Navigating Bureaucracy: My 2-Hour Struggle to Advocate for AI Regulation at L'Élysée

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Advocating for ethical AI regulation is no small feat, especially when bureaucracy stands in the way. After spending over two hours on the phone with the staff at the Élysée, the office of President Emmanuel Macron, I experienced firsthand the challenges of trying to influence global political figures. The purpose of my call was simple: to urge President Macron to pressure California Governor Gavin Newsom into signing SB 1047, a crucial bill that would set much-needed safeguards for artificial intelligence.

But what unfolded was a frustrating series of delays, hold times, and outright dismissals. Despite the urgency of the matter—after all, the deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto SB 1047 is September 30th—I was met with indifference and ineffective customer service.

Here’s a detailed account of my experience, why this bill is critical, and what happens when those in power fail to listen.

My Call to Action: The Importance of SB 1047

SB 1047 is not just another piece of legislation. This bill would ensure that artificial intelligence technologies, particularly those deployed by large tech companies, are regulated with clear ethical guidelines. Without such a law, we risk economic instability, mass job displacement, and social unrest. As someone who has been directly affected by the rise of AI in the job market, I understand all too well how urgent this is.

Having been unemployed for over a year due to the mass adoption of AI, I’ve watched as companies eagerly replace human workers with automated systems, leaving thousands every single day like myself behind. The reality is grim: entire industries can be decimated overnight, leaving workers without the means to support themselves.

The Bureaucratic Runaround

My attempts to reach someone at the Élysée to deliver this urgent message were met with endless obstacles. I was repeatedly put on hold, transferred between departments, and eventually hung up on. Each representative I spoke to told me that my request would be “studied,” but time is running out. The bill needs to be signed before September 30th, and delays are not an option when the future of the global workforce is at stake.

At one point, I was told to wait patiently while they reviewed my case. But patience is not an option when AI technologies continue to advance at breakneck speed, threatening to wipe out jobs across sectors like customer service, data analytics, and more.

The Catastrophic Consequences of Inaction

If SB 1047 isn’t signed, the consequences could be devastating—not just for California, but for the world. AI has the potential to impact 40% of the global workforce, up to 60% of the workforce in developed countries such as the United States IMF’s Chief warned the World back in January of 2024, and without proper regulation, we will see the rise of a new era of inequality. Entire industries will be automated, and millions will face unemployment, economic instability, and even homelessness. I’ve experienced this firsthand.

For the past year, I’ve submitted countless resumes to no avail. AI systems have made it nearly impossible for candidates to even get their applications seen, let alone considered. This isn’t just an issue in the U.S.; it’s a global problem that demands immediate attention.

A Call for Political Pressure

Despite my frustration, I remain hopeful that President Macron can step in and influence Governor Newsom to do the right thing. France has been a global leader in AI ethics, and Macron has the power to apply diplomatic pressure. His leadership on this issue could be the catalyst that ensures the protection of millions of jobs and the regulation of AI technologies worldwide.

Through my conversation with the Élysée, I provided multiple suggestions on how Macron could leverage France’s economic and political power to sway Governor Newsom. For example, France could threaten to reevaluate its tech collaborations with California if AI remains unchecked, highlighting the economic and ethical importance of regulation.

Conclusion: The World is Watching

As we move toward an AI-driven future, decisions made today will shape the next generation of work, society, and economic stability. SB 1047 is more than just a bill—it’s a safeguard for the future. And while my efforts to communicate this urgency to President Macron’s office were met with delays, I believe that the fight is far from over.

I look forward to seeing what steps are taken not only to protect the future of Californians but also to ensure the safety and well-being of people across the globe. AI has the potential to change everything, but without regulation, that change could be catastrophic.

Governor Newsom, the world is watching. Sign SB 1047 before it’s too late

Email correspondence sent to French President Emmanuel Macron following multiple unsuccessful attempts to gain the attention of his staff via phone:


Subject: Urgent: Influencing Governor Newsom to Sign SB 1047 Before September 30th

Dear President Macron,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today regarding a matter of great urgency and global significance. Unfortunately, after spending nearly two hours speaking with multiple agents from your customer service, I was unable to obtain the appropriate assistance to directly pass on this information to you. I am therefore sending you my suggestions by email, hoping that you will receive them in time to effectively intervene with Governor Gavin Newsom, so that he signs Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) before the deadline of September 30th (Pacific Time).

This bill is crucial for the future of artificial intelligence regulation in the United States, particularly in California. It proposes essential safeguards to ensure the safety of citizens in the face of the dangers of unregulated AI, and could serve as a global model for responsible AI governance. However, Governor Newsom is under significant pressure from several influential tech CEOs, who are prioritizing their short-term financial interests over the long-term safety of the Californian population.

After conducting my own research on the impact of unregulated AI, I have identified several catastrophic scenarios that could occur if SB 1047 is not signed:

  • Massive unemployment: Uncontrolled automation could lead to millions of job losses. According to projections, the unemployment rate could reach 13.4% by April 2025, which would deeply destabilize the U.S. economy.

  • Social crises: The uncontrolled deployment of AI could exacerbate economic and social inequalities, increasing precariousness and tensions, particularly for the most vulnerable workers.

  • Psychological risks: Without proper regulation, the use of AI, especially among young people, could seriously harm their mental well-being. As part of my work with Thera VR, a virtual reality platform focused on mental health, we have already observed potentially dangerous effects in children in the absence of appropriate regulations.

Time is running out. Governor Newsom must sign or veto SB 1047 by September 30th, and your influence at this critical moment could be decisive. There are several subtle but effective ways you could encourage Governor Newsom to sign this vital bill:

  1. Bilateral cooperation and global leadership: France and California have the opportunity to lead by example in ethical AI regulation, a cause of global importance.

  2. Reputation and legacy: Emphasizing the impact of this decision on Newsom’s political legacy could convince him to prioritize public safety over the interests of large tech companies.

  3. Economic and diplomatic considerations: The strong economic ties between France and California could encourage Newsom to consider the importance of regulation in maintaining international partnerships.

  4. Media pressure: A public statement, praising Californian innovation while stressing the importance of safeguards, would exert considerable social pressure on the Governor.

  5. International cooperation on AI safety: You could indicate that France might reevaluate its collaborations with regions that do not take AI regulation seriously.

Governor Newsom’s signing of SB 1047 would set a global precedent for AI governance. I hope you will be able to intervene in time to help protect not only Californians, but also communities around the world from the dangers of unregulated AI.

I remain at your disposal for any further discussion and look forward to hearing about the steps you will have taken to safeguard the future of Californians, the French, and communities worldwide in the context of the safe use of AI.

Thank you for your attention to this essential matter.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder & Advocate, Voice for Change Foundation

Correspondance par email envoyée au Président français Emmanuel Macron après plusieurs tentatives infructueuses pour attirer l'attention de son personnel par téléphone:


Objet : Urgence : Influencer le Gouverneur Newsom pour qu'il signe la SB 1047 avant le 30 septembre

Monsieur le Président Macron,

J'espère que ce message vous trouve bien. Je vous écris aujourd'hui concernant un sujet d'une grande urgence et d'importance mondiale. Malheureusement, après avoir échangé pendant près de deux heures avec plusieurs agents de votre service client, je n’ai pas pu obtenir l’assistance appropriée pour vous transmettre directement ces informations. Je me permets donc de vous envoyer mes suggestions par email dans l’espoir que vous les recevrez à temps pour intervenir efficacement auprès du Gouverneur Gavin Newsom, afin qu'il signe la Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047) avant la date limite du 30 septembre (heure du Pacifique).

Cette loi est cruciale pour l'avenir de la régulation de l'intelligence artificielle aux États-Unis, en particulier en Californie. Elle propose des mesures de protection essentielles pour garantir la sécurité des citoyens face aux dangers d'une IA non régulée, et pourrait devenir un modèle à suivre à l’échelle mondiale. Toutefois, le Gouverneur Newsom fait face à une pression considérable de la part de plusieurs PDG influents de la tech, qui privilégient leurs intérêts financiers à court terme plutôt que la sécurité à long terme de la population californienne.

Après avoir mené mes propres recherches sur l'impact d'une IA non régulée, j’ai identifié plusieurs scénarios catastrophiques qui pourraient survenir si la SB 1047 n'est pas signée :

  • Hausse massive du chômage : L'automatisation non contrôlée pourrait entraîner des millions de pertes d'emplois. D'après des prévisions, le taux de chômage pourrait atteindre 13,4 % d'ici avril 2025, ce qui déstabiliserait profondément l'économie américaine.

  • Crises sociales : Le déploiement incontrôlé de l'IA pourrait aggraver les inégalités économiques et sociales, augmentant la précarité et les tensions, notamment pour les travailleurs les plus vulnérables.

  • Risques psychologiques : Sans un encadrement adapté, l'utilisation de l'IA, notamment auprès des jeunes, pourrait nuire gravement à leur bien-être mental. Dans le cadre de mon travail avec Thera VR, une plateforme de réalité virtuelle axée sur la santé mentale, nous avons déjà observé des effets potentiellement dangereux chez des enfants en l'absence de régulations appropriées.

Le temps presse. Le Gouverneur Newsom doit signer ou opposer son veto à la SB 1047 avant le 30 septembre, et votre influence en ce moment critique pourrait être décisive. Il y a plusieurs moyens subtils mais efficaces par lesquels vous pourriez encourager le Gouverneur Newsom à signer cette loi vitale :

  1. Coopération bilatérale et leadership mondial : La France et la Californie ont l’opportunité de montrer l’exemple en matière de régulation éthique de l’IA, une cause d'importance mondiale.

  2. Réputation et héritage : Souligner l'impact de cette décision sur l'héritage politique de Newsom pourrait le convaincre de privilégier la sécurité publique face aux intérêts des grands groupes technologiques.

  3. Considérations économiques et diplomatiques : Les liens économiques solides entre la France et la Californie pourraient encourager Newsom à envisager l’importance de la régulation pour maintenir des partenariats internationaux.

  4. Pression médiatique : Une déclaration publique, louant l'innovation californienne tout en insistant sur l’importance des garde-fous, exercerait une pression sociale considérable sur le Gouverneur.

  5. Coopération internationale sur la sécurité de l'IA : Vous pourriez indiquer que la France pourrait réévaluer ses collaborations avec des régions qui ne prennent pas au sérieux la régulation de l'IA.

La signature de la SB 1047 par le Gouverneur Newsom serait un précédent mondial en matière de gouvernance de l'IA. J'espère que vous pourrez intervenir à temps pour aider à protéger non seulement les Californiens, mais aussi les communautés du monde entier contre les dangers d'une IA non régulée.

Je me tiens à votre disposition pour tout échange complémentaire et j'attends avec impatience de connaître les mesures que vous aurez prises pour sauvegarder l'avenir des Californiens, des Français, et de toutes les communautés à travers le monde dans le contexte de l'utilisation sûre de l'IA.

Je vous remercie pour votre attention à cette question essentielle.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Fondateur & Avocat, Voice for Change Foundation
Défenseur de l'IA éthique


All Hands on Deck: Insider Source Reveals SB 1047 Will Be Vetoed on Monday


The French Shuffle: My Urgent Calls with the Élysée Palace on AI Legislation