Supercharging Your Workflow with AI: A Detailed Plan to Maximize Impact on SB 1047

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AI can be leveraged to organize your workload as it learns more about you through tools like ChatGPT's “Memory” functionality, which is a form of machine learning. This functionality keeps a record of previous prompts and questions in order to tailor responses more appropriately, with an understanding of what was communicated before—much like having a conversation with a friend who remembers your past discussions and gives you advice accordingly, rather than forgetting what you said day after day.

This is an efficient way of having artificial intelligence remind you of the milestones you want to achieve during your week or even on vacation. As life sometimes gets away from us—whether due to lack of sleep, physical exhaustion, or even financial constraints because of the difficulties of re-entering the saturated tech sector—AI can offer an abundance of energy and knowledge. It can give a helping hand when you can no longer think straight because of the craziness of human life. Leveraging this technology has allowed me to follow a clear guide for achieving optimal results. Plans in your schedule could be easily adjusted; if the AI provides you with a daily to-do list, you can simply mention that you will be unavailable on a certain day, and the AI can crunch the remaining tasks into the appropriate timeline. Human procrastination is no longer an excuse. Supercharge yourself with AI, embrace it—it’s coming, it’s here.

With the decision on SB 1047 looming, now is the time to act with precision, purpose, and a smart plan. Below is the detailed action plan I've created with the assistance of AI. This plan ensures I stay on track to follow up with key people regarding SB 1047, using both innovative and practical strategies. The deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto SB 1047 is fast approaching on September 30, 2024, so here’s how the next two weeks will unfold.

Action Plan for the Critical Push on SB 1047

Monday, September 16, 2024

  • Morning: Follow up with Governor Newsom’s office

    • Objective: Emphasize the catastrophic consequences of not signing SB 1047. Share the latest episode of my podcast, which delves into the critical nature of this legislation.

    • Strategy: Include a short video message addressing the Governor directly, aiming to make the issue more personal.

    • Next Step: Request confirmation of receipt and inquire about the decision timeline.

  • Afternoon: Reach out to the Biden-Harris Administration

    • Objective: Encourage them to support SB 1047 as part of their broader ethical AI initiative.

    • Strategy: Highlight the public momentum and share key statistics from social media engagement and podcast listenership. Suggest an open letter from influential figures like Marques Brownlee and Steven Bartlett to amplify support.

    • Next Step: Follow up on Friday, September 20, to check for a response.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

  • Morning: Contact French President Emmanuel Macron

    • Objective: Position SB 1047 as a global issue, emphasizing how France could lead AI regulation efforts alongside the U.S.

    • Strategy: Frame the message as a call for international cooperation. Offer media materials to share across French-speaking social platforms.

    • Next Step: Follow up on Thursday, September 19.

  • Afternoon: Re-engage with Marques Brownlee and Steven Bartlett

    • Objective: Provide an update on the nearing deadline for SB 1047 and request their platforms’ support.

    • Strategy: Offer to create custom content, such as a video clip or graphic, to help them spread the message.

    • Next Step: Reconnect by Friday, September 20.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

  • Morning: Social Media Push

    • Objective: Continue raising awareness on SB 1047 and the urgent need for ethical AI regulation.

    • Strategy: Post engaging video clips from my podcast and encourage followers to tag officials like Governor Newsom and Biden in their posts.

    • Next Step: Respond to comments and repost shares to keep the conversation going.

  • Afternoon: Reach out to Jennifer Garner via Once Upon a Farm

    • Objective: Enlist Jennifer Garner’s support to amplify the message of SB 1047, particularly focusing on its impact on children and families.

    • Strategy: Share the latest podcast episode and offer to co-author a public statement or guest post on her platform.

    • Next Step: Follow up on Monday, September 23, if no response is received.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

  • Morning: Collaborate with Save the Children (Sage Mitchell)

    • Objective: Mobilize Save the Children to support SB 1047 by emphasizing its impact on children’s futures.

    • Strategy: Request a direct social media post or collaboration on a press release.

    • Next Step: Circle back on Monday, September 23.

  • Afternoon: Final Push to Dr. Chatterjee and Anil Seth

    • Objective: Gain public support from academic and professional leaders in the AI field.

    • Strategy: Suggest a Twitter Spaces session or a roundtable discussion featuring these experts on AI regulation.

    • Next Step: Check back on Monday, September 23.

Friday, September 20, 2024

  • Morning: Follow-Up with Governor Newsom’s Office

    • Objective: Send a reminder about the deadline and provide recent developments from my social media and podcast campaigns.

    • Strategy: Offer to host a dialogue with the Governor’s team.

    • Next Step: Follow up again on Wednesday, September 25.

  • Afternoon: Contact Newsom Supporters

    • Objective: Reach out to organizations and influencers who support Governor Newsom and ask them to apply pressure from within his base.

    • Strategy: Provide an email template they can share with their network.

Weekend, September 21-22, 2024

  • Saturday: Reflect and Record a New Podcast Episode

    • Objective: Summarize the journey so far in pushing SB 1047 and rally support for the final days before the decision.

    • Strategy: Keep the episode short (10-15 minutes) with a clear “next steps” message for listeners to get involved.

  • Sunday: Begin a Social Media Countdown

    • Objective: Create urgency by counting down the days until September 30.

    • Strategy: Ask followers to use their platforms to message the Governor and officials.

September 23 - September 30, 2024

  • Daily Agenda: Maintain daily posts, check-ins with Governor Newsom, the Biden-Harris administration, and other influencers and advocacy groups. Engage with the audience, build momentum, and emphasize the significance of this moment.

  • Final Push (September 29-30, 2024): Host a live event to recap key points of SB 1047 and field live questions from the audience. This will serve as the final rally before the Governor’s decision.

This detailed plan is a testament to how AI can help structure not only my personal and professional life but also the critical advocacy work that I’m deeply invested in.

With the assistance of AI, I am able to maximize every moment, using it to ensure that my voice—and the voices of those who support ethical AI—are heard by the people who can make a real difference. The future of AI safety is in our hands. Let’s make sure we do everything possible to ensure it’s a future we can all be proud of.


The Urgent Need for a Global AI Ethics Charter


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