Reaching Out to Governor Newsom on Labor Day—A Call for Action on AI Safety

As we celebrate Labor Day, a day that honors the contributions of workers across our state and nation, it’s important to reflect not only on the past but also on the future. Today, I took a step that I believe is crucial for the protection of our society and workforce by reaching out to Governor Gavin Newsom regarding the landmark bill, SB 1047, which is currently on his desk awaiting his signature.

SB 1047 isn’t just another piece of legislation; it represents a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate about how we, as a society, will handle the rapidly advancing power of artificial intelligence (AI). This bill, led by California State Senator Scott Wiener, seeks to implement basic, yet vital, safety standards for the development of AI technologies. It has passed through both the California State Assembly and Senate with wide margins, signaling strong bipartisan support. Despite this, the bill now faces intense opposition from some of the biggest names in tech, including OpenAI, Facebook, and powerful venture capital firms.

The essence of SB 1047 is simple but significant: it holds AI companies accountable for the potential harms their advanced models might cause. This includes requiring companies that spend over $100 million on AI development to have safety plans in place and offering whistleblower protections to those within the industry. These measures are not just reasonable; they are necessary in an era where AI systems could have far-reaching and even catastrophic consequences if left unchecked.

What’s particularly concerning is the fierce lobbying against this bill from influential figures in the tech industry. These opponents argue that such regulations will restrict innovation. However, we must ask ourselves: at what cost are we willing to push forward without oversight? Innovation without responsibility is a recipe for disaster, especially when dealing with technologies as powerful as AI.

This Labor Day, I wrote to Governor Newsom because I believe that the future of AI safety is not just a matter of technological development—it’s a matter of public safety, economic stability, and ethical responsibility. As the governor of a state that has always been at the forefront of technological advancement, Newsom has the unique opportunity to set a global precedent. By signing SB 1047 into law, he can show that California values not only innovation but also the safety and well-being of its citizens and the broader global community.

SB 1047 is not about slowing down progress; it’s about ensuring that the progress we make is sustainable and beneficial for all. The bill is designed with the future in mind, recognizing that AI technologies are evolving at a pace that outstrips our current regulatory frameworks. By implementing safety standards and holding companies accountable, SB 1047 aims to prevent the kinds of unforeseen consequences that could arise from unchecked AI development.

The opposition to this bill, driven by some of the most powerful tech companies and venture capitalists, highlights the tension between innovation and regulation. These entities argue that imposing regulations could constrain the competitive edge of the U.S. in the global AI race. However, this perspective overlooks the critical importance of ensuring that AI development is conducted responsibly. Without proper safeguards, the potential for AI to cause harm—whether through biased algorithms, job displacement, or even more severe societal disruptions—is too great to ignore.

Governor Newsom is now at a crossroads. The decision he makes on SB 1047 will not only impact California but will also resonate on a national and global scale. If he signs the bill, he will be taking a bold step towards establishing a framework for AI safety that other states and countries could follow. This could position California as a leader in ethical AI development, balancing innovation with the necessary precautions to protect society.

On the other hand, if Governor Newsom vetoes the bill or allows it to pass without his signature, it could signal to the world that economic interests and technological advancement take precedence over public safety and ethical considerations. This would be a missed opportunity to address the real and present dangers associated with AI, and it could set a dangerous precedent for how other regions approach AI regulation.

As someone who has been advocating for ethical AI through my nonprofit, Voice For Change Foundation, I am deeply concerned about the implications of this decision. The stakes are incredibly high, and the potential consequences of inaction are severe. This is why I felt compelled to reach out to Governor Newsom on this Labor Day—a day that reminds us of the importance of protecting and valuing the workforce that drives our economy.

In my letter, I urged Governor Newsom to consider the long-term impacts of his decision and to recognize that signing SB 1047 into law is not just a legislative act; it’s a moral imperative. The world is watching California, and what happens here could shape the future of AI governance worldwide.

As we honor the contributions of workers today, let’s also take a moment to think about the future we want to build. A future where AI is developed responsibly, where innovation is guided by ethical considerations, and where the safety and well-being of society are prioritized above all else. This Labor Day, I call on all Californians—and all those concerned about the future of AI—to make their voices heard. Together, we can advocate for a safer, more ethical approach to AI, and ensure that our technological advancements benefit all of humanity.

On behalf of those committed to ethical AI and beyond,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec


The Silent Revolution: Advocating for Ethical AI in a World Unaware (Part 2)


Understanding the Risks of AI Data Ownership in the Context of Senate Bill 1047