The AI Revolution to Regulate AI Has Officially Started: Governor Newsom’s Veto of SB 1047

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Even if you won’t hear about it on TV or from mainstream news outlets, the fight to regulate artificial intelligence is unfolding right before our eyes. It’s a fight happening in silence, out of view, and often ignored by the media that is heavily funded by Big Tech and certain political figures. This battle for the future of humanity, for the security of our jobs, privacy, and democracy, is happening in the shadows and behind closed doors. It is a fight that we cannot afford to ignore any longer.

Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent veto of Senate Bill 1047, which would have set crucial regulations on AI development and deployment, marks a significant turning point. The refusal to impose responsible safeguards on AI is not just a political decision—it is a declaration of war on the future safety of billions of people. Despite the silence surrounding it, this is the spark that ignites the AI revolution, a revolution we all must be a part of.

The Silent Battle Happening in the Shadows

As the mainstream media remains silent on these critical issues, we must understand that what’s happening now is no longer the stuff of science fiction—it is very real. Tech CEOs are currently holding meetings to discuss implementing a “kill switch” on the back of humanoid robots, a safeguard that acknowledges the risks these machines could pose to humanity if left unchecked. Recently, we’ve also seen the arrival of humanoid robots from China on U.S. soil, an event that has raised alarms in Congress, as reported by the New York Post.

These developments are not fantasies—they are tangible realities. As these advanced AI systems begin to integrate into our society, we are witnessing the emergence of powerful technologies that, if left unregulated, could fundamentally reshape the world as we know it. We must face this inconvenient truth, as Al Gore once described the threat of climate change. The parallels are clear: just as the global community needed to rally to fight climate change, we must now rally to regulate artificial intelligence.

Why This Fight is Being Silenced

Big Tech holds immense influence over the media, ensuring that the conversation around AI regulation remains muted. American news channels, which receive millions of dollars from these tech giants and certain politicians, have a vested interest in keeping the public uninformed. These companies prioritize profit over the safety of people, pushing forward with developments that can outpace the regulations meant to protect society from unintended consequences.

But we must remain aware. We must educate ourselves and each other, recognizing that what is happening behind the scenes will directly affect our lives, our jobs, and our children’s future. The people must take part in this uncomfortable conversation, even if it isn’t being openly discussed in the mainstream media.

The Realities We Must Face

We are not talking about a distant future. AI, humanoid robots, and autonomous systems are already here, and they are already beginning to influence our economy, workforce, and security. The veto of SB 1047 is just the beginning of this critical revolution—a revolution to protect our rights and secure the future of humanity against the unchecked power of AI.

There’s no escaping the fact that these technologies are evolving faster than our governments can regulate them. That is why it is more important than ever for us to stay vigilant and demand action from our leaders. We cannot allow Big Tech to continue shaping our world in ways that could devastate economies, deepen inequalities, and strip away personal freedoms.

We must push forward, demanding transparency, accountability, and safety measures to ensure that AI benefits society as a whole rather than just a few powerful corporations.

The Road Ahead: Continuing the Fight

The veto of SB 1047 is not the end—it is the beginning of an even greater struggle to hold those in power accountable for the safety and future of our world. Governor Newsom’s decision is a setback, but the revolution to regulate AI has only just begun.

We must stand together, fight for our rights, and ensure that the tools of the future do not become the weapons of our downfall. This is our moment to rise and demand that ethical AI regulation becomes a priority—because the future of billions, and the very fabric of our societies, depends on it.

It is time to engage in these uncomfortable conversations. We cannot shy away from the truths that may challenge our worldview or disrupt our comfort. The threats posed by unregulated AI are too significant to ignore, and the consequences of inaction are too dire to contemplate.

As we continue this fight, let’s remember that our humanity is worth protecting, that our futures are worth fighting for, and that no one—no tech giant or political leader—should be allowed to dictate the course of our collective destiny. Join me in demanding AI regulation for the protection of our society and for the sake of the generations to come. Together, we can shape a future where AI is a tool for good, rather than a force that threatens our way of life.

Life is Too Precious to Allow the Few in Power to Control Our Destiny

Life is too precious to allow a small group of individuals to shape the destiny of billions. As I reflect on my own journey, healing from a broken hand, I realize this injury symbolizes much more than a personal challenge. It represents the pain many of us endure when we see the dangers lurking in our world, ignored by those in positions of power. As I heal, so does my resolve—to fight for a future that doesn’t compromise our humanity, our democracy, or the safety of billions.

We are at a turning point. Unregulated artificial intelligence threatens not only jobs but also the pillars of society itself—our economy, our justice systems, and our human rights. We cannot afford to be passive observers while a few powerful tech CEOs and political figures dictate the course of our future, introducing technologies that will fundamentally alter the way we live, interact, and govern ourselves. The stakes have never been higher.

Why AI Regulation Matters

Artificial intelligence, when unchecked, has the potential to wreak havoc on everything we know. It is a force that can revolutionize our lives for the better—but only if guided by ethical and well-informed regulation. Without guardrails, AI could further entrench economic inequality, erode privacy, undermine democracy, and displace millions of workers. The very foundation of our global economy and society could be destabilized, leading to a world where human rights are increasingly sidelined by algorithms, and justice becomes a distant ideal manipulated by those with control over AI systems.

The Time for Complacency Is Over

For too long, we have allowed the rapid advancement of technology to outpace the regulations designed to protect us. We’ve allowed tech giants to dictate the rules of engagement, to redefine ethics on their terms. But the reality is, when it comes to artificial intelligence, the cost of inaction is too high. The longer we wait, the more we risk losing control over our destiny.

This is not merely about a technology—it is about who we want to be as a species, and whether we will allow machines and their creators to have more say over our lives than we do. The future of democracy, economic stability, and human rights is at stake, and the decisions made today will determine the world future generations inherit.

The Future We Demand

Kevin Bihan-Poudec, Founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, advocate for ethical AI and workforce preservation states:

“On this day, as a new era begins with the veto of SB 1047, the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, we must come to understand the future that has been decided for us. It is an uncertain future—one that fails to place necessary boundaries on large AI models, leaving us vulnerable to the very real possibility that, if left unchecked, these technologies could begin to take over our democracy, undermine our economies, erode our wellbeing, and threaten the very essence of what it means to be human.

Gavin Newsom’s veto signals a failure to protect the public from the looming dangers of unregulated artificial intelligence. It puts corporate interests before the safety and security of our families and communities. Without proper oversight, AI will not just reshape industries—it will reshape lives in ways that may not be reversible. It endangers our jobs, our societal fabric, and our fundamental values.

We must not depend on the tech industry to regulate itself, as history has shown us that unchecked corporate power rarely serves the public good. It is up to us, the people, to fight for a future where technology serves humanity responsibly, not recklessly. We must demand justice, demand safety, and demand accountability for a future where AI enhances our lives without compromising our collective security and dignity.

This is a call to continue our fight for responsible AI regulation, to protect not just our present, but the future of generations to come. Together, we can strive towards an equitable, just, and safe world, where innovation thrives with the well-being of humanity at its core. Our battle is far from over—let us move forward with resolve, for the survival of humanity, for justice, and for a future shaped by our shared values, not dictated by corporate greed.”

-Kevin Bihan-Poudec

We demand a future where AI is used to uplift society, not to tear it apart. We demand a future where justice and democracy are not eroded by algorithms, where privacy is not a relic of the past, and where jobs are not lost to machines without a safety net in place. We demand a future where our rights as humans are respected and preserved in the face of technological advancement.

This is a call to action. The time to act is now. We cannot sit idly by while the future is decided for us by a select few who prioritize profits over people. We must come together to demand that artificial intelligence be regulated in a way that ensures the safety, fairness, and justice of all.

We demand peace.
We demand democracy.
We demand justice.
We demand AI regulation.

Join me in this fight. Let’s make our voices heard before it’s too late. The future of humanity depends on it.

#DemandAIRegulation #FightForOurFuture #ProtectHumanRights #AIRegulationNow


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