What’s at Stake in This Year’s Election: U.S. Economy, Abortion, Climate Change, Project 2025 and the Role of AI

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As the 2024 election approaches, Americans face a political landscape fraught with critical issues that will shape the future of the country. From economic policy and job security to reproductive rights and the safeguarding of democracy, voters are grappling with choices that could profoundly affect their lives. Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump present starkly different visions, each promising to chart the nation's course in dramatically different directions.

In this blog post, we will explore the most pressing issues of the 2024 election, focusing on the controversial conservative initiative Project 2025, and how it fits into the broader political landscape. We’ll also examine the potential impacts of a second Trump term, the Democratic response, and why a Kamala Harris presidency may offer a more progressive and forward-thinking approach to key issues such as economic recovery, climate action, and AI regulation.

Part I: The U.S. Economy—Navigating Inflation and Job Displacement

Inflation and Relief on the Horizon

For millions of Americans, economic issues—particularly inflation—are at the forefront of concerns. While inflation has been gradually declining toward the Federal Reserve's 2% target, the rising costs of essentials such as housing, food, and energy continue to strain household budgets. Although the Federal Reserve's monetary policies have been successful in curbing inflation, it will likely take some time before the average consumer feels a significant relief in affordability.

Experts predict that inflationary pressures may ease further in 2024, stabilizing prices for consumer goods such as groceries and gas. However, the housing market remains a challenge. Interest rates have risen, which has slowed home sales, but demand for housing continues to outpace supply, particularly in urban areas. It may not be until late 2025 that homebuyers see substantial price reductions.

Amid these economic conditions, the 2024 election presents stark contrasts between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in their approaches to financial recovery. Harris has emphasized wage increases, addressing income inequality, and supporting middle-class families through social programs. Trump, on the other hand, focuses on tax cuts that would largely benefit wealthier individuals.

The Economic Divide: Who Will Lead Americans Toward Prosperity?

Under Trump’s Project 2025, the proposed tax reform would collapse the current tax system into two brackets—15% and 30%—while eliminating numerous deductions and credits. This simplified system may appeal to high-income earners but threatens to increase the tax burden on middle- and lower-income families, especially those in rural areas. A study from Morgan Stanley suggests that families earning $100,000 or less could see their tax bills rise under Trump's plan.

For voters, the choice between these two economic strategies is pivotal. Harris’s economic platform is designed to alleviate the burdens of working-class families, reinforce the social safety net, and foster opportunities for economic mobility. In contrast, Trump’s proposals risk deepening inequality, benefiting wealthier Americans at the expense of the broader working class.

Part II: Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Their Looming Impact on Job Displacement

An Unseen Crisis: The Rise of AI

While inflation dominates headlines, a quieter but equally critical threat looms in the background—artificial intelligence (AI). Rapid advancements in AI technology are transforming industries and automating tasks once performed by human workers. Sectors such as manufacturing, logistics, and even customer service are particularly vulnerable to job displacement caused by automation.

As part of their efforts on AI governance, Kamala Harris and the Biden administration have introduced the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024, aimed at addressing this looming crisis by promoting reskilling and upskilling programs for workers displaced by AI. Although this bill remains stalled in Congress, it represents one of the few political solutions to the challenges posed by AI's impact on the labor market.

Here’s a selfie of me-Kevin Bihan-Poudec, expat from France and an advocate for ethical AI and workforce preservation, waking up on this day, October 4th 2024, from my first full anesthesia after an operation on my fractured left hand, following a bike accident. I was hoping that the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024 had made some progress on the Congress website. Bummer. I guess I wasn’t asleep long enough.

The Harris administration has made it clear that protecting workers and ensuring they have the skills necessary to thrive in an AI-driven economy is a priority. Without such efforts, millions of workers could face job loss, further exacerbating economic inequality. On the other hand, Trump’s close ties with tech CEOs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg indicate that his administration may prioritize corporate interests over worker protections, potentially leaving millions of Americans behind as the economy evolves.

Part III: Project 2025—What Is It, and Why Does It Matter?

What Is Project 2025?

At the center of the 2024 election is Project 2025, a sweeping conservative agenda developed by the Heritage Foundation and like-minded conservative think tanks. Project 2025 outlines a radical vision for the future, calling for the dismantling of federal agencies, rolling back climate change policies, and imposing more stringent restrictions on reproductive rights.

Project 2025 is a manifesto that seeks to reshape the American government under a conservative presidency. It calls for a massive consolidation of executive power, the dismantling of key federal departments, and a rollback of decades of social, economic, and environmental progress.

Key Highlights of Project 2025:

  • Dismantling Federal Departments: The project proposes eliminating the Commerce and Education departments, stripping the federal government of its regulatory capabilities over business practices and public education.

  • Abortion and Reproductive Rights: The plan advocates for criminalizing abortion, redefining the Department of Health and Human Services as the “Department of Life,” and eliminating federal support for reproductive healthcare.

  • Immigration: It outlines the largest mass deportation plan in U.S. history and proposes deploying the military to aid in immigration enforcement at the U.S.-Mexico border.

  • Executive Power: Project 2025 seeks to erode the independence of the Justice Department and civil-service protections, allowing the president to replace career bureaucrats with loyal political appointees.

  • Climate Change Denialism: The project advocates for erasing references to climate change from government documents and pulling the U.S. out of global climate agreements like the Paris Accords.

Project 2025: The Global Ramifications of a Far-Right Agenda

Project 2025 aims to reshape the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), exporting far-right culture war policies globally, with a focus on restricting abortion and gender-related programs.

  • Reinstating Mexico City Policy: Plan calls for reinstating the "Mexico City Policy," which blocks U.S. funding for foreign organizations promoting or performing abortions, despite evidence that this policy increases abortion rates in affected regions.

  • Opposition to Global Abortion Access: Project 2025 opposes global abortion access, contradicting data that shows restricting abortion leads to higher maternal mortality rates.

  • Presidential Control Over Global Abortion Policy: It seeks to empower the U.S. president to dictate global abortion policy by leveraging foreign aid.

  • Removal of Gender and Reproductive Health Language: The plan removes references to gender equality, reproductive health, and sexual education from USAID's policies and publications, abandoning support for programs addressing child marriage, female genital mutilation, and gender-based violence.

  • Climate Change Policy Rollback: Project 2025 also calls for the removal of climate change policies from USAID, undermining global climate mitigation efforts, despite the growing impact of climate change on poverty.

  • Cutting Climate Funding and Collaboration: The plan advocates for cutting USAID funding for climate initiatives and collaborations, prioritizing traditional aid over progressive environmental strategies, which could worsen global poverty, particularly in low-income nations most affected by climate change.

Trump’s Ties to Project 2025

Although Donald Trump has distanced himself from the project, key allies like Russell T. Vought (former budget director) and John McEntee (former personnel chief) are heavily involved in crafting its proposals. The project aligns closely with Trump’s Agenda47, which similarly emphasizes deregulation, mass deportations, and the rollback of civil-service protections. In many ways, Project 2025 represents a continuation and radicalization of Trump’s first-term policies. To put it in a nutshell, Project 2025 proposes consolidating executive power, weakening federal oversight, and reshaping critical areas of American governance.

A Radical Conservative Vision for the Future

Project 2025, highlighted by Morgan Stanley, seeks to further restrict abortion access, including the potential banning of mifepristone, a commonly used abortion medication. This move could push millions of women into more dangerous, less regulated methods of abortion, a stark rollback of reproductive rights in America.

Part IV: Reproductive Rights on the Ballot

A Divisive Issue

Since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion rights have been a central issue in American politics. More than 20 states have enacted abortion bans, and millions of women now live in areas where access to reproductive healthcare is severely restricted.

Abortion rights have emerged as one of the most divisive issues in this election. Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the future of reproductive rights in America has been cast into uncertainty. Kamala Harris has made protecting abortion rights a cornerstone of her campaign, calling out Trump for his role in appointing the three Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe. As Harris noted,

“He intended for them [the justices] to undo the protection of Roe v. Wade. And as he intended, they did.”

-Kamala Harris stated, Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential election

Kamala Harris has made protecting reproductive rights a cornerstone of her campaign. She has repeatedly warned that another Trump term could lead to further erosion of abortion access, pointing to Trump’s appointment of the three Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe.

While Trump has tried to strike a more moderate tone on abortion during this election cycle, the reality is that his administration would likely pursue even stricter abortion bans if given the opportunity. Project 2025 advocates for nationwide abortion restrictions and proposes turning the Department of Health and Human Services into the “Department of Life.”

Trump’s claim to have done more for the anti-abortion movement than any president before him has garnered support from many conservative voters, but it has alienated key Republican figures including his own wife: Melania Trump.

In a surprising turn of events, Melania Trump—who rarely comments on political matters—has come out in favor of abortion rights. In her memoir, she described herself as a lifelong supporter of a woman’s right to choose, a position that puts her at odds with her husband’s policies.

“There is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right.”

-Melania Trump stated, Former First Lady (2017-2021) and wife of former President Donald Trump.

Part V: The Fight Against Climate Change

The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher

Perhaps no issue better illustrates the stark differences between the two candidates than climate change. Under the Biden-Harris administration, significant strides have been made in reducing carbon emissions and transitioning toward a green economy, driven by the Inflation Reduction Act. Harris’s commitment to addressing the climate crisis is clear, with a focus on clean energy investments and international cooperation on climate agreements.

Climate Denialism and Project 2025

In contrast, Project 2025 calls for erasing all references to climate change from government documents and ending U.S. participation in global climate initiatives. The project also advocates for dismantling the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and withdrawing from international climate agreements such as the Paris Accords.

If implemented, Project 2025 would severely damage global efforts to mitigate climate change. The U.S. is the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and its withdrawal from international agreements would have a ripple effect, potentially leading other countries to step back from their commitments as well. Harris has emphasized that continued U.S. leadership in global climate efforts is crucial to preventing the worst impacts of climate change.

Climate Denialism and Project 2025

In conclusion, Project 2025 represents a dangerous shift in America’s role in combating global warming. By advocating for a retreat from international climate action, it risks undermining global efforts to keep temperature increases below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Kamala Harris, by contrast, has emphasized the importance of U.S. leadership in the fight against climate change and the need for continued progress on environmental justice.

Part VI: The Broader Impact of the 2024 Election

This election represents a turning point in American history. It’s about more than just selecting the next president; it’s about choosing between two radically different visions for the future of the country. Donald Trump, with his ties to Project 2025, represents a future where executive power is unchecked, reproductive rights are erased, and climate policy is abandoned. Kamala Harris offers a vision of resilience, equality, and environmental justice, where economic recovery is paired with technological progress and international cooperation.

A Split Republican Party: The Case for Kamala Harris

In a significant shift, high-profile Republicans, including former Congresswoman Liz Cheney and Bruce Springsteen, have thrown their support behind Kamala Harris. Bruce Springsteen, once a staunch Trump supporter, issued a stark warning about the dangers of a second Trump term:

“Donald Trump is the most dangerous candidate for president in my lifetime. His disdain for the sanctity of our constitution, the sanctity of democracy, the sanctity of the rule of law, and the sanctity of the peaceful transfer of power should disqualify him from the office of president ever again.”

- Bruce Springsteen, American rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist.

This sentiment is echoed by Liz Cheney, who, despite a lifelong allegiance to the Republican Party, has made it clear that this election transcends party lines.

“I have never voted for a Democrat. But this year, I am proudly casting my vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,”

- Dick Cheney, Former Vice President of The United States

Cheney said at a campaign event. For these former Trump allies, the preservation of democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of constitutional rights far outweighs party loyalty.

What a Kamala Harris Presidency Could Mean

Harris has made it clear that her administration will focus on reskilling the workforce, protecting reproductive rights, and continuing the fight against climate change. Her support for the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024 underscores her commitment to ensuring that American workers are not left behind in the technological revolution. Harris also remains steadfast in her commitment to protecting women’s rights and codifying Roe v. Wade into law.

The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher

As the 2024 election approaches, Americans are standing at a crossroads that will shape the nation's future for decades to come. Critical issues—such as the economy, reproductive rights, climate change, and the rise of artificial intelligence—are on the ballot. Each candidate offers radically different visions for America’s path forward, and this election is about far more than just selecting the next president; it’s about defining the values that will guide the nation through the 21st century.

As Kamala Harris put it,

“We are standing in the breach to defend this nation.”

-Kamala Harris, Running democrat candidate to the 2024 presidential elections of the united states

Whether on the issue of abortion, economic fairness, or technological advancements, Harris stands as a leader for the people most vulnerable to these seismic changes, while Trump’s policies risk leaving the nation behind.

The even more critical issue that’s not being talked about enough is the impact of unregulated artificial intelligence (AI) on jobs and the economy at large. Without reskilling programs, the unchecked rise of automation could lead to massive job displacement, triggering a potential economic collapse. If companies are left free to replace unreasonable portions of their workforce with AI, not only could the U.S. lose its status as the world’s most powerful economy, but we might also witness the fall of the American empire as we know it.

In my open letter titled “Act Now” from February 2024, addressed to the U.S. Congress, I raised this concern. The absence of regulation around AI's implementation, coupled with Donald Trump’s rise, poses a severe threat to democracy. His recent statement, addressing Christian supporters, that “this will be the last time they will ever vote,” suggests a chilling possibility that elections may be eliminated under his rule, much like the rise of Hitler’s Reich. With the support of a politicized Supreme Court, it’s conceivable that Trump could remain president until his death, ushering in a new era of authoritarianism.

In this dystopian future, middle-class Americans who supported him might find themselves abandoned, facing a harsh, dismal reality. As depicted in films like The Hunger Games, directed by Gary Ross—recently removed from Netflix—the United States could devolve into a fractured society where the gap between the elite and the disenfranchised grows ever wider. With AI displacing millions of workers, we could find ourselves in a "Hunger Games" scenario where economic collapse and social dysfunction become the new normal, and the Second Amendment remains a dangerous relic of a bygone democracy. Ignoring these issues risks pushing the country into a situation where recovery may no longer be possible.

For voters weighing their decision, the question becomes not just about who can steer the economy toward prosperity, but who can protect the rights and freedoms that define American democracy.

As we move forward, one thing is certain: this election will determine not only the direction of the U.S. economy but the very soul of the nation itself.

Conclusion: The Stark Choice in 2024 and The Future of America

As we approach the 2024 election, it becomes clear that this is not just a decision between two candidates, but between two vastly different futures for America. On the one hand, Donald Trump’s vision is rooted in nationalism, deregulation, and the consolidation of power, as reflected in Project 2025. His policies reflect a rollback of civil liberties, especially in areas like reproductive rights and climate action, and his tax reforms disproportionately benefit the wealthy while risking economic inequality.

On the other hand, Kamala Harris presents a vision of democracy, equality, and environmental justice. Her platform seeks to protect reproductive rights, fight climate change, and promote economic recovery for the middle and working class. Harris’s approach to AI regulation and technological progress, including reskilling programs to prevent job displacement, signals her commitment to ensuring that the future economy benefits all Americans, not just the privileged few.

If you are voting for Donald Trump, you are endorsing:

  • Authoritarianism: In his own words, Donald Trump publicly vowed to, quote, “only,” be a dictator on “day one,” and with his proposals to consolidate executive power, as outlined in Project 2025, he aims to weaken democratic checks and balances, thereby undermining the separation of powers. This could lead to diminished political accountability, fewer legal constraints on executive actions, and a reduction in civil liberties. Citizens may face restricted rights and greater inequality, particularly in marginalized communities. Additionally, even constitutional rights like the Second Amendment could be subject to reversal, taking away the right to bear arms. In this scenario, Americans could lose their ability to defend themselves, with policies enacted unilaterally by the executive branch, disconnected from the will of the people. The erosion of institutional safeguards could threaten the rule of law and shift the country toward autocratic rule.

  • Increased economic inequality: Tax cuts under Trump’s proposals, as outlined in Project 2025, disproportionately benefit the wealthy while shifting the financial burden onto middle- and lower-income families. This could further strain Americans already grappling with inflation and post-pandemic economic hardships, making it even more difficult for them to afford essentials like food, shelter, and healthcare. As disposable incomes shrink due to higher tax bills, families who are already living paycheck to paycheck could face housing instability and reduced access to basic necessities. This growing inequality would likely exacerbate social tensions and deepen poverty levels, impacting millions of Americans’ quality of life.

  • Supreme Court control: Leveraging influence over the judiciary to advance conservative policies, from limiting reproductive rights to reshaping immigration laws. There is also growing concern that Trump’s long-term ambitions could include altering the Constitution to secure his presidency indefinitely. His public remarks to Christian voters, where he suggested this might be the last election they need to vote in, hint at potential plans to undermine the democratic process and extend his control far beyond traditional presidential terms.

  • Rolling back of rights: His role in appointing conservative Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade represents a major rollback of reproductive rights, which could set a dangerous precedent. This erosion could pave the way for additional reversals of rights that have been fought for decades, such as voting rights for African Americans, women’s suffrage, and protections for the LGBTQ+ community. As more freedoms are eroded, the door may be opened to reversing civil rights progress that has been central to America’s democratic principles.

  • Mass deportations: Plans for the largest deportation effort in U.S. history, potentially using military force, would affect millions of undocumented immigrants, not just illegal immigrant drug dealers. This raises significant concerns for those who have lived in the U.S. since childhood, contributing to American society. Many face the prospect of being separated from their families, including children, despite having been part of their communities for most of their lives. These policies risk tearing apart families and destabilizing lives that have been built over decades.

  • Climate denialism: Project 2025’s push to erase climate change references from government documents and retreat from international climate efforts could have dire consequences, not just for the U.S. but for the world at large. With the U.S. being the second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, its withdrawal from global climate agreements, like the Paris Accord, would severely undermine international climate action. This could lead to a domino effect, where other nations might also reduce their efforts, resulting in a collective failure to limit global warming, impacting billions of lives for generations to come.

  • Nationalism: Donald Trump has often emphasized a vision of America first, favoring policies that prioritize U.S. interests over international cooperation. This brand of nationalism, evident in Project 2025, seeks to pull the U.S. out of global agreements such as the Paris Climate Accord, reflecting a retreat from shared global responsibilities. Such inward-focused policies could lead to strained international relationships and weakened global standing, with potential economic and security implications as the U.S. isolates itself from collaborative problem-solving on global issues like climate change and trade.

  • Corporate interests and AI Regulation: Trump’s administration, with its strong ties to tech giants and other major industries, has often advanced policies that benefit corporations over average citizens. His close alignment with figures like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Meta, formerly Facebook), and Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI, creator of artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT), who have in majority voiced opposition to legislative controls on technology, suggests a focus on deregulating industries, potentially leading to unchecked corporate power. This approach can be seen in the recent veto of Senate Bill 1047 by California Governor Gavin Newsom, a bill designed to regulate the safe use of artificial intelligence (AI). The bill, which aimed to prevent AI disasters like Rogue AI or the potential takeover of humanity by machines, faced strong opposition from major tech players like Facebook and OpenAI. Their opposition to regulatory measures highlights the growing influence of corporate interests in shaping policy, often at the expense of public safety and worker protections. As wealthy corporations continue to oppose regulations, protections for workers, consumers, and small businesses risk being further eroded, making it increasingly difficult for the average American to compete in an economy dominated by corporate giants.

  • Deregulation: A central focus of Trump’s agenda, as highlighted in Project 2025, is to reduce or eliminate federal regulations across industries. This includes environmental protections, financial oversight, and labor laws. While proponents argue that deregulation promotes economic growth and frees businesses from burdensome rules, the reality for many Americans could be increased exposure to risks, such as environmental degradation, unsafe working conditions, and less financial security. Deregulation could also lead to fewer protections for consumers, allowing corporations to prioritize profits at the expense of public safety and well-being.

If you are voting for Kamala Harris, you are supporting:

  • Democracy: Kamala Harris has consistently emphasized the need to protect the democratic institutions of the United States. As Vice President, she has worked to preserve the integrity of the electoral process and advocated for expanding voting rights, particularly for marginalized communities. Harris believes in upholding the separation of powers, ensuring checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and resisting authoritarian tendencies.

  • Environmental and climate justice: Harris has a strong stance on climate change and environmental justice. She has pushed for continued U.S. leadership in the global fight against climate change, advocating for the Green New Deal and other legislative efforts to transition to renewable energy. Harris supports holding corporations accountable for pollution and aims to ensure that underprivileged communities, often disproportionately affected by environmental issues, receive the support they need.

  • Economic fairness and equality: Harris’s economic policies focus on reducing income inequality by raising the minimum wage, promoting job creation, and advocating for tax policies that benefit working-class families. She has also called for significant investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure to support the middle class and reduce the wealth gap exacerbated by corporate tax cuts. Harris has made it clear that her administration would focus on the needs of everyday Americans, not just the wealthy elite.

  • Protection of reproductive rights: Harris is a staunch defender of reproductive rights and has made protecting women’s access to abortion and healthcare a key pillar of her platform. She has condemned efforts to roll back these rights, notably criticizing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Harris has pledged to codify reproductive rights into federal law, ensuring that women across the country retain control over their bodies and health decisions, and preventing further erosion of personal freedoms.

  • Technological progress with worker protection: As automation and AI transform the workforce, Harris has championed policies that balance technological advancement with worker protection. She supports the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024, which calls for reskilling and upskilling programs to prepare the workforce for jobs in the evolving digital economy. Harris’s plan prioritizes worker safety, wages, and protections to ensure that technological progress does not leave millions of Americans behind.

  • Social justice and inclusion: Harris has long been a champion of social justice, advocating for criminal justice reform, LGBTQ+ rights, and racial equality. Her policies aim to create a more inclusive America, where people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to succeed. This includes addressing systemic racism in law enforcement and ensuring that marginalized communities have access to affordable housing, quality healthcare, and educational opportunities.

  • Global leadership and cooperation: Harris’s approach to foreign policy emphasizes multilateralism and cooperation with international allies. She supports continued U.S. participation in global organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Harris believes that America should lead in addressing global challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and international security, working closely with other nations to foster peace and stability.

  • Healthcare access for all: Kamala Harris has long supported expanding access to affordable healthcare for all Americans. She played a crucial role in advocating for the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act and continues to push for greater healthcare reforms. Harris’s healthcare platform includes reducing prescription drug prices, increasing funding for mental health services, and expanding coverage for underserved communities. Her administration would work toward a system where no American has to choose between paying for healthcare and meeting other essential needs.

  • Accountability and justice: Leveraging her experience as a former prosecutor, Kamala Harris is committed to holding Donald Trump accountable for any criminal misconduct, ensuring that no individual, regardless of position or power, is above the law. She aims to safeguard democracy by potentially preventing Trump from running for office again, protecting millions of Americans from a leader who has demonstrated authoritarian tendencies. Harris’s legal expertise is essential in ensuring that democratic institutions remain strong and resilient, protecting citizens’ rights and well-being in the face of potential threats to their safety and freedoms.

The question remains: Who could you possibly want to vote for?

The stakes of this election go beyond just policies—they are about preserving the core values that define America. Voters must weigh the consequences of their decision, not just for the next four years, but for the legacy they leave behind for future generations. The path forward is clear: it’s a choice between safeguarding democracy, equality, and justice, or embracing a vision that could lead to authoritarianism and social instability.

Who’s Running in the Polls?

Kevin to ChatGPT:

In the context of the post debate of both runing Vice Presidents, Tim Walz and J.D. Vance, provide the most updated poll you can find on the internet from a very reliable source on who could be the highest in the polls, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?


As of early October 2024, Kamala Harris holds a slight lead over Donald Trump in the general election polls. According to recent data, Harris is polling at approximately 49.9%, while Trump follows closely at 46.2%, giving Harris a 3.7% edge. ​(Source from The Hill)​

However, it is essential to note that these numbers can fluctuate as the election approaches, especially with undecided voters and potential shifts in key battleground states. Polls reflect the current snapshot of voter preferences, but with factors like upcoming debates and events, the dynamics can change.

As Americans head to the polls in November, they face a stark choice. Kamala Harris offers a future of progressive reform, where the economy, reproductive rights, and climate change are addressed with urgency and care. On the other hand, a second Trump term—backed by the extreme policies of Project 2025—could lead to a regression in civil liberties, environmental protections, and the very foundation of American democracy.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Every vote matters in determining not just the future of the United States, but the future of the world.

By Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a French expat who moved to the United States over 15 years ago to pursue the American Dream. Advocate for ethical AI and workforce preservation. Founder, Voice For Change Foundation.


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