Unmasking the Truth: The Real Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Jobs

“AI to impact 60% of advanced economy jobs,” says IMF Chief.

Translation: 6 out of 10 jobs rendered obsolete, or in plain English: Entire fields wiped out and jobs CANCELLED due to the unchecked implementation of AI lacking of regulatory framework by the U.S. government.

Today, I witnessed a live conference on TV, where a U.S. government representative focused primarily on the unemployment rate in the economy and the job market. They attempted to downplay the impact of AI and automation, promising an improbably low unemployment rate of 2% and insisting that our jobs are secure. Reality Check: It's time to set the record straight.

Behind the curtain of these soothing promises lies a stark reality. Companies are rapidly replacing human workers with AI technologies. Industries once reliant on human labor—fast food, tech, customer service—are now automating jobs at an alarming rate. Even sectors like cinematography face an uncertain future due to AI advancements. For example, text-to-video tools like Sora, which are about to be released to the public, could impact up to 2,740,000 jobs and account for $242 billion worth of wages circulating in the economy in the cinematography and video production industry alone.

The implications are profound. Millions of livelihoods are at stake as AI disrupts traditional job markets with unprecedented speed. Despite these clear signs, there's a disturbing trend to downplay these disruptions.

We cannot afford to turn a blind eye. As early as January, the Chief of the International Monetary Fund warned that up to 60% of jobs in the United States could be jeopardized by AI. This isn't just speculation—it's a wake-up call.

Unlike Europe, where proactive measures to regulate AI are being implemented, the United States is lagging behind. Without robust government intervention, there's little control over how AI shapes our workforce and economy.

It's time for action. We need to confront the realities of AI's impact head-on, demand transparency from corporate leaders, and push for responsible regulation that protects workers and fosters innovation.

Join me in shedding light on this critical issue. Together, let's advocate for policies that ensure AI benefits society as a whole, not at the expense of hardworking individuals striving to make a living.

#DemandEthicalAI #VoiceForChange


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