Hello. Jen.

Sydney Bristow is Back

I have some exciting news! Jennifer Garner liked the comment I left on her TikTok post. I think this could be a good sign that she may want to join me as an advocate for ethical AI and to join forces against the latest promotion by Ashton Kutcher of tools such as Sora by OpenAI, which has the potential of impacting up to 2,745,000 jobs in the video-making industry.

In the pursuit of advocating for those affected by job displacement due to artificial intelligence, I reached out to Jennifer Garner, a prominent and influential figure. I was deeply moved by her initial response and her willingness to consider collaborating on such an important project. This blog post chronicles our correspondence and my commitment to bringing the “Transfigured” project to life.

Initial Contact

Dear Jennifer,

I hope this email finds you well. I am Kevin Bihan-Poudec, originally from France but now a proud American at heart, having lived in the United States for over 15 years. We met years ago at the Community United Methodist Church in Pacific Palisades, where you kindly commented on my Halloween costume, a memory I still cherish.

I am reaching out to express my gratitude for your willingness to be involved in such an important issue. As someone who has been deeply affected by job displacement due to the rapid implementation of artificial intelligence, I am committed to raising awareness and advocating for ethical AI and job preservation.

I have written a blog post titled "Leveraging Connections for a Cause: Advocacy for Job Displacement Due to AI" which outlines a project called "Transfigured." This TV show concept explores the societal and economic upheavals caused by AI and automation, focusing on the human stories behind these changes. I believe your involvement could bring a depth of authenticity to this venture, driving conversation and inspiring action on a national and global scale.

I am eager to hear your thoughts on how we could approach shedding light on the job displacement issue due to AI to communities, at the State and National level as well as to the public opinion. Your unique talents and dedication to important causes make you the perfect partner for this initiative.

Please let me know what you would need from me to continue forward with this collaboration. I am open to discussing the draft script, visual concepts, or any other aspect of the project that interests you. Your creative insights would be invaluable in shaping the direction of this project.

Thank you once again for considering this proposal. I look forward to your response and the possibility of working together to make a significant impact.

Warmest regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation | Advocating for Ethical AI and Job Preservation

Jennifer's Response

Dear Kevin,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your passion for advocating for those affected by job displacement due to AI. I appreciate the opportunity to collaborate on such an important project.

I'm impressed by the concept of "Transfigured" and believe it has the potential to make a significant impact. However, before moving forward, I want to ensure that we are fully prepared to dedicate the time, energy, and resources necessary to bring this project to life.

Marketing will be crucial in raising awareness and driving engagement with the issue of job displacement due to AI. It's important that we have a solid plan in place to reach communities, state and national levels, and the broader public. Additionally, presenting this project to my union could provide valuable support and amplify our message.

I'm committed to helping make "Transfigured" known and heard, but I want to make sure you're ready to put in energy time and money to see this project a success. Let's discuss how we can effectively leverage our resources and collaborate to achieve our goals.

Looking forward to further discussion and collaboration.

Best regards,

Jennifer Garner

My Commitment

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for your response. I want to emphasize my full commitment to this project and my genuine belief in its potential impact. However, as a displaced worker in the tech sector, I am currently unable to offer any monetary assistance. Due to tech companies streamlining their operations to artificial intelligence, I have been unable to reenter the job market and am struggling to afford basic necessities such as food and rent.

Given your prestigious status as an international movie star, I am hopeful that the financial aspect necessary to bring this project to fruition can be covered. Your support in this regard would be invaluable.

Again, I am deeply committed to this project and eager to move forward. Please let me know the next steps we should take to make this vision a reality.

Best regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

Jennifer's Encouragement

Sorry to say but there's nothing I can do for you especially financially if I don't see your seriousness in making this your project a reality. Kickstart something I'll only help financially when I see your seriousness in making TRANSFIGURED KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE.

If you're serious I can forward you the email of an influencer/marketer, works for a big brand and I think that's all you need for now.

Taking the Next Step

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your willingness to assist in other ways. I am fully committed to making this project a reality and would greatly appreciate the email of the influencer/marketer you mentioned. This contact could be instrumental in moving the project forward and demonstrating my seriousness.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,


Latest Correspondence

Dear Jennifer,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email, as I haven't heard back from you in a few days. I remain fully committed to making "Transfigured" a reality and believe that the email of the influencer/marketer you mentioned could be instrumental in moving the project forward.

I also wanted to share some exciting news – I was thrilled to see that you liked the comment I left on your recent TikTok post. 

This positive interaction gives me hope that you may be interested in joining me as an advocate for ethical AI. Your support and involvement would be invaluable in raising awareness and driving meaningful change.

Thank you once again for your willingness to assist. I look forward to your response and the possibility of collaborating further.

Best regards,



This exchange with Jennifer Garner has been a pivotal moment in my journey to advocate for ethical AI and job preservation. Her willingness to support the project, even if initially through connections rather than direct financial assistance, is a testament to her commitment to important causes. I am more determined than ever to bring "Transfigured" to life and make a significant impact on raising awareness about the challenges posed by AI-driven job displacement.

Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward with this important project.


The Future of AI-Generated Life Stories: A New Era of Income and Entertainment


The Imminent Workforce Catastrophe in the United States Due to AI. A Cry for Help to the European Union.