The Future of Tech is Here: Embrace the Change

“Hello Everyone,

I'm Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I'm incredibly grateful for your support in my Kickstarter campaign.

The mission of my campaign was to gather the necessary resources to embark on an enlightening journey: a 6-week MIT course on Artificial Intelligence fundamentals. This knowledge is crucial for me, and possibly for you, to thrive in our careers in the rapidly evolving job market.

Over the last 8 years, I've honed my skills in automating Excel spreadsheets and crafting Microsoft Power BI KPI dashboards. But the landscape is shifting. AI and automation are predicted to reshape 300 million jobs in the next 3 to 5 years. This wave of change isn't just coming; it's here, transforming tasks we've mastered into automated processes.

In my recent role as a Director of Business Intelligence, I witnessed firsthand the rise of automation across various industries, reshaping the way we work.

This realization isn't just a challenge; it's an opportunity. An opportunity for all of us to embrace change, to become versatile, and to add new, invaluable skills to our repertoire. As part of my Kickstarter commitment, I pledged to create 'something to share'. I can think of nothing more valuable than sharing the insights and knowledge about AI and automation that I will gain from this course.

I'll be sharing these learnings across my social media platforms, inviting you to join me in understanding AI. This isn't just about staying relevant. It's about becoming more efficient, more innovative, and turning ourselves into indispensable assets in our respective fields.

Your support has been the cornerstone of this journey. I'm excited to venture into this new chapter together, bringing you along every step of the way.

Thank you once again. Let's embrace this adventure and see where it takes us. See you soon!”

The Future of Tech is Here: Why Tech Workers Must Adapt Now

In the ever-evolving tech landscape, new tools and updates are being released weekly by tech CEOs, capable of automating processes that many of us have been performing manually for years. This relentless pace of innovation poses a significant challenge for tech workers, especially those in roles like mine as a data analyst for the past decade. However, it also presents an unparalleled opportunity.

During a recent discussion on social media, I highlighted the capabilities and limitations of AI in performing data analysis. While AI may not yet fully replicate the comprehensive role of a data analyst, it is advancing at an exponential rate. Soon, AI will be able to perform many tasks more efficiently than ever before. This shift means that the traditional role of a data analyst is transforming into that of an implementer or user of AI tools and solutions.

In the past, I might have completed 5 to 8 tasks in a day. With AI, I foresee the possibility of accomplishing 25 or more tasks daily, making myself a more valuable asset to future employers and reducing the need for large teams. This increase in productivity is crucial for corporate profitability but also means fewer job opportunities if we do not adapt.

Experts predict that AI and automation will impact 300 million jobs in the next 3 to 5 years. As tech workers, we must recognize this reality and take proactive steps to stay competitive. Acquiring new skills, particularly in AI and automation, is no longer optional—it is essential.

I encourage all tech workers to embrace continuous learning and upskilling. Join webinars, take courses, and stay informed about the latest advancements in technology. By doing so, we can ensure that we remain relevant and indispensable in the rapidly changing job market.

Let's face this future together, equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive. Welcome to the future of the tech industry.

Thank you for your support, and let's continue this journey of growth and adaptation.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec | Advocate for Ethical AI and Job Preservation

#VoiceForChange # DemandEthicalAI


Point Of No Return?


Engaging the House Freedom Caucus on the Job Displacement Crisis Due to AI and Automation