The U.S. Government's Denial of the Impact of AI and Automation on the Workforce

@POTUS, while the 1% are building bunkers, those of us at the bottom are struggling to afford housing amidst job displacement in this #AIBoom. The unchecked spread of AI & automation across industries is leaving many worried about their futures. Data shows an alarming trend of workforce and housing crises, especially in developed countries. What is the government doing to address this? #VoiceForChange #SpeakUp #EthicalAI

As we edge closer to the 2024 election, many Americans are growing increasingly concerned about the unchecked rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, which threatens to disrupt jobs across multiple sectors. While the wealthiest are building bunkers and panic rooms in anticipation of potential unrest, many others struggle to afford basic housing amidst widespread job displacement due to AI. This disparity is widening an already alarming gap between the rich and the rest of society, raising critical questions: Why is the U.S. government refusing to acknowledge the severity of this impact? What concrete steps are they taking to address the impending workforce and housing crises?

Recent data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggests that AI and automation will impact 40% of global jobs and up to 60% of jobs in developed economies (such as The United States). These predictions highlight the vast inequalities that could worsen as AI continues to advance without oversight. Advanced economies are expected to be hit the hardest, creating a ripple effect that will deepen the economic divide. Yet, the U.S. government remains disturbingly quiet on this issue.

While top-tier executives and celebrities engage security firms like Building Consensus Inc. to safeguard their wealth with fortified vaults, panic rooms, and bunkers, ordinary workers face growing financial insecurity. CEO Bill Rigdon has observed a surge in demand for such security structures among the elite, driven by private concerns over election-related unrest. Although these issues aren't prominently discussed in public forums or daily news broadcasts, Rigdon’s clients privately express deep fears about their safety amidst escalating instability.

Workers, on the other hand, are stuck in precarious employment or, worse, have already lost their jobs. They face an unsettling future as more companies shift to automation to streamline their operations. Many workers struggle to get their foot in the door due to resume-screening AI systems, leaving them at the mercy of an automated job market that prioritizes efficiency over human potential.

Prices of essential goods and services continue to climb, becoming increasingly inaccessible to anyone outside the 1%. Without prompt action from government and business leaders, this bleak reality will only intensify.

The silence from those in power is deafening. We need proactive policies to guide AI and automation in a direction that serves all of society, not just the privileged few. Our government must take action now to ensure that AI works for everyone.

Join the movement: Use the hashtag #VoiceForChange to make your voice heard and call for responsible AI practices that prioritize workers' rights and economic stability. It's time we demand better from our leaders before it's too late.


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