The Silent Revolution: Advocating for Ethical AI in a World Unaware (Part 1)

In 2024, we stand on the precipice of an era that will define the future of humanity—an era I call the AI Boom, marking the beginning stages of the AI Revolution. As we navigate this new reality, I find myself in a unique position, one that sometimes feels lonely, yet undeniably important. My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, and I am the founder and sole member of the "Voice For Change Foundation." This is my story of advocating for ethical AI in a world that seems to be moving too fast to notice the potential dangers ahead.

It’s often said that change starts with a single voice, and while that might sound cliché, it is a reality I live every day. When I post articles on my nonprofit’s website or share my thoughts on social media, I do so with the hope that my voice could reach the right ears—that maybe, just maybe, someone like Governor Newsom of California might read my words and be influenced by them. After all, we are at a critical juncture where decisions made today will determine the future of AI and its impact on our society.

But the truth is, I don’t have the status of a prominent figure. I’m not someone different from my neighbor, and it’s unlikely that my posts alone will change the course of major decisions. And yet, I continue to write and share my perspectives, because despite the lack of visible support—no comments, no likes—I believe in the importance of what I’m doing. I believe that even though the changes I advocate for aren’t happening fast enough to keep up with technological advancements, my efforts are part of a larger movement that will, in time, make a difference.

As I’ve often reflected, the reality of advocacy is that it often starts in solitude. It’s easy to feel like you’re shouting into the void, especially when the issues you’re passionate about are complex and ahead of their time. The AI Revolution is happening in stages, and while it impacts everyone differently, I can see the future if action is not taken swiftly enough. We’re facing a revolution, but this time, it’s a silent one—a revolution where the consequences of inaction might only become apparent when it’s too late.

In a recent social media post, I highlighted this very concern. I used the image of an AI-generated character, a representation of what’s already happening in the entertainment industry. AI is beginning to replace human roles, not just in movies, but across many sectors. The character in the image gets paid $20 a month—because she’s AI. She doesn’t buy products or services, nor does she stimulate the economy. Instead, she puts money in the pockets of a few billionaire American tech CEOs. She’s a symbol of why so many of us might struggle to feed our families in the years to come.

I wonder how long it will take before Americans take to the streets to protest against unregulated AI and for workers' rights. Maybe three to four years? Perhaps it’s the French in me, having gone through the French Revolution, but after all, we're facing another revolution now—the AI Revolution. And this time, it’s a silent one. Close your eyes. Pretend and tell yourself it’s not happening.

-Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Despite the challenges, I persist in my efforts. I persist because I know that every movement starts somewhere, and often the most impactful work takes time to be recognized. My commitment to ethical AI and the protection of workers’ rights might not yet have the support of the masses, but I continue to believe that change is possible. I continue to post, to write, and to advocate because I see the future that could unfold if we don’t act now. And while it’s true that the bills aren’t getting signed and passed fast enough, especially in this election year, I know that my voice is contributing to the ongoing discourse.

Being ahead of your time can feel lonely. It can feel like you’re the only one who sees the potential dangers on the horizon. But I remind myself that many of the most significant changes in history began with individuals who persisted despite a lack of immediate recognition or support. The absence of visible engagement doesn’t mean that my work isn’t making an impact. It just means that the change I’m advocating for is still in its early stages. As the AI Revolution progresses, the insights I’m sharing now will become increasingly relevant and influential.

So, I will continue to be that single voice shouting into the void. Because even if it feels like no one is listening, I know that my words are planting seeds. Seeds that might one day grow into a movement. A movement that could change the course of the future. And that’s why I will never stop fighting for ethical AI. This is my life’s work. This is my mission. This is my voice for change.

#DemandEthicalAI #RegulateAI #VoiceForChange


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