Urgent Appeal to Government Leaders on Ethical AI


As we stand on the brink of an AI-driven future, the urgency for ethical guidelines and regulations has never been more critical. Over the past six months, I have been tirelessly advocating for the responsible development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Today, I am reaching out to some of the most influential leaders in our government to address these pressing issues.

The Call to Action

In my continuous efforts to safeguard our workforce and society from the unchecked proliferation of AI, I have recently contacted key members of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Representative Jim Jordan, and Representative James Comer. My message to them was clear: we must establish robust ethical AI guidelines, support workforce transition programs, and promote transparency and accountability in AI development.

Why This Matters

The lack of regulatory frameworks and ethical standards for AI threatens not only the job security of countless Americans but also the broader social and economic stability of our nation. We are rapidly approaching a "point of no return" where the consequences of inaction could be irreversible.

My Outreach Efforts

Despite my ongoing communications with the Congressional Caucus on Artificial Intelligence, I have yet to receive a substantive response. This silence underscores the urgent need for broader awareness and concerted action. To this end, I have also engaged with international bodies, including the French government, which is a leader in advocating for ethical AI, as well as Interpol, due to unethical censoring practices of my information under my ChatGPT account by OpenAI. Notably, several key executives from OpenAI's safety team, owned by Sam Altman, have recently announced their departure from the company.

Immediate Actions Needed

I have urged these government leaders to consider the following steps:

  1. Establish Robust Ethical AI Guidelines: Develop comprehensive guidelines to ensure AI aligns with societal values and ethical standards.

  2. Support Workforce Transition Programs: Implement programs to retrain and upskill workers displaced by AI technologies.

  3. Promote Transparency and Accountability in AI: Ensure AI systems are transparent, accountable, and trustworthy to prevent misuse.

Join the Movement

Your support is crucial in this fight for a balanced and fair technological advancement. I invite you to share this post, reach out to your representatives, and join the conversation on social media using #EthicalAI and #VoiceForChange.


Together, we can influence policy and create a future where AI serves humanity, rather than undermines it. Stay tuned for updates on my advocacy efforts and how you can get involved.

Thank you for your continued support.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder | Voice For Change Foundation

Subject: Urgent Need for Action on Ethical AI to Prevent Workforce Displacement and Societal Risks

Dear Congressmen,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I am writing to you with an urgent concern regarding the unchecked development and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Over the past six months, I have been actively advocating for ethical AI, focusing on the severe risks posed to our workforce and society if immediate actions are not taken.

Despite my efforts, including reaching out to the Congressional Caucus on Artificial Intelligence, I have yet to receive any response. The situation is becoming increasingly dire as we approach a "point of no return." The lack of regulatory frameworks and ethical guidelines for AI threatens not only the job security of countless Americans but also the broader social and economic stability of our nation.

I have also engaged with international bodies, including the French government, which is a leader in advocating for ethical AI, as well as Interpol, due to concerns about unethical censoring practices related to my information by OpenAI. Notably, several key executives from OpenAI's safety team, including the Head of Trust and Safety Dave Willner, have recently announced their departure from the company, raising significant concerns about the company's direction and commitment to safety​. However, time is limited, and concerted action from our government is imperative.

I am appealing to you, as a key member of the Intelligence Committee, to consider the following immediate urgent actions:

  1. Establishing Robust Ethical AI Guidelines: Create comprehensive guidelines to ensure AI development aligns with ethical standards and societal values.

  2. Supporting Workforce Transition Programs: Implement programs to support workers displaced by AI through retraining and upskilling initiatives.

  3. Promoting Transparency and Accountability in AI: Ensure that AI systems are transparent and accountable, preventing misuse and ensuring public trust.

I am more than willing to provide detailed data and insights from my research and advocacy work to support these initiatives. Your leadership and prompt action on this matter could make a significant difference in preventing the negative consequences of AI and ensuring a balanced and fair technological advancement.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. I look forward to your response and the opportunity to discuss this further.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder | Voice For Change Foundation


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