Will California's Governor Gavin Newsom Take Artificial Intelligence's Advice on Regulating AI for the Safeguard of Humankind?

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As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the question of how to regulate this powerful technology becomes increasingly urgent. California, a global hub for technological innovation, stands at the forefront of this challenge. Recently, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 1047, commonly known as the "Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act" or more colloquially, the "Disaster" Bill. This legislation aims to regulate advanced AI models to mitigate potential risks associated with their deployment.

Governor Gavin Newsom now faces a pivotal decision: to sign the bill into law or veto it. Interestingly, artificial intelligence itself—through models like ChatGPT—has provided comprehensive plans and insights on how to refine this legislation for the benefit of all stakeholders. The pressing question is whether Governor Newsom will take AI's advice to regulate AI for the safeguard of humankind.

The Urgency of AI Regulation

AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, improve efficiencies, and contribute to economic growth. However, unregulated AI poses significant risks, including:

  • Massive Job Displacement: Automation could lead to widespread unemployment, particularly in sectors vulnerable to AI replacement.

  • Cybersecurity Threats: Advanced AI could be exploited to conduct sophisticated cyberattacks.

  • Autonomous AI-Driven Crimes: AI systems could be misused to commit crimes at scale with minimal human intervention.

  • Weaponization of AI: The development of autonomous weapons systems raises ethical and security concerns.

  • Environmental Harm: High computational demands of AI models contribute to energy consumption and environmental degradation.

  • Manipulation of Democratic Processes: AI can be used to spread misinformation, affecting elections and undermining democratic institutions.

These risks highlight the need for a balanced approach to AI regulation that fosters innovation while ensuring public safety.

AI's Advice: A Detailed Plan for Revising SB 1047

Leveraging AI technologies like ChatGPT, a comprehensive plan has been formulated to revise SB 1047, addressing concerns from various stakeholders, including small startups, large tech companies, politicians, and the public.

Benefits for All Stakeholders

1. Small Startups


  • Compliance Costs: High costs may burden startups with limited resources.

  • Innovation Barriers: Overregulation could stifle creativity and agility.

Proposed Revisions:

  • Scaled Compliance Requirements: Introduce tiered regulations based on company size and AI model risk profiles.

  • Support Mechanisms: Provide financial assistance, regulatory sandboxes, and educational resources.

2. Large Tech Companies and CEOs


  • Ambiguity in Regulations: Vague definitions lead to uncertainty and legal risks.

  • Liability Concerns: Fear of being held accountable for third-party misuse.

  • Operational Costs: Compliance measures can be resource-intensive.

Proposed Revisions:

  • Clear Definitions: Refine terms like "covered models" and "reasonable care."

  • Safe Harbor Provisions: Offer protections for companies adhering to guidelines.

  • Collaborative Frameworks: Encourage public-private partnerships for AI safety.

3. Politicians and Regulators


  • Balancing Act: Protecting the public without hindering economic growth.

  • Technical Expertise: Limited understanding may lead to ineffective policies.

Proposed Revisions:

  • Expert Advisory Committees: Establish panels of AI experts.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate dialogue with industry and public groups.

  • Incremental Implementation: Phase in regulations to monitor and adjust.

4. The Public


  • Safety Concerns: Risks include job displacement and privacy issues.

  • Transparency Issues: Desire to understand AI's impact on daily life.

Proposed Revisions:

  • Enhanced Transparency: Mandate disclosure of AI decision-making processes.

  • Public Education Campaigns: Inform citizens about AI benefits and risks.

  • Consumer Protection Measures: Provide avenues for reporting AI-related harms.

Feasible Timeline for Implementation

Phase 1: Immediate Actions (September - October)

  • Sign SB 1047 into Law: Initiate the regulatory process.

  • Form a Task Force: Include diverse stakeholders.

  • Conduct Stakeholder Consultations: Gather input and suggestions.

Phase 2: Pre-Election Activities (October - November)

  • Draft Proposed Revisions: Based on stakeholder input.

  • Legislative Briefings: Educate lawmakers on changes.

  • Public Awareness Campaign: Engage the public in the process.

Phase 3: Post-Election Momentum (November - December)

  • Introduce Amendment Bill: Present revised bill to the legislature.

  • Legislative Hearings: Debate amendments and gather further input.

  • Expert Testimonies: Include insights from AI specialists.

Phase 4: Finalizing Revisions (January - March)

  • Pass Amendments: Aim for legislative approval.

  • Develop Regulatory Framework: Create clear compliance guidelines.

  • Allocate Resources: Fund support programs for implementation.

Phase 5: Implementation and Monitoring (April - September)

  • Begin Enforcement: With an adaptation period.

  • Launch Support Programs: Assist startups and other entities.

  • Establish Monitoring Mechanisms: Track compliance and impact.

Federal vs. State Level Regulation

  • Federal Regulation: Offers uniform standards but may face legislative hurdles.

  • State Regulation: Allows tailored approaches but may lead to interstate challenges.

Recommendation: A hybrid approach—proceed with state-level revisions while advocating for federal engagement to develop nationwide AI regulations.

Leveraging AI for Effective Decision-Making

The comprehensive plan outlined above was generated by AI technology, specifically ChatGPT's latest model, in under 26 seconds, based on prompts that took less than two minutes to craft. This collaboration between human insight and AI processing demonstrates the potential of AI as a tool for efficient and informed policymaking.

Governor Newsom should consider leveraging AI technologies to enhance decision-making processes. By integrating AI insights, policymakers can access extensive analyses rapidly, facilitating more nuanced and effective legislation.

The Global Implications

If California leads the way with effective AI regulation, it sets a precedent for other states and nations to follow. Conversely, failure to enact such legislation could result in a fragmented global AI landscape, lacking accountability and coordination—an untenable scenario for humankind.


The decision before Governor Newsom is not just about a single piece of legislation but about shaping the future of AI for the safeguard of humankind. By signing SB 1047 into law and embracing the revisions proposed—with assistance from AI itself—California can balance innovation with public safety.

The question remains: Will Governor Gavin Newsom take artificial intelligence's advice on regulating AI? The hope is that he will recognize the value of leveraging AI as both a subject of regulation and a tool for crafting effective policies.

Next Steps

  • Governor's Action: Sign SB 1047 into law to initiate revisions.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with all parties to refine the legislation.

  • Embrace AI Tools: Utilize AI technologies to inform policymaking.

  • Public Communication: Keep citizens informed and involved.

By taking these steps, California can ensure that AI technologies develop safely and beneficially for everyone involved, setting a global standard for responsible AI regulation.

Subject: A Comprehensive Plan for Revising SB 1047 to Benefit All Stakeholders in AI Regulation

Letter Content:

Dear Governor Newsom,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share a detailed plan for revising Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), known as the "Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act." This plan aims to benefit all parties involved in artificial intelligence (AI) regulation—including small startups, large technology companies, policymakers, and the public.

As AI continues to advance rapidly, it is crucial that we establish a balanced regulatory framework that fosters innovation while ensuring public safety. Passing SB 1047 into law is an essential first step, but thoughtful revisions can enhance its effectiveness and acceptance among all stakeholders. Given the upcoming November elections, timely action is imperative.


SB 1047 acknowledges the potential risks associated with advanced AI technologies. It mandates that technology developers integrate safeguards when developing and deploying "covered models," empowering the California Attorney General to enforce these requirements. Despite its good intentions, the bill has faced opposition due to concerns about stifling innovation, imposing undue burdens on startups, and ambiguous definitions.

The following detailed plan outlines how revising SB 1047 can address these concerns and benefit all parties involved.

Benefits of Revising SB 1047 for All Stakeholders

1. Small Startups


  • Compliance Costs: Stringent regulations may impose financial and administrative burdens on startups with limited resources.

  • Innovation Barriers: Overly restrictive regulations could hinder creativity and agility, key advantages of startups.

Proposed Revisions to Benefit Startups:

  • Scaled Compliance Requirements: Introduce tiered regulations based on company size, revenue, and the risk profile of AI models.

  • Support Mechanisms:

    • Financial Assistance: Provide grants, tax incentives, or subsidies to aid compliance efforts.

    • Regulatory Sandboxes: Establish environments where startups can test AI models under relaxed regulations to foster innovation while ensuring safety.

  • Educational Resources: Offer workshops and guidance on compliance best practices.

2. Large Tech Companies and CEOs


  • Ambiguity in Regulations: Vague definitions and requirements can lead to uncertainty and increased legal risks.

  • Liability Concerns: Fear of being held accountable for third-party misuse of their AI models.

  • Operational Costs: Implementing new compliance measures can be expensive and time-consuming.

Proposed Revisions to Benefit Large Corporations:

  • Clear Definitions: Refine key terms such as "covered models" and "reasonable care" to reduce ambiguity.

  • Safe Harbor Provisions: Provide protections for companies adhering to established guidelines and best practices.

  • Collaborative Frameworks: Encourage public-private partnerships to share best practices in AI safety.

  • Standardization: Promote consistent compliance standards to streamline efforts across the industry.

3. Politicians and Regulators


  • Balancing Act: Need to protect public interest without hindering economic growth.

  • Technical Expertise: Lack of deep understanding of AI technologies may lead to ineffective regulations.

Proposed Revisions to Benefit Policymakers:

  • Expert Advisory Committees: Establish panels of AI experts to advise on technical aspects of the legislation.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Facilitate ongoing dialogue with industry representatives, academics, and public interest groups.

  • Incremental Implementation: Phase in regulations to monitor impact and adjust policies as needed.

  • Transparency Measures: Ensure regulatory processes are open and accountable.

4. The Public


  • Safety Concerns: Potential risks of AI, including job displacement, privacy issues, and unintended harmful consequences.

  • Transparency Issues: Difficulty in understanding how AI decisions are made and how they affect individuals.

Proposed Revisions to Benefit the Public:

  • Enhanced Transparency:

    • Disclosure Requirements: Mandate that companies explain how AI models make decisions, especially in critical sectors like healthcare and finance.

  • Public Education Campaigns: Inform citizens about AI benefits and risks to foster informed public discourse.

  • Consumer Protection Measures:

    • Clear Redress Mechanisms: Provide avenues for reporting and resolving AI-related harms.

    • Privacy Safeguards: Strengthen data protection associated with AI technologies.

Coherent and Feasible Timeline for Implementing the Revision Plan

Phase 1: Immediate Actions (September - October)

  • Governor Signs SB 1047: Sign the bill into law to initiate the regulatory process promptly.

  • Formation of a Task Force: Establish a diverse task force including representatives from startups, large tech companies, policymakers, academics, and consumer advocates.

  • Stakeholder Consultations:

    • Workshops and Meetings: Conduct sessions to gather input on concerns and suggestions for revisions.

  • Public Comment Period: Open a period for public feedback on the bill's provisions and proposed revisions.

Phase 2: Pre-Election Activities (October - November)

  • Drafting Revisions: Utilize stakeholder input to draft proposed amendments to the bill.

  • Legislative Briefings: Prepare briefings for lawmakers to understand the proposed changes and their implications.

  • Public Awareness Campaign:

    • Inform the Public: Explain the revision process and how they can participate.

Phase 3: Post-Election Momentum (November - December)

  • Introduce Amendment Bill: Present the revised bill to the legislature for consideration.

  • Legislative Hearings: Hold hearings to debate the proposed amendments, allowing for further stakeholder input.

  • Expert Testimonies: Invite AI experts to provide insights during legislative sessions.

Phase 4: Finalizing Revisions (January - March)

  • Passage of Amendments: Aim for the legislature to pass the amendments within this period.

  • Regulatory Framework Development:

    • Detailed Guidelines: Develop clear compliance requirements based on the revised bill.

  • Resource Allocation: Allocate funds and resources to support implementation, including assistance programs for startups.

Phase 5: Implementation and Monitoring (April - September)

  • Enforcement Begins: Implement the revised regulations, with initial leniency to allow for adaptation.

  • Support Programs Launch: Roll out support initiatives for startups and other affected parties.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms to monitor compliance and assess the impact of the regulations.

  • Feedback Loop: Continue gathering feedback to make further adjustments if necessary.

Federal vs. State Level Regulation: Implications for All Parties

Regulation at the Federal Level


  • Uniform Standards: Provides consistent regulations across all states, simplifying compliance for companies operating nationwide.

  • Resource Availability: Federal agencies may have more resources for enforcement and support programs.

  • Legislative Complexity: Passing federal legislation can be time-consuming and may face significant political hurdles.

Impact on Stakeholders:

  • Small Startups: May benefit from uniform regulations but could face stricter compliance requirements without state-specific support.

  • Large Corporations: Prefer federal regulations to avoid a patchwork of state laws, easing nationwide operations.

  • Politicians: Federal policymakers gain prominence in shaping AI policy; state politicians may feel their influence diminished.

  • Public: Nationwide protections ensure all citizens receive the same level of safety, but regional concerns might be overlooked.

Regulation at the State Level


  • Tailored Approaches: Allows customization of regulations to suit local industries and public sentiments.

  • Innovation Laboratories: States can serve as testing grounds for regulatory approaches before federal adoption.

  • Interstate Challenges: Companies operating in multiple states may face varying regulations, increasing compliance complexity.

Impact on Stakeholders:

  • Small Startups: Benefit from state-specific support and programs but may struggle with differing regulations when expanding.

  • Large Corporations: Face challenges navigating different state laws, potentially increasing operational costs.

  • Politicians: State legislators can swiftly enact laws responsive to their constituents' needs.

  • Public: State-level regulation can more directly address local concerns but may lead to uneven protection across the country.


  • Hybrid Approach:

    • Immediate State Action: Proceed with state-level revisions to SB 1047 to address urgent concerns.

    • Encourage Federal Engagement: Advocate for federal policymakers to consider nationwide AI regulation, using state experiences as models.

  • Interstate Collaboration:

    • Model Legislation: Develop SB 1047 revisions to serve as a model for other states.

    • State Compacts: Form agreements between states to harmonize AI regulations regionally.

Leveraging AI for Effective Decision-Making

This comprehensive plan was formulated with the assistance of advanced AI technology, specifically ChatGPT's latest model. The AI generated this detailed strategy in under 26 seconds based on prompts that took less than two minutes to create. This rapid collaboration between human insight and AI processing showcases the immense potential of artificial intelligence as a tool for efficient and effective decision-making.

I encourage you to consider leveraging AI technologies to enhance your policymaking process. By integrating AI insights, you can access extensive analyses and information rapidly, facilitating more nuanced and forward-thinking legislation.


Passing SB 1047 into law is a crucial first step toward responsible AI regulation. While the bill may not be perfect, its enactment signals a commitment to proactively address the risks associated with advanced AI technologies. By implementing the detailed revision plan outlined above and embracing AI as a collaborative tool in policymaking, we can ensure that the legislation benefits all stakeholders:

  • Supports Small Startups: Through scaled regulations and support programs.

  • Assists Large Corporations: By providing clear guidelines and legal protections.

  • Empowers Policymakers: With effective legislation informed by expert advice.

  • Protects the Public: With enhanced safety measures and transparency.

Next Steps

  • Governor's Action: Sign SB 1047 into law to initiate the revision process.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Begin immediate collaboration with all parties to refine the legislation.

  • Embrace AI Tools: Utilize AI technologies like ChatGPT to inform and enhance policymaking efforts.

  • Public Communication: Keep the public informed and involved throughout the process.

Your leadership is crucial in this endeavor. By taking these steps, you can ensure that California remains at the forefront of technological innovation while safeguarding the interests of all its citizens.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I am confident that, together, we can create a regulatory environment that balances innovation with public safety, benefiting everyone involved in the AI ecosystem.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec 

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

Advocate for ethical AI, workforce preservation and human rights.


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