The Imminent Workforce Catastrophe in the United States Due to AI. A Cry for Help to the European Union.

Subject: Urgent Appeal for Ethical AI Regulation to Prevent a Workforce Catastrophe

Dear President Emmanuel Macron,

My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I am writing to you with a deep sense of urgency and concern. As a French expatriate living in the United States for the past 15 years, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative and disruptive impacts of technological advancements, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Today, I find myself compelled to reach out to you regarding a matter that holds significant implications not just for France, but for the global community.

Recent developments have introduced a technological tool called Sora, created by Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, and backed by prominent figures like Ashton Kutcher. This tool promises to revolutionize the way we create and consume media by allowing users to render and watch their own movies. While this may sound like a remarkable advancement, it poses an existential threat to millions of workers across various sectors, including cinematography, advertising, marketing, entertainment, education, journalism, healthcare, real estate, and many more.

The promotion and potential widespread adoption of such technologies could lead to unprecedented job displacement and economic disruption. In the United States alone, over 441,700 individuals are employed in the motion picture and sound recording industries as of January 2024, and approximately 2,740,000 individuals work primarily in video content creation. These are not just statistics; they represent lives, families, and livelihoods. The rapid implementation of AI without proper regulations and ethical considerations could render countless workers obsolete, stripping them of their dignity and purpose.

The tool called “Sora” can generate AI-created content in just a few minutes for a fraction of the cost—about 20 euros, which is the price of the monthly membership once it becomes available to the public. This is similar to the cost of ChatGPT's premium membership from OpenAI. Currently, it costs studios around 150 million dollars on average to create a blockbuster movie, employing numerous people. Without regulatory frameworks, it is unlikely studios will continue spending up to 350 million or even half a billion dollars on movie production when such a movie can be made in under 5 minutes with “Sora.” American actor Ashton Kutcher, who has access to a beta version of the tool, stated that it is 30 times better than it was a year ago. He mentioned that 'Sora' allows content creation from a few keywords without needing set designers, costume designers, sound designers, etc. These developments are alarming. What will the 2,740,000 people in the US who make videos for a living do if a cheap tool can replace their jobs and render their skillsets obsolete?

The impacts of AI and automation on the current labor market in the United States are already visible. Fast-food workers are being replaced by kiosks, and even AI-generated voices, as is the case at a restaurant called “Wendy's.” As a displaced worker, I have been unable to reenter the tech job market for over six months, as companies streamline their operations with AI. Workers are experiencing a hiring freeze, and companies continue to let go of an average of 10% of their workforce, if not more. In April alone, we lost 175,000 jobs nationwide, averaging 2,100 families every day who can no longer pay their mortgage or rent, afford the high cost of education for their children, expensive healthcare medication, and necessities such as food and shelter.

After being a data analyst for over a decade and the Director of Business Intelligence for an accounting firm at my last job, I was personally facing homelessness this month due to my inability to find another good-paying job. I am currently making close to minimum wage at a receptionist job, which is not enough for me to live on. Some feedback I've received from my social media from other Americans regarding this unspoken job displacement crisis by American TV news channels is that some people have had to take on not just one additional job on top of their full-time job, but two, just to survive as inflation and the cost of living have become unaffordable for the middle class post-COVID.

As someone who has dedicated 10 years to data analysis and storytelling through data, I have spent the past six months researching the impacts of AI on the workforce. My findings are alarming and indicate that we are on the brink of a crisis similar to the global warming emergency highlighted by former Vice President Al Gore. The AI boom of 2024 marks the beginning of a new era that demands immediate and decisive action.

Through my numerous outreaches to US government bodies such as State Senators, Congressmen, Congresswomen, and the President of the United States, the overall feedback indicates a lack of a concrete plan to address the imminent threat of job displacement due to AI and automation. Despite my extensive efforts to reach American news media, politicians, and other leaders, I have encountered a pervasive lack of response and planning. This absence of leadership and foresight is deeply troubling, especially as AI technology continues to advance at an exponential rate.

I implore you, President Macron, to consider the gravity of this situation and to take a stand for ethical AI regulation. The European Union has historically been a leader in implementing forward-thinking policies and protecting the rights of its citizens. Your leadership is crucial in advocating for international cooperation and establishing guidelines that ensure the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies.

According to my research, if tools like Sora are released to the public this year as planned, the cinematography industry and others could see up to 2,740,000 jobs impacted or rendered obsolete. Since the United States does not currently have regulatory measures on AI, this socio-economic issue demands immediate attention and action from an outside source, which I believe you could help with.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I remain hopeful that together, we can navigate these challenges and build a future where technology enhances human potential without compromising our values and livelihoods.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec
An American at Heart and Advocate for Ethical AI and Job Preservation

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America’s Divide on AI’s Workforce Impact Could Be Costly