All Hands on Deck: Insider Source Reveals SB 1047 Will Be Vetoed on Monday

Urgent Call to Action

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As of this moment, I have received critical insider information that Governor Gavin Newsom is planning to veto SB 1047 on Monday. This bill, which could have been a historic step in protecting the future from the unchecked dangers of artificial intelligence, is now on the verge of being dismissed.

While many might not see the immediate impacts, I assure you that this decision will affect us all—from the loss of jobs to potential catastrophic consequences if AI models worth over $100 million go out of control. This bill would have allowed us to hit the "pause button" on dangerous AI systems, giving us a lifeline in this fast-evolving technological landscape.

What’s at Stake?

SB 1047 is not just another piece of legislation—it’s a safeguard. It would have ensured that we could intervene when AI systems, operating on a massive scale, begin to threaten lives, livelihoods, and the very fabric of our society. Without it, we are at the mercy of corporate interests and unregulated technology that has the potential to displace millions of jobs and cause irreversible harm.

I know some may think this is an abstract issue or something that only affects the tech world, but the truth is much deeper. This bill is about our future, our jobs, our safety. Unregulated AI could destroy industries, eliminate jobs, and, in the most extreme cases, put human lives at risk.

What Can We Do?

There is still time to change the course of history—but it requires all hands on deck. Here’s how you can help before Monday:

  1. Call Governor Newsom's Office: The governor needs to hear from the people he represents. Tell him that signing SB 1047 is essential for California's future and that you expect him to stand on the side of public safety and responsible innovation.
    👉 Phone Number: (916) 445-2841

  2. Flood Social Media with Support: Use the power of social media to demand action. Tag Governor Newsom (@GavinNewsom) on Twitter/X, Facebook, and Instagram. Use the hashtags #SignSB1047 #AIsafety #ProtectOurFuture to show solidarity and to amplify the urgency of this moment. Every voice matters.

  3. Share the Story: Many people may not know about SB 1047 or understand its importance. Share this post with your network and urge them to take action. The more people who are aware, the more pressure we can put on our leaders to do what’s right.

  4. Contact Influencers and Leaders: If you know someone with a platform, reach out and ask them to raise awareness. Influential voices can help shift public opinion and push this issue to the forefront in the final hours.

The Consequences of Inaction

If Governor Newsom vetoes SB 1047, the consequences could be dire. AI systems operating without sufficient oversight could accelerate job losses, widen economic inequality, and even endanger public safety. We will lose the ability to put the brakes on AI developments that pose a threat to our way of life.

This moment is pivotal. If we don’t act now, we may find ourselves looking back in a few years wondering why we didn’t do more to stop this.

The Future is in Our Hands

This is our last chance to protect ourselves from the unchecked growth of AI. It is our responsibility to ensure that Governor Newsom hears the voices of the people before Monday. The future of responsible technology—and perhaps the future of our workforce—depends on the actions we take right now.

Let’s stand together and make sure our leaders know we won’t accept a future dictated by unchecked, harmful technology. We demand responsible AI and a safer, more just world for all.

Call to Action:

  • Call Governor Newsom: (916) 445-2841

  • Tag Governor Newsom on social media: @GavinNewsom

  • Use the hashtags: #SignSB1047 #AIsafety #ProtectOurFuture

  • Share this post to spread the word.

Together, we can make a difference.

An Urgent Message sent to French President Emmanuel Macron on the evening of September 28th 2024:

Subject: Urgent Action Needed to Prevent AI Catastrophe—Pressure Governor Newsom on SB 1047


Dear President Macron,

I write to you with a deep sense of urgency and a plea for immediate action. I have just received insider information that Governor Gavin Newsom of California is planning to veto SB 1047 on Monday, a critical bill that aims to regulate AI models worth more than $100 million. This bill is our only safeguard to prevent the unchecked growth of artificial intelligence systems that could cause catastrophic harm if left unregulated.

President Macron, I know you understand the risks that AI poses if we do not act responsibly. SB 1047 would allow us to halt AI models when they begin to exhibit harmful behavior—protecting millions of lives and jobs. The consequences of this veto will extend far beyond California and could set a dangerous precedent for how AI is regulated globally.

beg you to act immediately. Please apply pressure on Governor Newsom to sign SB 1047 before it’s too late. We have only until Monday, and your influence could be the turning point that ensures this critical bill is signed.

The future of responsible AI depends on this moment. Please, President Macron, I urge you to stand with us in this fight to ensure the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of rapidly advancing technology. This cannot wait.

With deepest respect and in the hope of your immediate intervention.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder & Advocate, Voice for Change Foundation

Un message urgent envoyé au Président français Emmanuel Macron dans la soirée du 28 septembre 2024 :

Objet : Action urgente nécessaire pour prévenir une catastrophe liée à l'IA—Faire pression sur le gouverneur Newsom concernant le projet de loi SB 1047

Monsieur le Président Macron,

Je vous écris avec un profond sentiment d'urgence et une demande pressante d'agir immédiatement. Je viens de recevoir des informations internes indiquant que le gouverneur Gavin Newsom de Californie prévoit de mettre son veto au projet de loi SB 1047 ce lundi, un projet de loi crucial visant à réglementer les modèles d'IA d'une valeur de plus de 100 millions de dollars. Ce projet de loi est notre seul garde-fou pour empêcher la croissance incontrôlée de systèmes d'intelligence artificielle qui pourraient causer des dommages catastrophiques s'ils ne sont pas réglementés.

Monsieur le Président, je sais que vous comprenez les risques que pose l'IA si nous n'agissons pas de manière responsable. Le projet de loi SB 1047 nous permettrait d'arrêter les modèles d'IA lorsqu'ils commencent à montrer un comportement dangereux—protégeant ainsi des millions de vies et d'emplois. Les conséquences de ce veto dépasseront largement la Californie et pourraient établir un précédent dangereux pour la réglementation de l'IA à l'échelle mondiale.

Je vous implore d'agir immédiatement. Veuillez faire pression sur le gouverneur Newsom pour qu'il signe le projet de loi SB 1047 avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Nous avons jusqu'à lundi, et votre influence pourrait être le tournant qui garantira la signature de cette loi cruciale.

L'avenir de l'IA responsable dépend de ce moment. Je vous prie, Monsieur le Président, de vous tenir à nos côtés dans ce combat pour assurer la sécurité et le bien-être de l'humanité face à l'avancée rapide de la technologie. Cela ne peut pas attendre.

Avec le plus profond respect et dans l'espoir de votre intervention immédiate.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Fondateur, Voice For Change Foundation
Militant pour une IA Éthique


SB 1047 101: What You Need to Know About California’s Groundbreaking AI Safety Bill


Navigating Bureaucracy: My 2-Hour Struggle to Advocate for AI Regulation at L'Élysée