The Overlooked Threat: AI Job Displacement and the Need for Comprehensive Action

In my ongoing advocacy for ethical AI and workforce preservation, I recently had the opportunity to engage with Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi on the subject of artificial intelligence. His response highlighted the commendable work being done to ensure the safe and secure development of AI technologies, particularly concerning national security. However, this interaction also underscored a glaring gap in the current discourse among policymakers: the significant and imminent threat of job displacement due to AI and automation.

Congressman Krishnamoorthi’s commitment to advancing AI safely is evident. His efforts in introducing legislation like the SEMI Act and securing provisions in the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2024 are crucial steps in maintaining America’s technological competitiveness and safeguarding against adversarial threats. The focus on preventing the misuse of AI by foreign actors, especially in the context of misinformation and surveillance, is vital for national security.

However, while the security aspects of AI are rightly being addressed, there is a conspicuous silence on the issue of job displacement. This omission is not unique to Congressman Krishnamoorthi; it reflects a broader trend among policymakers. The rapid advancements in AI and automation are poised to displace millions of jobs across various sectors, and this looming crisis demands immediate attention.

The Imminent Threat of Job Displacement

Recent projections are alarming. Based on current trends, it is estimated that by April 2025, the unemployment rate in the United States could reach 13.4%. This translates to approximately 22.5 million people who could be out of work, a scenario that poses a significant threat to our national socio-economic stability. The displacement is not confined to one sector; it spans industries such as fast food, retail, manufacturing, and even tech. The implications of such widespread unemployment are profound and multifaceted:

  1. Economic Instability: A sharp increase in unemployment rates can lead to economic downturns, with reduced consumer spending affecting businesses and potentially triggering recessions.

  2. Social Unrest: Large-scale job displacement can lead to increased poverty and social unrest, particularly in urban areas where the concentration of unemployed workers can exacerbate tensions.

  3. Mental Health Crisis: The loss of jobs and the resultant financial insecurity can contribute to a rise in mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and stress-related illnesses.

The Need for Comprehensive Policy Interventions

Addressing the threat of job displacement due to AI requires a multifaceted approach. It is not enough to focus solely on the security aspects of AI; we must also implement policies that protect workers and ensure a just transition to an AI-driven economy. Here are some essential measures that need to be considered:

  1. Investment in Reskilling Programs: To equip workers with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy, we need robust reskilling programs. Lifelong learning should be supported by both public and private sectors, ensuring that displaced workers can find new employment opportunities.

  2. Policy Interventions: Governments must enact policies that protect workers from sudden displacement. This includes stronger safety nets, financial support for displaced workers, and incentives for companies to retain human employees. Regulations for ethical AI implementation are also crucial to prevent exploitation and ensure fairness.

  3. Promotion of Human-AI Collaboration: Rather than viewing AI as a replacement for human labor, we should focus on creating systems where humans and AI can work together. This synergy can lead to increased productivity and new job opportunities, mitigating the adverse effects of automation.

A Call to Action

It is imperative that our leaders recognize the gravity of the job displacement issue and act swiftly to address it. The potential for massive job losses is not just a theoretical concern; it is a pressing reality that could unravel the social and economic fabric of our nation. We need a comprehensive, proactive strategy that addresses the immediate risks while also laying the groundwork for a resilient, adaptable future workforce.

As I continue my advocacy, I call on all Americans to join me in raising awareness about this critical issue. Together, we can influence the policies and decisions that will shape our future. By demanding action from our leaders and supporting ethical AI practices, we can ensure that technological progress benefits all members of society, rather than leaving millions behind.

In conclusion, while the security of AI is undoubtedly important, we must not overlook the equally critical issue of job displacement. The future of our workforce, our economy, and our society depends on our ability to address this challenge head-on. The time to act is now, before the crisis deepens and the path to recovery becomes even steeper.

Email Content:

Dear Mr. Bihan-Poudec,

Thank you for contacting my office to share your concerns regarding artificial intelligence (AI). I appreciate you taking the time to express your thoughts, and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

Private and public institutions are making rapid advances in the field of artificial intelligence, and AI will likely pair extraordinary growth and opportunity with immense disruption and risk. I believe Congress has a responsibility to simultaneously place reasonable restrictions on this emerging technology while also directing investment toward American companies and institutions that are driving AI innovations. If adversarial nations out-compete America, it could seriously undermine our economy and our national security. It is essential that America does not cede its leadership in the field of AI.

I was proud to introduce H.R. 8763 – The Seeding Enterprises in the Microelectronic Industry (SEMI) Act in 2020. The legislation established the MicroE4AI program which drives innovations in AI technologies within the intelligence community. I was able to get this important bipartisan initiative signed into law, and I will continue to support similar efforts.

Additionally, as a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I secured the inclusion of provisions in the Intelligence Authorization Act of 2024 that address the urgent need for investments into AI. I ensured that the legislation supports the development of next-generation microelectronics, which are crucial to the continued advancement of AI, and I am working diligently to interform this important provision into law. My goal is to maintain America’s technological competitiveness so we can be aware of, and respond to, threats from abroad. I was proud to join colleagues from both parties in passing this important legislation.

While I am eager to see the accelerated development of AI at home, I am also aware that nefarious actors can use AI for malign purposes. AI can be used to generate and spread misinformation, eroding social trust in democracy, as well as to surveil and manipulate citizens, undermining individual freedoms. That is why I led an open and bipartisan letter calling on certain U.S.-based venture capital firms to explain their investments in AI technologies in the People’s Republic of China. As the Ranking Member of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (C.C.P.), I know the C.C.P. has utilized AI to undermine democratic values both domestically and outside its borders. I am mindful that overregulation can undermine innovation, but I do not believe American companies should invest in technologies that are being used by the C.C.P. to undermine American values.

Furthermore, in a recent public hearing I had the opportunity to question the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, about threats from AI language models like ChatGPT. He informed me that our intelligence community is developing systems which detect the use of AI language models by adversarial nations. This technology will help us counter attempts to manipulate Americans. I will closely follow this issue to ensure these systems are developed and employed.

Collectively, this balanced approach recognizes the risks and opportunities associated with AI. My work with AI is aligned with my mission of growing the US economy and strengthening our national security.

Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this important matter. I hope that you will continue to keep me informed about the issues important to you and your family, as your input helps me to better serve you as your Congressman. Please stay informed about the latest issues coming out of Washington by visiting to sign up for my e-newsletter.  

Thank you again.


Raja Krishnamoorthi

Member of Congress

Email Response:

Subject: Follow-Up on AI Job Displacement Concerns

Email Body:

Dear Congressman Krishnamoorthi,

Thank you for your thoughtful response and for your ongoing efforts to ensure the safe and responsible development of artificial intelligence (AI). I deeply appreciate your leadership and the proactive measures you are taking to address the security implications of AI technologies.

I would like to follow up on a related and equally urgent matter: the issue of job displacement due to AI and automation. Recent data and projections paint an alarming picture for the future of employment in the United States. Based on current market trends and the ongoing trend of job displacement due to unchecked AI implementation, it is estimated that by April 2025, the unemployment rate could soar to an alarming 13.4%. This translates to approximately 22.5 million Americans who could find themselves without a source of income.

In recent months, I have been advocating for the millions of Americans whose livelihoods are threatened by these technological shifts. The potential for massive job displacement is not just a theoretical concern; it is a pressing reality that could unravel the social and economic fabric of our nation. Increased poverty, mental health crises, and widespread economic instability are just some of the dire consequences we face if we fail to address this issue promptly and effectively.

I urge you to consider the following measures to mitigate the impact of AI on the workforce:

  1. Investment in Reskilling Programs: Develop and fund comprehensive reskilling programs to equip workers with the skills needed to thrive in an AI-driven economy. Lifelong learning should become a norm, supported by both public and private sectors.

  2. Policy Interventions: Implement policies that protect workers from sudden displacement, including stronger safety nets, incentives for companies to retain human workers, and regulations for ethical AI implementation.

  3. Promotion of Human-AI Collaboration: Encourage the development of systems where humans and AI can work together, increasing productivity and creating new job opportunities.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to continuing this important dialogue and working together to ensure a future where technological progress benefits all members of society.

Best regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder | Voice For Change Foundation


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