Advocating for Ethical AI and Job Preservation – A Respectful Approach

In my ongoing efforts to advocate for ethical AI and job preservation, I recently had a call with a representative from Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen's office. As a resident of California, I am keenly aware of the legal implications surrounding recordings and disclosures of conversations. In total respect of the laws in both Washington, D.C., and California, I am sharing this detailed summary and transcript of my conversation without disclosing the personal recording without consent.


Congress Call 1 - Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen’s Office

“AI Employment Impact - Legislative Action - Job Displacement”

📞 Call Information

Date & Time: 2024-05-29 12:44:27

Location: Southern California, CA

Participants: Kevin Bihan-Poudec and a representative from Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen's office

📝 Summary

During my call with a representative from Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen's office, we discussed the significant impact of AI on employment, legislative actions, and the economic changes AI is bringing about. Below is a detailed summary of our discussion.

1. AI Impact, Legislative Action, Employment Projections

1. Caller Information

   - The representative from Congresswoman Pettersen's office initiated the call. Although their office is in Colorado, they are based in Washington DC, while Kevin Bihan-Poudec resides in Southern California, near Los Angeles.

2. AI Impact on Employment

   - We highlighted the devastating impact of AI on employment, noting that 65,000 jobs were lost in April alone, which translates to 2,100 families affected on average every day in April alone which is a stark increase from an average of 780 on average daily earlier in the year.

3. Media Coverage on AI

   - Media coverage on AI and its societal effects is not being currently reported stated Mr. Bihan-Poudec.

4. Legislative Action on AI

   - Due to bipartisan issues and the current election year, significant legislative action on AI is not expected until next year, Mr. Bihan-Poudec noted from a personal source working as a member of the U.S. Congress.

5. Legislative Timeline

   - Any new law passed regarding AI would take 180 days to be enacted, with changes expected by Q2 or Q3 of next year, Mr. Bihan-Poudec reiterated.

6. Future Unemployment Projections

   - Research indicates that the unemployment rate could reach 13.4% by April of next year, potentially affecting 22.5 million Americans highlighted Mr. Bihan-Poudec.

2. AI Legislation, Job Displacement, Economic Changes, Bipartisan Efforts, Election Impact

1. Fraud and AI Legislation

   - Congresswoman Pettersen is focusing on addressing fraud and scams perpetrated by criminals through AI, particularly in elections the Representative noted.

2. AI Privacy and Bias

   - There is bipartisan interest in ensuring AI respects user privacy and is free from biases noted the Representative.

3. Job Displacement

   - Job displacement due to AI is a pressing issue, significantly impacting lives as many people lose their jobs confirmed Mr. Bihan-Poudec.

4. Economic Changes and Reskilling

   - Economists are studying the economic changes brought by AI, and policymakers need to address these changes by implementing reskilling and upskilling programs the Representative noted and Mr. Bihan-Poudec agreed.

5. Technology Evolution and Job Creation

   - While new jobs in AI and machine learning are being created, the rapid evolution of technology is causing immediate job losses pointed out Mr. Bihan-Poudec.

6. Ethical AI Decisions in Europe

   - European governments are making ethical decisions on AI and advising the private sector to avoid overfiring during the transition period confirmed Mr. Bihan-Poudec.

7. Tech Workforce Reduction

   - Tech companies have reduced their workforce on average by 10% since the beginning of this year, raising concerns about the government's ability to intervene effectively Mr. Bihan-Poudec noted.

8. Economic Frustration and Bipartisan Effort

   - There is frustration with the slow-paced economy, highlighting the need for a bipartisan effort to address AI-related issues. Both parties agreed.

9. Election Impact on AI Legislation

   - Concerns were raised about the impact of election years on AI legislation, particularly if Donald Trump becomes president and aligns with his party's stance on AI according to Senate Bill 1047 which the Republicans have abstained from participating in the vote Mr. Bihan-Poudec noted, confirmed by ChatGPT.

10. Biden-Harris Administration AI Initiatives

   - The Biden-Harris administration is working on initiatives like the Task Force on AI and the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act, but implementation is slow Mr. Bihan-Poudec noted.

11. Support for Citizens Amid Job Losses

   - Concerns about the lack of support for American citizens if AI-related job losses continue and the economy suffers Mr. Bihan-Poudec highlighted a “Hunger Games” dystopian type scenario.

12. Continuous Efforts on AI Challenges

   - The conversation emphasized the need for continuous efforts to find a way forward in addressing AI-related challenges.

About Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen

Congresswoman Brittany Pettersen is a Democrat representing Colorado's 7th Congressional District. She has been active in legislative efforts concerning emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence. Pettersen has introduced several bills aimed at regulating AI, ensuring ethical standards, and addressing the societal impacts of these technologies. Notably, she has focused on combating AI-driven fraud and enhancing privacy protections for users, Pettersen serves on the House Financial Services Committee, where she has positioned herself as a key figure in debates around AI policy. She has been involved in legislative efforts such as the Ransomware and Financial Stability Act, which aims to protect financial infrastructure from cyber threats, including those posed by AI.

📅 Next Arrangements

  • Continued advocacy for ethical AI and job preservation.

  • Regular updates on AI legislation and its impact on employment.

  • Engagement with policymakers and the public to raise awareness and push for necessary legislative action.

Response to Congresswoman Pettersen's office representative:

Subject: Follow-Up and Gratitude for Your Time and Efforts

Content of email:

Dear Representative,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to extend my heartfelt thanks for taking the time to speak with me regarding the critical issues surrounding artificial intelligence. As a constituent from Southern California, I truly appreciate your willingness to listen to the concerns of someone from afar, yet who shares the same anxieties and hopes as the people in the 7th District of Colorado.

I am deeply grateful for Congresswoman Pettersen's dedication and efforts toward ensuring a safer and more ethical implementation of AI. Her work on addressing fraud and privacy issues is commendable and much needed in these rapidly evolving times.

However, I must emphasize the importance of addressing the pressing issue of job displacement caused by AI across multiple sectors. The impact on workers and their families is profound, and the hopes of many, including myself, rest on Congresswoman Pettersen taking a leadership role in tackling this challenge head-on.

I look forward to receiving updates on the progress made in this area. Given the exponential rate at which AI technology is being implemented, frequent updates would be incredibly valuable. If possible, I would greatly appreciate weekly updates on any advancements or new initiatives related to this critical issue.

Thank you once again for your time and efforts. Your work is making a significant difference, and I am hopeful for positive changes ahead.

Best regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder Voice For Change Foundation | Advocating for Ethical AI and Job Preservation

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