A Pleading Cry for Millions of Americans

In the past few months, I've been deeply engaged in advocating for the countless Americans whose lives are at risk due to the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence and automation technologies. As these technologies advance at an unprecedented pace, the threat of massive job displacement looms ever larger. My recent correspondences with the White House have underscored the urgency of this situation and the need for immediate, decisive action to protect our workforce.

Recent predictions paint a bleak picture for the future of employment in the United States. It is estimated that by April 2025, the unemployment rate could soar to an alarming 13.4%. This translates to 22.5 million people—real individuals with families, bills, and dreams—who could find themselves without a source of income. These are not just numbers; they represent the fabric of our society, the heart and soul of our nation.

In my letters to the White House, I have emphasized the profound human impact of these statistics. The potential devastation extends far beyond financial hardship. It threatens to unravel the very social and economic structures that hold our communities together. Increased poverty, mental health crises, and a decline in overall well-being are just some of the dire consequences we face if we do not act swiftly and effectively.

I have urged our leaders to recognize the gravity of this situation and to implement policies that will safeguard American jobs. This includes investing in retraining programs, supporting small businesses, and ensuring that the deployment of AI and automation technologies is done responsibly and ethically. It is imperative that we prioritize the well-being of our workforce and ensure that technological progress does not come at the expense of human livelihoods.

Despite my persistent efforts and numerous letters, I have not once heard back from the White House. The silence is disheartening, especially given the magnitude of the issue at hand. The response from our leaders thus far has been non-existent, but the enormity of the challenge demands more than just acknowledgment. We need a comprehensive, proactive strategy that addresses the immediate risks while also laying the groundwork for a resilient, adaptable future workforce.

As I continue my advocacy, I am committed to amplifying the voices of those who are most vulnerable to these changes. I am calling on all Americans to join me in this effort—to raise awareness, demand action, and support one another through these challenging times. Together, we can influence the policies and decisions that will shape our future.

This is not just a plea for help; it is a call to action. We must act now to protect millions of American lives and ensure a future where technology enhances our society rather than undermines it. I remain hopeful that with concerted effort and unwavering resolve, we can navigate these turbulent times and emerge stronger and more united than ever before.

Thank you for reading and for standing with me in this crucial fight.



Subject: Urgent Action Needed: Al and Automation Threatening Jobs and Economy

Dear President Biden,

I am deeply concerned about the rapid, unchecked implementation of Al and automation in the United States, which poses an imminent threat to our workforce and economy.

Businesses are adopting Al to cut costs, leading to significant job displacement. For example, California's $20 minimum wage law resulted in around 9,500 job losses in the fast food industry as companies turned to automation. The tech sector has also seen substantial layoffs, and creative industries are starting to feel the impact of advanced Al tools like Sora by OpenAl and Llama 3 by Meta.

The current political climate, especially in an election year, makes it challenging to pass critical legislation like the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024. Every week and month without action brings us closer to a societal and economic iceberg, reminiscent of the Titanic's fateful journey.

Unlike Europe, which has implemented regulations to protect workers, the U.S. has taken a laissez-faire approach, allowing companies to prioritize profits over people, exacerbating economic inequality and social instability. The broader implications include rising unemployment, increased income inequality, and potential global economic destabilization.

I urge you to advocate for and support the swift passage of regulations that balance the benefits of Al with the need to protect American workers. Policies such as job retraining programs, financial support for displaced workers, and incentives for responsible Al adoption are essential. Addressing these issues proactively can lead to a more equitable and sustainable economic system that prioritizes human welfare alongside technological advancement.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder | Voice For Change Foundation

Subject: Urgent Action Required: Projected Unemployment Crisis Due to Al and Automation

Dear Biden-Harris Administration,

I am writing to bring to your immediate attention the alarming projections regarding the U.S. unemployment rate over the next 12 months, driven primarily by the unchecked implementation of artificial intelligence (Al) and automation across various sectors. Our latest prediction model, considering current market trends and job displacement, forecasts an unemployment rate that could reach 13.4% by April 2025.

The rapid displacement due to Al and automation threatens our economy and society. Sectors such as fast food, retail, manufacturing, and tech are seeing significant reductions in human labor as companies adopt Al solutions. This transformation is outpacing new job creation, leading to increasing economic instability.

To prevent a societal and economic collapse, it is imperative that the administration takes urgent action. I urge you to consider the following measures:

Investment in Reskilling and Education: Develop and fund programs to reskill workers, equipping them with the tools to thrive in an Al-driven economy. Lifelong learning must become the norm.

Policy Interventions: Enact policies that protect workers from sudden displacement. This includes stronger safety nets, incentives for companies to retain human workers, and regulations for ethical Al implementation.

Human-Al Collaboration: Promote environments where humans and Al work together, increasing productivity and new job opportunities, mitigating the adverse effects of automation.

Immediate action is crucial to safeguard millions of Americans and ensure economic stability. We cannot afford to wait until the crisis deepens after the 2024 election.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I am available to discuss further and provide any additional information needed.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder | Voice For Change Foundation

Subject: Urgent Follow-Up: Potential Devastating Unemployment Rates

Dear Biden-Harris Administration,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my previous correspondence regarding the urgent issue of workforce displacement due to the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence and automation technologies. Recent predictions indicate an alarming trend that demands immediate attention and action.

It is projected that by April 2025, the unemployment rate in the United States could reach a staggering 13.4%, equating to 22.5 million unemployed Americans. These numbers are not just statistics; they represent millions of American lives that could be shattered, families facing financial ruin, and communities grappling with unprecedented social and economic challenges.

The potential impact of such widespread unemployment is devastating.

Beyond the immediate financial distress, it could lead to long-term societal issues, including increased poverty, mental health crises, and a decline in overall national well-being. The urgency of this situation cannot be overstated. We must act now to implement policies and strategies that will mitigate the negative effects of Al and automation on our workforce.

I implore you to consider the gravity of these projections and take decisive action to address this impending crisis. The future of millions of American families depends on the leadership and foresight of our government.

Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your response and to working together to find sustainable solutions for our nation's workforce.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder | Voice For Change Foundation


The Overlooked Threat: AI Job Displacement and the Need for Comprehensive Action


The Looming Crisis: Unemployment Rate Expected to Soar as AI Takes Over