the future for generations to come.

The future of AI is bright—but only if we take the necessary steps to guide it in the right direction. Let’s ensure that California continues to be the beacon of progress, not the cautionary tale of what happens when innovation goes unchecked.

Join the movement to demand ethical AI. The future depends on it.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation
Advocate for ethical AI, workforce preservation, and human rights.


#DemandEthicalAI #SignSB1047 #ProtectOurFuture

Subject: Doomsday Warning Urgent Follow-Up on SB 1047 – The Crucial Role of Regulation in Preventing AI Risks

Dear Governor Newsom,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on the concerns I previously expressed regarding Senate Bill 1047 and the imperative for its timely passage. As the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) continues at an unprecedented pace, the stakes have never been higher for California and the nation.

In light of recent developments and capabilities that we are witnessing with AI agents, I want to reiterate how important it is to act now. AI systems are no longer limited to simple tasks. Today, they can autonomously execute entire workflows, manage software, write code, and even interact with our financial and legal systems without human intervention. If we fail to regulate this rapidly expanding power, the risks will grow exponentially, affecting not only industries but also the very fabric of our society.

Here are some key examples of what AI agents are capable of today:

  • Autonomous Workflows: AI can now manage entire business processes from email communication to financial transactions. Unchecked, this could eliminate millions of jobs and concentrate power in the hands of those who control AI systems.

  • Self-Sufficient Code Development: AI is already writing, testing, and deploying software independently. Without oversight, this could lead to unintended consequences, from mass job displacement in the tech industry to the creation of unsafe or malicious code.

  • AI-Driven Financial Markets: AI is actively participating in stock trading, where its influence can cause massive market swings, risking economic instability if these systems are left unregulated.

  • AI-Managed Healthcare and Legal Systems: AI agents can now diagnose illnesses, prescribe treatments, and even manage legal cases. While these innovations promise efficiency, the absence of human oversight could lead to life-threatening errors or unjust legal outcomes.

The potential for these AI systems to operate without ethical boundaries, privacy protections, or accountability poses serious risks that cannot be ignored. SB 1047 represents a critical step in addressing these challenges, ensuring that AI development continues in a way that safeguards human rights, job security, and societal stability.

Without the passage of SB 1047, we face the possibility of:

  • Unprecedented job displacement without adequate reskilling initiatives.

  • Market manipulation and economic instability driven by AI agents in the financial sector.

  • Erosion of privacy as AI becomes more deeply embedded in personal and household management.

  • The undermining of democratic processes through AI-driven political campaigns and disinformation at a scale previously unimaginable.

Governor Newsom, your leadership on this issue is essential to ensure that AI remains a tool that empowers and uplifts society rather than one that disrupts it. SB 1047 would be a decisive step in that direction, setting an example for other states and countries to follow.

I urge you to make SB 1047 a priority and ensure it is signed into law. The risks of inaction are simply too great to overlook, and the potential benefits of regulated, ethical AI are immense. We have an opportunity to shape the future of AI in a way that serves all Californians and preserves our shared values.

Thank you for your time and attention to this critical matter.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation
Voice for Change Foundation

Kevin: In the context of my follow-up letter to Newsom Gavin and the risks that unregulated AI could have on the societal well-being of the US population, provide some insights to the attached.


In the context of your follow-up letter to Governor Newsom and the risks posed by unregulated AI, Mark Zuckerberg’s $260M bunker on a secluded Hawaiian island, as highlighted in the attached article, could be seen as a stark symbol of the growing disparity in how the wealthy and powerful prepare for future risks compared to the average population. The implications are telling when connected to the broader concern of unregulated AI.

Key Insights in Context of AI and Societal Well-being:

  1. Preparation for Technological Fallout: The construction of massive, private bunkers suggests that tech leaders, like Zuckerberg, are preparing for worst-case scenarios. These scenarios could include global instability or disasters fueled by climate change, pandemics, or even unintended consequences of unregulated AI. The fact that influential figures are building such fortresses reflects an implicit acknowledgment that unchecked technology could lead to societal breakdowns—breakdowns that the general population may not be able to shield themselves from.

  2. Disparity in Safety Nets: While billionaires can afford massive bunkers as a safeguard against future threats, the average citizen does not have such protections. This points to a concerning trend where the consequences of unregulated AI and other disruptive technologies may disproportionately affect the broader population. If AI causes widespread job displacement, economic instability, or social unrest, many will be left vulnerable, while those at the top have already begun to secure their future.

  3. A Signal for Urgent Action: The news of tech leaders preparing for potential disasters should serve as a wake-up call for government leaders. It underscores the importance of enacting regulations like SB 1047, which aim to prevent such dire consequences by ensuring AI is developed and used ethically. The existence of such plans by tech elites highlights how real these risks are, even if they aren't being widely discussed in public forums.

  4. Ethics and Responsibility in Leadership: Zuckerberg and other tech moguls have been at the forefront of AI development. The fact that they are making preparations for potential disasters reflects a cognitive dissonance: promoting AI as a revolutionary tool while privately preparing for scenarios where things go wrong. It raises questions about the ethical responsibility these leaders have in shaping AI in a way that benefits all of society, rather than just safeguarding themselves against its dangers.


Zuckerberg’s bunker symbolizes a growing divide between those who are most prepared for catastrophic events and the general public. In the context of AI, it serves as a reminder that while some may have the means to protect themselves from potential disasters, the rest of the population depends on government action and responsible AI regulation to ensure their safety. This letter to Governor Newsom emphasizes the disparity and the urgency of SB 1047 as a safeguard for the societal well-being of all, not just the elite few.

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The Harsh Reality Governor Newsom Doesn’t Want to Face by Not Signing SB 1047: Unregulated AI Consequences of AI Agents

Governor Gavin Newsom,

I must address you directly and urge you to come to your senses regarding the critical decision that lies before you. The implications of not signing Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) go beyond mere political maneuvering; they pose a fundamental risk to society as we know it. The unchecked rise of AI, particularly AI agents, has the potential to cause irreversible harm that could very well be comparable to having blood on your hands.

This may seem like a dramatic statement, but let’s face the reality. AI, as it stands today, is no longer confined to the theoretical realm. AI agents are already capable of performing complex workflows, influencing markets, handling legal tasks, and even managing healthcare decisions without human oversight. These technologies are evolving at an exponential rate, and without regulation, they will soon be beyond our control.

The ramifications of this unregulated expansion are profound:

  • Massive job displacement that could leave millions without livelihoods, destabilizing our economy.

  • Market manipulation through AI-powered trading algorithms that could lead to financial collapse.

  • Privacy violations and surveillance at a scale we’ve never seen before, where AI tracks and controls the most intimate details of our lives.

  • Influence on democratic processes, with AI agents being used to manipulate public opinion and even sway elections, undermining the very fabric of our society.

If we allow this technology to grow unchecked, the consequences will be dire. This isn’t just about maintaining economic growth or technological leadership; this is about safeguarding humanity’s future. By not signing SB 1047, you would be making a choice that could lead to suffering, destabilization, and, yes, irreparable harm to millions of people. This harm would be laid at the feet of those who failed to act—yourself included.

Governor, your inaction on SB 1047 would not simply be a political misstep; it would be an active choice that could lead to catastrophic outcomes. You have the power to prevent these dangers from escalating. But time is running out. As leaders, we are tasked with protecting the well-being of society, and you must rise to that responsibility now.

Please, don’t let this be a moment in history where you look back and see the blood on your hands because of the decision not taken. Signing SB 1047 would set the stage for responsible AI development, ensuring that technology works for humanity, not against it. The cost of doing nothing will be far greater than the effort of putting regulations in place.

I implore you to take action before it is too late.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

Advocate for ethical AI, workforce preservation, and human rights.


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