My Attempt at Reasoning with Nancy Pelosi for Her Support on SB 1047

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As the urgency surrounding California Senate Bill 1047 grows, I felt compelled to reach out to Speaker Nancy Pelosi directly. With the bill awaiting a critical decision by September 30th, the potential impact of unregulated AI is too important to ignore. Below is the letter I sent to her, outlining my concerns and the reasons why I believe her support for SB 1047 is essential—not just for California, but for the future of humanity.

Subject: Urgent: Support Needed for SB 1047 to Protect Against Unregulated AI

Dear Speaker Emerita Pelosi,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out in regard to California Senate Bill 1047 and your recent statement expressing concerns about the bill. While I fully understand your reservations, I strongly believe that the potential catastrophic impact of unregulated AI cannot be ignored, especially as we move closer to the September 30 deadline.

We are standing at a crossroads, not only for California but for the nation and the world. Unregulated AI could pose risks that extend far beyond innovation—AI could potentially displace millions of workers, destabilize the economy, and even develop into rogue models with unforeseen capabilities, including weaponization. The future implications could deeply impact the labor force, societal stability, and human rights, and we must act before it’s too late.

I respect the thoughtful approach you and others in Congress are taking to ensure that innovation and protection coexist. However, I believe SB 1047 as it stands offers a crucial first step in protecting our society from runaway AI developments. Once we have secured this baseline protection, I wholeheartedly agree that we can—and should—revisit the bill to address concerns and make further improvements that benefit all parties, including academia, entrepreneurs, and small businesses.

It’s essential to see SB 1047 for what it is: a safeguard against the worst possible outcomes of AI development gone unchecked. The idea that AI could outgrow itself, create models beyond human understanding, or even become weaponized is no longer just a hypothetical scenario. The risks are real, and they require immediate attention.

If you would like to hear more about these concerns and the urgent need for regulation, I encourage you to listen to my podcast, where I discuss this topic in depth with a focus on the societal and ethical impact of unregulated AI. I truly believe that your support of SB 1047 would send a powerful message that the future of humanity and the prosperity of our country matter above all else.


Apple Podcasts:


I urge you to reconsider and support SB 1047 in its current form, knowing that we can always revise and improve it in the future. But right now, time is of the essence. We need this bill to protect not only the technological ecosystem but also the future of our workforce and the safety of society as a whole.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope we can work together to ensure the safety and ethical development of artificial intelligence.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

A concerned resident of Southern California

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation, and Human Rights

For those unfamiliar with SB 1047 or wondering why this matters, here’s a breakdown:

What the heck is Senate Bill 1047 all about, and should I care? 🤔

Absolutely! SB 1047 is about keeping us safe from the most powerful AI systems out there. It’s designed to stop huge AI models from causing catastrophic harm—like massive cyberattacks, or even being used to make dangerous weapons. Think of it as a safeguard against AI going rogue.

Here’s the good news: it won’t affect most startups or the tech you use daily, but it makes sure the biggest AI systems have strict safety checks in place. This means more security for everyone!

It’s not just about innovation—it’s about innovation with responsibility. 💡💪

So, while I reached out to Nancy Pelosi last night to attempt to convince her of the catastrophic impacts unregulated AI could have on the world and to reverse her stand on SB 1047, which is currently awaiting a signature by September 30th, I hope she understands that if this bill doesn’t get signed, we could risk the following:

  • Loss of Jobs for Millions of Americans:

Advanced AI could automate so many tasks that millions of jobs could disappear overnight, leaving families without income and entire industries in crisis.

  • Rogue AI:

This is when an AI system acts outside of human control. Without proper regulations, an AI could make decisions or take actions that harm society—like starting a cyberattack or controlling weapons systems—without human oversight.

  • Social Unrest:

With job losses and fear of AI’s power, society could see widespread protests, instability, and division over how AI is impacting our lives.

  • Extinction of Humanity:

In the most extreme cases, unregulated AI could develop capabilities that are beyond our control, leading to outcomes where human safety and even existence are at risk.

Nancy Pelosi’s Current Stand on SB 1047

As of now, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi has expressed concerns about SB 1047, hesitating to give her full support.

To be continued...

Her reservations could influence Governor Gavin Newsom, who is expected to make the final decision on whether to sign the bill by September 30th. If Pelosi’s concerns persist, Newsom may be swayed against signing this critical bill, potentially opening the door for catastrophic consequences.

Pelosi has the power to shift the tide. Her support could save millions of lives affected by the risks of unregulated AI. More than just a political decision, her backing could change the course of humanity by ensuring that AI evolves safely and ethically, preventing rogue AI from wreaking havoc on our world.

We need to make sure SB 1047 gets signed to prevent these very real dangers from becoming our future.

I’m advocating for this not only to ensure that AI can continue to grow and benefit our world responsibly but also to protect our workforce, social stability, and the future of humanity. We have a unique opportunity right now to make sure that AI evolves with safety at its core—and that requires support from leaders like Nancy Pelosi.

Feel free to show your support for SB 1047 by contacting Pelosi’s office via telephone, contact form, or snail mail (though we don't have much time for that—the safeguard of humankind will be decided within the next 13 days). This is an issue that affects us all, and the time to act is now.


Mayday: The Urgency of AI Regulation at 2:50 PM, Local Time


Will Governor Gavin Newsom Go Against Pelosi’s Stand on SB 1047?