Mayday: The Urgency of AI Regulation at 2:50 PM, Local Time

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In today's fast-paced world, the balance between innovation and safety hangs in the balance. As I sit down to write this at exactly 5:50 AM, PST, 2:50 PM French time, just after sending an urgent email to French President Emmanuel Macron, I can’t help but feel the weight of what’s at stake. This isn't a dramatic cry for attention—it’s a very real call to action. The email I sent is far from hyperbole; it’s grounded in the alarming risks that artificial intelligence (AI) poses if left unchecked and unregulated.

Senate Bill 1047, which awaits Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature by September 30th, has the potential to set essential guardrails around the most powerful AI systems. Yet, there is an unsettling silence surrounding this critical piece of legislation. Time is running out, and the repercussions of ignoring this issue could ripple across industries, governments, and societies on a global scale.

Why "Mayday"? Why Now?

The term "Mayday" originates from the French "m’aider"—meaning "help me"—and has long been a distress call for emergencies requiring immediate attention. Today, the Mayday I am sounding is not about a sinking ship or a stranded plane; it’s about the looming dangers of unregulated AI. Experts in AI, such as Mo Gawdat, a former Google executive, have gone on record warning, "In 10 years. We’ll be hiding from machines. If you don’t have kids, maybe wait a few years until we have some certainty. I don’t know how else to say it. It makes me emotional. We f***** up. We always said, "Don’t put AI on the open internet until we know what we’re doing. The government needs to act now. Honestly, we’re late." The potential for AI to go rogue, evolving into forms we cannot control, is not just a science fiction scenario—it’s a plausible risk that we are facing today.

Another expert, Eric Schmidt, who also served as Google’s CEO, stated, "This stuff is under-hyped, not overhyped, because the arrival of an intelligence of a non-human form is really a big deal for the world. It’s coming, it’s here, it’s about to happen, it happens in stages.” warnings come from people who have been at the forefront of AI's development, and they know the potential risks better than anyone else.

The Alarming Realities of Unregulated AI

SB 1047 aims to address several dangers that arise from large AI models that are allowed to operate without proper oversight. These are not speculative risks but real, immediate concerns:

  1. Mass Job Loss: AI could automate millions of jobs, leaving industries without human workers and societies without the means to sustain entire populations. We’ve already seen glimpses of this as automation increasingly displaces workers in manufacturing, data entry, and even creative fields like content generation.

  2. Rogue AI: This is the scenario where AI begins to act independently, potentially controlling critical systems such as weapons, transportation, or even financial markets. Without regulation, these systems could develop unforeseen capabilities, posing direct threats to society.

  3. Social Unrest: As AI displaces more workers and industries, we could see mass protests, strikes, and division across the globe, as people struggle to adapt to a world increasingly controlled by machines.

  4. The Extinction Risk: In the most extreme scenario, unchecked AI development could lead to outcomes that are beyond human control, even endangering human existence. These scenarios may sound far-fetched, but experts agree that the risk is not zero, and the consequences are too grave to ignore.

Time Is Running Out

Governor Newsom’s decision on SB 1047 is crucial. His delay, possibly due to pressure from billion-dollar tech companies, could have disastrous consequences for not only California but the world. This is why I’ve reached out to President Macron—France has long been a leader in addressing global technological challenges. If Macron can influence this debate, perhaps we can set a global precedent for AI safety and responsibility.

In my latest effort to push forward this bill, I’ve also reached out to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita of the U.S. House of Representatives. I detailed the potential catastrophic consequences if this bill isn’t signed. Unfortunately, she has not yet lent her support, which might influence Governor Newsom to veto the bill. Her involvement, along with international pressure, could be what it takes to ensure this legislation becomes law.

The Ripple Effect on the Global Economy

If SB 1047 is vetoed, the ripple effects could be felt globally. The lack of regulation would allow powerful AI systems to evolve unchecked, potentially destabilizing economies, industries, and governments worldwide. This isn't just a tech industry issue—it’s a global human issue. The unchecked advancement of AI could reshape labor markets, exacerbate inequality, and potentially lead to geopolitical crises.

What Can You Do?

We are at a turning point, and the decisions made in California over the next two weeks will shape the future of AI development across the globe. As a global community, we need to demand that our leaders prioritize safety over profit, ethics over rapid innovation. If you agree with the urgency of SB 1047, now is the time to act.

You can support this cause by raising awareness through social media, contacting local representatives, and staying informed on the broader implications of AI technology.

This is our Mayday call. The future of AI—our future—depends on what happens next.

Stay tuned for more updates, and feel free to share this blog to spread awareness of the critical importance of AI regulation.

Letter to French President Emmanuel Macron

Subject: Mayday: Urgent Need for AI Regulation and SB 1047 – Protecting the Future Before September 30th


President Emmanuel Macron,

I hope this message finds you in good health. I am following up on my letter from September 10, 2024, concerning the crucial importance of Senate Bill SB 1047 and the necessity for international cooperation on regulating artificial intelligence.

As the September 30 deadline approaches, I wanted to provide you with an update and reiterate the urgency of this issue. Since my last communication, I have continued my advocacy for this bill by recently reaching out to Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, to present to her the plausible consequences of the lack of AI regulation. These risks are not science fiction, but very real dangers. AI experts, such as Mo Gawdat, a former Google executive, have warned: "In 10 years, we’ll be hiding from machines... We messed up. We always said not to put AI on the open internet until we knew what we were doing. The government needs to act now.” Similarly, Eric Schmidt, another former Google executive, emphasized that "AI is under-hyped, not overhyped, because the introduction of non-human forms is a major deal for the world."

Unfortunately, Speaker Pelosi has not yet expressed her support for this bill, likely because she is not fully aware of the potential dangers to humanity if this legislation is not signed. This is especially concerning given that Governor Newsom, under pressure from big tech companies, has not taken a clear stance on this issue. It is crucial that someone of your stature intervenes to open a dialogue with him, especially as the deadline approaches.

Experts are warning against several catastrophic scenarios that this bill could help prevent:

  • Massive Job Losses: AI could automate millions of tasks, plunging entire families into financial hardship.

  • Uncontrollable AI: Without regulation, AI could make decisions or take harmful actions, such as launching cyberattacks or controlling weapons systems.

  • Social Unrest: The impact of unregulated AI could trigger social unrest, exacerbating divisions and fueling protests.

  • Human Extinction: In the worst-case scenario, AI could develop beyond our control, threatening human safety and even existence.

I remain optimistic that your intervention could encourage Governor Newsom to sign this crucial legislation before the deadline. Your involvement would send a strong message about the need for responsible AI regulation on a global scale.

Thank you sincerely for your attention, and I hope we can unite our efforts to ensure a safe, ethical, and prosperous technological future for all.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec 

Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation

French Translation:

Objet: Mayday: Urgence de la régulation de l'IA et SB 1047 – Protéger l'avenir avant le 30 septembre

Monsieur le Président,

J'espère que ce message vous trouve en bonne santé. Je fais suite à ma lettre du 10 septembre 2024, concernant l'importance cruciale du projet de loi SB 1047 et la nécessité d'une coopération internationale sur la régulation de l'intelligence artificielle.

Alors que la date limite du 30 septembre approche, je souhaitais vous fournir une mise à jour et réitérer l'urgence de cette question. Depuis ma dernière communication, j'ai poursuivi mon plaidoyer pour ce projet de loi en contactant récemment la Présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, afin de lui présenter les conséquences plausibles de l'absence de régulation de l'IA, qui ne sont pas de la science-fiction mais bien des risques tangibles. Des experts en IA, comme Mo Gawdat, ancien cadre de Google, ont mis en garde : « Dans 10 ans, nous nous cacherons des machines... Nous avons échoué. Nous avons toujours dit de ne pas mettre l'IA sur internet ouvert tant que nous ne savons pas ce que nous faisons. Le gouvernement doit agir maintenant. » De même, Eric Schmidt, autre ancien cadre de Google, a souligné que « l'IA est sous-estimée, pas surestimée, car l'introduction de la forme non-humaine est un enjeu majeur pour le monde. »

Malheureusement, Madame Pelosi n'a pas encore manifesté son soutien envers ce projet de loi, probablement parce qu'elle n'a pas pleinement conscience des dangers potentiels pour l'humanité si ce projet n'est pas signé. C'est d'autant plus préoccupant que le Gouverneur Newsom, sous pression des géants de la tech, n'a pas pris de position claire sur cette question. Il est essentiel que quelqu'un de votre stature intervienne pour ouvrir un dialogue avec lui, surtout à l'approche de la date limite.

Les experts mettent en garde contre plusieurs scénarios catastrophiques que ce projet de loi pourrait éviter :

  • Perte massive d'emplois : L'IA pourrait automatiser des millions de tâches, plongeant des familles entières dans la précarité.

  • IA incontrôlable : Sans réglementation, une IA pourrait prendre des décisions ou mener des actions nuisibles, telles que des cyberattaques ou le contrôle de systèmes d'armement.

  • nstabilité sociale : L'impact de l'IA non régulée pourrait provoquer des troubles sociaux, exacerbant les divisions et alimentant les protestations.

  • Extinction de l'humanité : Dans le pire des scénarios, l'IA pourrait se développer au-delà de notre contrôle, menaçant la sécurité humaine et même notre existence.

Je reste optimiste quant au fait que votre intervention pourrait encourager le Gouverneur Newsom à signer cette législation cruciale avant la date butoir. Votre implication enverrait un message fort sur la nécessité d'une régulation responsable de l'IA à l'échelle mondiale.

Je vous remercie sincèrement pour votre attention et espère que nous pourrons unir nos forces pour garantir un avenir technologique sûr, éthique et prospère pour tous.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Défenseur de l'éthique de l'IA et de la préservation des emplois


The Real Chilling Effects: What Happens if SB 1047 Isn’t Signed Into Law?


My Attempt at Reasoning with Nancy Pelosi for Her Support on SB 1047