Democracy in Danger in America Led by the Most Prominent Tech CEO: Elon Musk

In a recent live phone call between Donald Trump and Elon Musk, the comments exchanged featured as “most relevant” were alarmingly one-sided.

The conversation, which was broadcast on one of the largest social media platforms, Twitter/X, on Donald Trump’s now reactivated X account by Elon Musk himself, felt less like a casual chat and more like a coordinated effort to influence public opinion and, ultimately, votes. As someone who bought the platform for a staggering $44 billion under the guise of "freedom of speech," Musk's actions seem to tell a different story—a story that raises serious concerns about the state of democracy in America.

When Musk took over Twitter/X, many hoped it would foster open dialogue and a marketplace of ideas. Instead, what we are witnessing is a platform increasingly used as a tool for propaganda, pushing a singular narrative that serves the interests of a few. The phone call between Musk and Trump is just one example of how the lines between free speech and manipulative influence are being blurred, with the latter posing a direct threat to the democratic process.

In a recent series of public comments, Elon Musk made a flippant remark that he would "rather break my leg than see Taylor Swift during an NFL game." On the surface, this might seem like a simple preference, but when viewed in the broader context of Musk's influence over Twitter/X, it takes on a more troubling significance. This offhand remark might seem trivial at first glance, but it reveals a deeper animosity towards figures like Swift, who have not shied away from criticizing Trump. Taylor Swift's massive online presence and her willingness to speak out against Trump make her a potential threat to Musk's vision for America—a vision that increasingly seems aligned with Trump's divisive rhetoric.

Swift's influence, particularly among younger voters, cannot be understated. Her ability to mobilize her fan base and encourage political engagement is significant. Musk, aware of this, appears to be positioning himself against her and others who challenge the status quo he seems intent on maintaining. By using Twitter/X as a platform to amplify certain voices while marginalizing others, Musk is effectively shaping the narrative leading up to the next election.

This is not just about a dislike for a pop star; it's about the subtle ways in which a tech CEO with enormous power over public discourse can shape narratives to serve specific interests. The comment about Swift is a reflection of how Musk might be using his platform—not to foster open debate and diverse viewpoints, but to push a particular agenda and silence or marginalize those who oppose it.

What makes this even more concerning is that Musk's control over Twitter/X means he can amplify certain voices while suppressing others. The platform, once a forum for free and open discourse, is now increasingly being used as a tool for political propaganda. And when the person in control of that platform starts making public comments that align with a specific political narrative, it blurs the line between freedom of speech and manipulative influence.

The fact that this kind of discourse is happening on such a massive scale, under the direct control of one individual, is deeply troubling. It highlights the inherent risks of concentrated power in the hands of tech CEOs who control platforms that have become central to public communication. When the owner of a platform like Twitter/X starts using it to push a particular political agenda, it undermines the platform's integrity and the democratic principles it should uphold.

This is a critical moment for democracy in America. As the 2024 election approaches, the power of social media to influence public opinion is more significant than ever. Donald Trump’s X account, reactivated by Musk himself, hosted a live phone call featuring only one running presidential candidate. The filtering of “most relevant” comments on that same live call to be one-sided, along with Musk’s remarks about Taylor Swift, may seem minor, but they are emblematic of a larger issue: the danger of allowing one individual to have such control over a platform that millions of people rely on for information.

Democracy thrives on diverse voices and perspectives, not on the curated narratives that serve the interests of the powerful. If Musk continues down this path, using Twitter/X as a tool for political propaganda, the very foundation of our democracy is at risk. The concerns are not just local; they have caught the attention of global regulators.

As highlighted in a recent letter from Thierry Breton, a Member of the European Commission, Musk has been reminded of his obligations under the Digital Services Act (DSA) to ensure that the platform complies with EU law, especially regarding content that could incite violence, hate, or disinformation. This international scrutiny underscores the gravity of the situation and the broader implications of Musk's control over such a powerful platform.

As citizens, it is crucial that we remain vigilant and hold those in power accountable. We must question the motives behind the messages we see on social media and be aware of how these platforms can be used to manipulate public opinion. Democracy is not just about casting a vote; it is about ensuring that the process is fair, transparent, and free from undue influence. In the hands of someone like Musk, Twitter/X has the potential to become the very opposite—a tool for dictatorial control rather than democratic discourse.

The time to act is now. We must demand transparency from tech CEOs and push for regulations that prevent the misuse of social media platforms for political gain. The future of our democracy depends on it. #SaveDemocracy #RegulateElonMusk

Subject: Concern Regarding Potential Violation of Digital Services Act on Twitter/X

Email Content:

Dear Members of the European Commission,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great concern regarding the recent actions of Twitter/X, a platform now under the ownership of Elon Musk. Specifically, I would like to address the apparent filtering of "relevant comments" during a live phone call between former U.S. President Donald Trump and Elon Musk.

As a user of the platform, I observed that the comments marked as "most relevant" during the live broadcast appeared to be overwhelmingly one-sided, favoring the narrative of a single political figure. This selective filtering, if intentional, raises serious concerns about the integrity of the platform and its compliance with the Digital Services Act (DSA), particularly regarding the amplification of content that may not be in the public interest and could potentially mislead or influence public opinion during a crucial election period.

As you are aware, the DSA mandates that platforms, especially those designated as Very Large Online Platforms (VLOPs), must adhere to strict due diligence obligations. These include ensuring that content moderation practices are transparent, non-discriminatory, and do not unduly favor any political ideology or candidate. The biased selection of comments, which seemingly promoted one viewpoint over others, could be seen as a violation of these principles.

Moreover, the ability of one individual to exert such control over the public discourse on a platform with over 300 million users worldwide, one-third of which are in the EU, is alarming. This concentration of power poses a significant risk to the democratic process, as it allows for the manipulation of public opinion on a large scale.

Given the gravity of this situation, I kindly request that the European Commission conduct a thorough investigation into the actions of Twitter/X during this broadcast. It is essential to ensure that the platform is not being used to unfairly influence the outcome of elections or to propagate a specific political agenda, particularly in a manner that could violate EU law.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your response on the steps that will be taken to address these concerns.

Thank you for your commitment to upholding the principles of transparency and fairness in the digital space.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec


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