The Silent Revolution: Advocating for Ethical AI in a World Unaware (Part 2)

By Kevin Bihan-Poudec, Founder of Voice for Change Foundation

Artificial intelligence is silently but powerfully transforming the world. While the benefits of AI are undeniable—streamlining tasks, increasing efficiency, and boosting productivity—there's a deeper concern many are ignoring: its impact on the workforce and our very way of life.

Recently, I made an effort to engage the global community on this critical subject. On September 10th, after extensively advertising across my social media platforms, I held a Zoom call, inviting people from all over the world to open a dialogue about AI. I wanted to explore how AI is already shaping our lives and how we, as a society, should shape its future—considering both its ethical implications and the negative impacts unregulated AI could have on people's livelihoods.

Unfortunately, despite my efforts, not a single person attended the call. But instead of being discouraged, I gave a monologue, which you can listen to online, available on Soundcloud at the top of this article. According to ChatGPT’s analysis, it was a “compelling” reflection of the urgent issues surrounding AI. And while this effort may not have reached many people yet, I understand that society is not always ready to discuss these complex, often invisible, challenges. Some may feel unprepared to grasp the world we’re living in; others may not have experienced the direct effects of unregulated AI. Regardless, I will continue to patiently engage people and push forward in raising awareness, because the future of humanity depends on it.

Key Themes from My Monologue:

1. Personal Experience: I shared my story of job loss due to AI-driven workforce reductions, a relatable example of the larger issues at hand. Many have lost their jobs, and this trend is only growing. My journey has led me to become an advocate for ethical AI and workforce preservation.

  • Actionable Point: Continue to emphasize personal stories to humanize the data and statistics. This helps create a deeper connection with the audience.

2. Global and National Impact: I referenced alarming statistics from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which indicate that AI could affect 40% of the global workforce and up to 60% in developed nations like the U.S. This is a strong call to action.

  • Actionable Point: Encourage dialogue about how different industries will be affected and how we can prepare for these massive shifts.

3. Need for Upskilling and Reskilling: I highlighted the urgency of developing AI-related skills through a recent LinkedIn/Microsoft survey, which revealed that employers value AI knowledge more than any other field. Upskilling and reskilling are essential to remain employable.

  • Actionable Point: Offer concrete resources, like courses and certifications, for people to begin this process and stay competitive in an AI-driven job market.

4. Government Initiatives: The Biden-Harris administration has introduced the Artificial Intelligence Accounting Act of 2024 and a task force to address job displacement caused by AI. However, these initiatives need to move faster to provide real support to displaced workers.

  • Actionable Point: Keep pushing for quicker implementation of policies and increased funding for retraining programs to help those affected by automation.

5. Ethical AI Advocacy: I discussed both the risks and benefits of AI, emphasizing the need for comprehensive regulation. AI must be developed in ways that respect human rights, privacy, and equity.

  • Actionable Point: Continue emphasizing the importance of ethical AI and refer to policies like California’s SB 1047, which aims to ensure AI is developed responsibly and safely.

6. Leveraging AI for Productivity: Despite the challenges, I demonstrated how AI, like ChatGPT, can be used to improve productivity—such as creating meeting agendas or organizing thoughts. AI is a tool that, when used correctly, can enhance human potential.

  • Actionable Point: Present more examples of AI’s positive potential in future discussions, emphasizing responsible integration rather than rejection of AI.

The Alarming Statistics

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently released a report with some staggering figures: AI and automation could impact 40% of the global workforce, and in developed countries like the United States, this number could rise to 60%. These numbers aren’t just theoretical. They reflect real people, real families, who will face job displacement in the coming years unless something changes.

Even more concerning is that these issues—job loss, housing instability, and the mental health toll of unemployment—are being swept under the rug. Mainstream media isn’t addressing this impending labor crisis, and it's time for us to speak up and demand change.

My Personal Journey: From Analyst to Advocate

When OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4.0 was announced, it became painfully clear that my skill set as a data analyst was no longer secure. Tools like ChatGPT could now analyze data more quickly and efficiently than I ever could, creating bar charts from Excel files and answering follow-up questions about the data within seconds. I realized that companies wouldn’t continue to pay me or others like me a six-figure salary to do work that AI could perform at a fraction of the cost.

This was my wake-up call. My career, and the careers of millions of others, were in jeopardy. I had two choices: allow AI to displace me, or learn about AI and get ahead of the curve. I chose the latter, and this is why I founded the Voice for Change Foundation—to advocate for ethical AI and protect the workforce from being completely replaced by machines.

The Importance of Upskilling and Reskilling

The world is changing, and AI is a major driver of that change. My personal experience has shown me that in this new AI-driven job market, upskilling and reskilling are no longer optional—they’re essential. A recent survey by LinkedIn and Microsoft revealed that 66% of business leaders would not consider a candidate without AI knowledge, and 71% believe that having one year of AI experience is more valuable than knowledge in any other field.

If we want to stay competitive, we must adapt. Learning AI, understanding how it works, and incorporating it into our skill sets is the only way forward. This is something I’m deeply committed to advocating for—ensuring that displaced workers are provided with resources and programs to help them transition into new roles where AI complements their work, not replaces it.

Government Efforts and the Artificial Intelligence Accounting Act of 2024

Thankfully, some steps are being taken at the governmental level. Earlier this year, the Biden-Harris administration introduced the Artificial Intelligence Accounting Act of 2024, a critical piece of legislation aimed at supporting displaced workers and ensuring economic stability in the face of rapid AI advancements. A task force was also established in February to assess the impact of AI on the workforce and recommend solutions to address job displacement.

However, these initiatives are still in their early stages, and more needs to be done. We can’t wait for the situation to worsen before we act. Workers need support now, and policies must be put in place to ensure that AI development is regulated, ethical, and aligned with our values as a society.

Leveraging AI for Good: The Duality of AI

Despite the challenges AI presents, it’s important to remember that AI is not inherently bad. It’s a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or ill. I’ve used AI tools like ChatGPT to help me be more productive—creating meeting agendas, organizing thoughts, and even assisting with content creation. The potential for AI to enhance our lives and improve productivity is immense.

But we must approach AI with caution. The other side of the coin is that if left unchecked, companies will overuse AI to replace human workers in the name of productivity and profit. This is why ethical AI and responsible regulation are so crucial. We need to find a balance where AI enhances human potential rather than displaces it.

The Path Forward

As I continue my advocacy efforts, the message remains clear: the AI revolution is happening, but it’s happening silently. If we don’t act now, we risk allowing AI to widen inequality, displace millions of workers, and erode the very values that make us human. This revolution doesn’t have to be one where AI dominates. It can be one where AI empowers. But to achieve that, we need to be proactive, we need to be aware, and most importantly, we need to be ready.

Call to Action:

  • Advocate for stronger AI regulations, such as SB 1047 in California, which aims to safeguard jobs and protect public safety.

  • Upskill and reskill—embrace AI in your career by learning the basics and staying ahead of the curve.

  • Support organizations and movements advocating for ethical AI to ensure technology serves humanity.

The future is in our hands. Let’s make sure we’re building one that we can be proud of.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice for Change Foundation
#DemandEthicalAI | #AIRegulation | #VoiceForChange

Effective Strategies for Using Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Meeting Preparation


Here are the key talking points and questions to guide your call, ensuring an impactful discussion around ethical AI and its regulation:

Topics to Discuss:

  • Introduction to the AI Revolution:

    • Emphasize that we are in the midst of the "AI Boom," a transformative moment not just technologically, but socially and ethically.

    • Highlight how AI is already silently reshaping industries, economies, and society without adequate oversight.

  • Impact on the Workforce:

    • Discuss the displacement of workers due to AI, particularly in sectors like tech, manufacturing, and service industries.

    • Illustrate how AI could lead to mass unemployment without proper safeguards, and the role of regulations in mitigating this risk.

  • Ethical AI and Human Rights:

    • Explore the implications of unregulated AI on privacy, security, and the potential for bias in AI decision-making systems.

    • Talk about the importance of ensuring AI respects human rights and is used responsibly in sensitive areas like law enforcement, healthcare, and finance.

  • The Need for AI Regulation:

    • Explain why comprehensive AI regulation is crucial to protect jobs, privacy, and the fundamental values of society.

    • Discuss the potential dangers of unregulated AI, such as monopolistic control by big tech companies, data misuse, and erosion of democratic freedoms.

    • Reference current legislative efforts (e.g., SB 1047) and the need for more global and national frameworks to govern AI use.

  • Grassroots Advocacy for Ethical AI:

    • Share practical steps individuals and companies can take to advocate for responsible AI development.

    • Encourage attendees to engage with lawmakers, join ethical AI movements, and raise awareness in their communities about the importance of AI regulations.

  • The Future of AI:

    • Ask attendees to imagine a future where AI operates unchecked, contrasting it with a regulated future that prioritizes human rights and ethical considerations.

    • Discuss how we can shape AI to serve humanity, rather than risk it controlling or harming us.

Questions to Ask Attendees:

  • General AI Awareness:

    • "How is AI currently impacting your day-to-day life, whether at work or personally?"

    • "Have you noticed any societal or workforce changes in your industry that you think AI is driving?"

  • Perceptions of AI:

    • "What excites you most about AI, and what concerns you?"

    • "How do you envision a future with unregulated AI? What risks do you see for jobs, privacy, or society?"

  • Workforce and Societal Impact:

    • "Do you think AI could displace more workers than it creates jobs for? How can we safeguard the workforce in the face of AI automation?"

    • "What responsibilities do tech companies have in ensuring AI development benefits society as a whole?"

  • Ethical Considerations:

    • "What ethical guidelines do you believe should be in place for AI to ensure it remains a tool for good?"

    • "How should we address issues like bias, discrimination, and privacy concerns in AI systems?"

  • Advocacy and Regulation:

    • "What role do you think government and policymakers should play in regulating AI?"

    • "How can you personally contribute to the advocacy for ethical AI in your community or workplace?"

  • Call to Action:

    • "What steps do you believe we can take as a collective to ensure AI is developed responsibly and ethically?"

    • "How can you join the movement for ethical AI today? What actions will you commit to after this discussion?"

Closing Remarks:

  • Encourage participants to reflect on the broader societal impact of AI beyond their personal or professional lives.

  • Highlight that their involvement in advocacy is crucial for the future of ethical AI.

  • Call for ongoing dialogue, sharing resources (such as your foundation's website), and encouraging them to stay engaged by joining the #DemandEthicalAI movement.

This structure will foster a meaningful conversation, addressing both the urgency of the ethical AI challenge and providing practical steps for participants to take action.


Provide an introductory paragraph that would provide a highlighted overview of the content of the call


Welcome, everyone, to this pivotal discussion on the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. As we stand at the dawn of the AI Revolution, we must recognize that this is not just a technological shift—it's a transformation that will affect every aspect of our lives, from the workforce to human rights and societal values. Today, we will explore the urgent need to advocate for ethical AI and the importance of regulating its development to protect jobs, privacy, and democracy. We'll discuss the silent but profound impact AI is already having and why it’s essential to act now to ensure that AI serves humanity, rather than controls it. Together, we can shape a future where innovation is balanced with responsibility, and technology enhances, rather than diminishes, our society.


Provide a paragraph introducing myself and why I am an advocate for ethical AI. Look up information under my account to find out.


My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I am the founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation. With years of experience in data analysis and a deep understanding of AI’s potential impact, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, economies, and society at large. Over the past six months, I’ve been unable to reenter the tech sector due to companies streamlining operations with AI, hiring freezes, and market saturation. This personal experience has fueled my passion to ensure that AI develops in ways that protect workers, uphold human rights, and foster societal values. As we face the AI Revolution, I’m committed to advocating for policies that balance innovation with responsibility, to create a future where technology serves humanity—not displaces it.


Make the following paragraph so that it sounds like I’m taking using common words so I am relatable: Welcome, everyone, to this pivotal discussion on the future of artificial intelligence and its impact on society. As we stand at the dawn of the AI Revolution, we must recognize that this is not just a technological shift—it's a transformation that will affect every aspect of our lives, from the workforce to human rights and societal values. Today, we will explore the urgent need to advocate for ethical AI and the importance of regulating its development to protect jobs, privacy, and democracy. We'll discuss the silent but profound impact AI is already having and why it’s essential to act now to ensure that AI serves humanity, rather than controls it. Together, we can shape a future where innovation is balanced with responsibility, and technology enhances, rather than diminishes, our society.


Welcome, everyone, and thank you for joining this important conversation about the future of artificial intelligence and how it’s impacting all of us. We're living in a time where AI is starting to change everything, from the jobs we do to the way we protect our privacy and basic rights. Today, we’ll talk about why it’s so important to push for ethical AI and the need for regulations to make sure it protects our jobs and our democracy. AI is already making big changes, often without us even noticing, and that’s why we need to act now to make sure it works for us, not against us. Together, we can create a future where technology helps us, not hurts us.


Provide the above into bullet points of a few keywords


  1. AI Impact on Jobs and Society

  2. Ethical AI Advocacy

  3. Regulation to Protect Jobs, Privacy, and Democracy

  4. Silent Transformation by AI

  5. Act Now for Responsible AI

  6. Technology Serving Humanity


Make the following paragraph so that it sounds like I’m taking using common words so I am relatable: My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I am the founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation. With years of experience in data analysis and a deep understanding of AI’s potential impact, I’ve witnessed firsthand how the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence is reshaping industries, economies, and society at large. Over the past six months, I’ve been unable to reenter the tech sector due to companies streamlining operations with AI, hiring freezes, and market saturation. This personal experience has fueled my passion to ensure that AI develops in ways that protect workers, uphold human rights, and foster societal values. As we face the AI Revolution, I’m committed to advocating for policies that balance innovation with responsibility, to create a future where technology serves humanity—not displaces it.


My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I’m the founder of Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit focused on pushing for ethical AI and protecting jobs. I’ve worked in data analysis for years, and I’ve seen up close how fast AI is changing industries, economies, and even society as a whole. Over the last six months, I haven’t been able to get back into the tech world because companies are using AI to streamline, hiring has slowed down, and the job market is crowded. This experience has made me even more passionate about making sure AI is developed in a way that keeps people’s jobs safe, respects human rights, and strengthens our values as a society. As we move forward in this AI Revolution, I’m here to push for policies that make sure technology works for us, not against us.


Provide the above into bullet points of a few keywords


  • Founder of Voice For Change Foundation

  • Advocate for Ethical AI

  • Experienced in Data Analysis

  • Impact of AI on Industries and Society

  • Personal Experience with AI-Driven Job Market Changes

  • Passion for Protecting Jobs and Human Rights

  • Push for Responsible AI Policies


Provide answers and suggestions to the questions above part of the agenda


Here are potential answers and suggestions to the questions you plan to ask during the call:

1. How is AI currently impacting your day-to-day life, whether at work or personally?

  • Answer:

    • "AI is automating tasks in my job, making certain processes faster and more efficient, but it's also creating concerns about job security."

    • "I use AI tools in my daily work to help with data analysis, content creation, or even managing my schedule, which saves me time."

    • "AI impacts me personally through smart home devices or AI-driven apps that improve convenience, like voice assistants or recommendation systems."

  • Suggestion:

    • Acknowledge their experiences and tie it back to the importance of ethical AI: “It’s great that AI is making life easier in some ways, but we need to ensure it’s done responsibly and doesn’t lead to job losses or privacy concerns.”

2. Have you noticed any societal or workforce changes in your industry that you think AI is driving?

  • Answer:

    • "Yes, AI has led to fewer manual tasks and more focus on automation, reducing the need for certain job roles."

    • "AI is pushing companies to upskill their employees, but not everyone has the resources to do so."

    • "The hiring process has become more difficult, with AI screening tools making it hard for qualified people to get through the door."

  • Suggestion:

    • Use this as an opportunity to discuss the importance of providing training and resources to help workers adapt to AI advancements: “We need to focus on upskilling and reskilling workers to ensure no one is left behind as AI continues to evolve.”

3. What excites you most about AI, and what concerns you?

  • Answer:

    • "I’m excited about how AI can speed up tasks, improve productivity, and bring new innovations in healthcare and technology."

    • "My concern is that AI could replace too many jobs or lead to privacy violations if not handled properly."

  • Suggestion:

    • Highlight the need for balanced development: “AI has the potential to do incredible things, but without the right regulations, it could also cause significant harm. It’s up to us to ensure it serves us, not the other way around.”

4. How do you envision a future with unregulated AI? What risks do you see for jobs, privacy, or society?

  • Answer:

    • "Unregulated AI could lead to mass unemployment as more tasks become automated, especially in industries like manufacturing and retail."

    • "I worry that without regulations, AI could be used to infringe on privacy or manipulate people through targeted content."

    • "There’s a risk of widening the gap between those who have access to AI tools and training, and those who don’t."

  • Suggestion:

    • Drive home the need for urgent action: “This is why regulation is so important. Without it, we risk a future where AI benefits only a few, leaving many behind in terms of jobs, privacy, and opportunity.”

5. Do you think AI could displace more workers than it creates jobs for? How can we safeguard the workforce in the face of AI automation?

  • Answer:

    • "Yes, AI could displace many workers, especially in industries that rely heavily on manual labor."

    • "I think AI will create new jobs, but not fast enough or accessible enough for those displaced by automation."

  • Suggestion:

    • Emphasize the importance of proactive policies: “To safeguard the workforce, we need policies that support job retraining and educational programs, as well as measures to ensure AI complements, rather than replaces, human workers.”

6. What ethical guidelines do you believe should be in place for AI to ensure it remains a tool for good?

  • Answer:

    • "AI should be transparent and accountable, meaning companies should be required to explain how their AI systems work and be responsible for any negative impacts."

    • "There should be strict guidelines on privacy and data security to prevent misuse of personal information."

    • "AI needs to be fair and unbiased, ensuring that it doesn’t discriminate based on race, gender, or socioeconomic status."

  • Suggestion:

    • Reinforce the need for clear ethical standards: “We must ensure that AI development follows ethical principles like fairness, accountability, and transparency, so that it benefits everyone equally.”

7. What role do you think government and policymakers should play in regulating AI?

  • Answer:

    • "The government should establish clear regulations that prevent AI misuse and protect workers from being displaced."

    • "Policymakers should work with industry experts to create laws that strike a balance between innovation and protection."

    • "There should be international cooperation to ensure AI standards are consistent across borders."

  • Suggestion:

    • Stress the importance of collaboration: “Policymakers need to work closely with industry and ethical AI advocates to create strong, enforceable regulations that protect people while allowing innovation to flourish.”

8. What steps do you believe we can take as a collective to ensure AI is developed responsibly and ethically?

  • Answer:

    • "We need to raise public awareness about the risks and benefits of AI and advocate for responsible development."

    • "Individuals can support organizations and movements pushing for ethical AI."

    • "It’s important to stay informed about the latest AI developments and speak up when something feels wrong."

  • Suggestion:

    • Encourage continued engagement: “By staying informed and getting involved in grassroots movements like this one, we can all play a role in shaping the future of AI in a way that benefits everyone.”

These answers and suggestions will help foster meaningful dialogue and offer concrete steps for participants to take in the movement for ethical AI.


By doing research online and under my account, provide examples and facts to elaborate on the topics of the agenda above.


Here are examples and facts to support your agenda topics, gathered from the latest discussions around AI regulation, particularly SB 1047 in California:

Impact of AI on Jobs and Society:

  • Fact: One of the key impacts of AI is the automation of tasks that were previously performed by humans, leading to concerns about job displacement. SB 1047, for example, is partly aimed at mitigating these risks by placing safeguards around the most advanced AI systems that could lead to significant workforce changes​(Default)​(Global Law Firm | DLA Piper).

  • Example: Over the last six months, you have personally experienced challenges reentering the tech industry due to AI streamlining processes, making it harder to secure jobs. This illustrates how AI can affect individuals in real time, showing that this is not just a future issue but one that is already here.

Ethical AI and Human Rights:

  • Fact: SB 1047 includes provisions to prevent AI from being used to cause harm, such as the creation of biological or chemical weapons, cyberattacks, or other forms of dangerous applications​(Foley & Lardner LLP)​(Global Law Firm | DLA Piper). This speaks directly to the ethical concerns around AI and the need to ensure that its development aligns with human rights and public safety.

  • Example: As someone who has been advocating for ethical AI, you can point to this bill as an effort to balance innovation with human values. However, you can also highlight that much more needs to be done globally to protect people from unintended harms, especially regarding privacy, bias, and misuse.

Need for AI Regulation:

  • Fact: SB 1047 specifically targets advanced AI models by setting high thresholds for regulation, such as requiring models trained with massive computational power (greater than 10^26 operations) to undergo strict safety assessments​(Global Law Firm | DLA Piper)​(Orrick | A Global Law Firm). The bill focuses on preventing AI models from causing "critical harm," including catastrophic damage to infrastructure or public safety.

  • Example: By discussing this bill, you can illustrate how AI regulation is necessary to ensure that AI is safe before it is widely deployed. This would prevent scenarios where unregulated AI systems wreak havoc on jobs, public safety, or privacy.

Grassroots Advocacy for Ethical AI:

  • Fact: SB 1047 includes protections for whistleblowers in the AI development industry, ensuring that employees can report concerns about AI systems without fear of retaliation​(Orrick | A Global Law Firm). This promotes transparency and accountability, both critical to grassroots efforts pushing for ethical AI.

  • Example: Your advocacy through the Voice for Change Foundation can build on these efforts by empowering individuals in the tech community and beyond to raise their voices and demand safer, more ethical AI practices.

Future of AI (with/without Regulation):

  • Fact: Without regulation, advanced AI systems could lead to unintended harm, including the exacerbation of inequality and loss of millions of jobs across various sectors. SB 1047 seeks to prevent such outcomes by placing strict controls on AI models with the potential to cause critical harm​(Global Law Firm | DLA Piper)​(Foley & Lardner LLP.)

  • Example: Discussing your vision of a future where AI serves humanity can be strengthened by citing the potential consequences of failing to regulate AI, from mass unemployment to increased privacy violations. This contrasts with a future where AI is responsibly developed and regulated to support societal progress.

These examples will help you elaborate on the agenda topics, providing a foundation for a thoughtful, fact-based discussion during your call.

Note: The preparation for this phone call was completed in less than 15 minutes while I was riding my bike to the doctor's office, using ChatGPT's text-to-speech functionality on my iPhone, saving me personal time and allowing for a more productive day.


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