Voice For Change Foundation Raises Alarm on AI-Induced Job Displacement in Tech Sector to Government Officials and President of The United States of America

In a pivotal move, the Voice For Change Foundation has sounded the alarm to both local and national leaders, including the President of The United States, Joe Biden, on the imminent threat AI advancements pose to the tech sector's workforce. Our latest findings forecast a staggering potential loss of up to 528,600 tech jobs within the next year. This urgent communication underscores the need for swift legislative and policy interventions to mitigate the impacts on workers and ensure equitable transitions. This action highlights our commitment to advocating for those at the forefront of technological upheaval. For a deeper dive, visit our website.


The Dual-Edged Sword of AI: Fostering Innovation and Disruption


The Urgent Call for AI Legislation: Navigating the Future of Work