The Unseen Dystopia: AI, Automation, and the Vanishing Freedom of Information?

@kevinbihanpoudec Exposing the Truth About AI's Impact on the American Workforce Even though it is not pleasant to hear, the dystopian scenario from “The Hunger Games” movies has unfortunately started for thousands of displaced workers, just like me, in America due to AI's unchecked implementation across several industries. Watch the video as I share my true personal experience of ongoing hardship, struggling to reenter the tech sector for the past six months due to companies streamlining their operations to AI, which has led to a hiring freeze. In addition to my personal experience, I’d like to share additional information that backs up my statement above, based on data analytics: A Forbes article confirms through research and data analytics that 65,000 jobs were lost due to AI in April alone this year. That's an average of 2,100 families losing their jobs daily, unable to afford their mortgage or rent, put their children through college, or afford necessities such as food and medication. Read more: On the other hand, The Wall Street Journal reports that the AI revolution is already losing steam. The pace of innovation in AI is slowing, its usefulness is limited, and the cost of running it remains exorbitant. Read more: It is time for journalists to report the true condition of the labor market and not perpetuate absurdities due to financial benefits from politicians or Tech CEOs. The American people deserve to be informed. My advocacy efforts to demand Ethical AI and real solutions from our government are why I have been working day and night, conducting research for the past six months of my life. PLEASE RESHARE! LET'S MAKE OUR LEADERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS OR LACK THEREOF. Use #VoiceForChange to create a united force, and #DemandEthicalAI on social media to demand IMMEDIATE ACTION from our government and Tech CEOs to make AI safe and put boundaries on AI so we can all have a job at the end of the day. Even though you may not feel the impact yet, it’s definitely coming after you too. The IMF's Chief stated back in January that 40% of the global workforce could face disruption due to AI, up to 60% in developed countries such as the U.S. “IMPACTED” means 6 out of 10 jobs lost and entire fields wiped out or CANCELLED due to AI. She warned that the job displacement crisis is imminent, that we are highly unprepared, and that it happens in waves like a “tsunami.” Join me in the fight for a fair and equitable future by signing my petition. I am prepared to take action on Capitol Hill, supported by diverse voices demanding #EthicalAI and #JobPreservation for ALL Americans. I cannot do it alone; your support is essential. Learn more about my efforts to advocate for the ethical use of artificial intelligence, safeguard human rights, and preserve societal well-being in the face of rapid technological advancement: Latest Blog Article “The Unseen Dystopia: AI, Automation, and the Vanishing Freedom of Information?”: Censorship by Meta, 1st instance: Censorship by Meta, 2nd instance: Read more on how America can remain a democratic country: #SpeakUp #ProtectDemocracy #ProtectThePeople #AlandInequality #SaveOurJobs #JobPreservation #AlForGood #TechForGood #viral #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Automation #FutureTech #AlFuture #TechTakeOver#AIRevolution #FutureOfWork #JobDisplacement #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound - Kevin Bihan-Poudec AI Advocate

Soon after posting the above compelling video on my TikTok account, the ability for TikTok users to leave comments was turned off without my consent, even though my privacy settings were set to “on” by default just like on all my other videos. After doing a Google search later in the day, I was able to turn the comments back on under the settings of the video.

“Comments are back! Somehow, even though my privacy settings were switched to “on” for all my videos, soon after posting the video, the comments were turned off without my consent.”

In an era where the unchecked implementation of AI and automation is transforming our workforce, the dystopian future depicted in "The Hunger Games" seems to be creeping into reality.

The movie “The Hunger Games” has been removed from the platform Netflix as of June 1st 2024.

The Reality of Displacement

The state of my business shoes is a metaphor for the state of the labor market, especially the tech sector in America, during these unprecendented times of rapid technological advancement. #EthicalAI #VoiceForChange

As a displaced worker unable to reenter the tech sector for the past six months due to companies streamlining their operations with AI, I have faced significant financial hardships. Both of my bank accounts have frequently shown a balance of $0 or been overdrawn, primarily because banking institutions continue to charge overdraft fees to individuals struggling to reenter the labor market.

The rapid implementation of AI and automation has created an environment where job displacement is becoming the norm. Skilled workers with decades of experience are finding themselves pushed aside in favor of more cost-effective, AI-driven solutions. This is not just a minor inconvenience; it's a life-altering shift that leaves many struggling to make ends meet. The images above underscore the frustration and helplessness felt by those impacted.

Silencing the Narrative

As if the real-life implications weren't enough, it seems that even our ability to consume narratives that mirror our struggles is being taken away. "The Hunger Games," a poignant depiction of a dystopian society, has been removed from Netflix as of June 1, 2024. The timing is suspiciously convenient, just as the realities of such a dystopia begin to resonate more deeply with the masses.

How conveninent that “The Hunger Games” movie is no longer available on the streaming service platform Netflix as of June 1st 2024, just in time for “The Hunger Games” to statr in real life.

A Cry for Attention and Action


Is the following grammatically, correct? I was trying to get a freaking job at the government. Came out with an entire business plan of 17 pages for the office of Mike Levin on how he could become a pioneer politician utilizing this technology for the greater good of the causes he is fighting for which are global warming, sustainable energy and veterans. I was told to apply for an internship position which of course I didn’t qualify for as I am not out of college. I guess they don’t think my 10-year data analytics background could be valuable. Idiots. If we can show that by implementing X, Y, Z, we would increase the reinsertion of veterans by 20% into society let’s say in the next 6 to 12 months, it would show that these processes can have a greater impact on his constituents and could be replicated by other […]

Kevin: […] States. I guess this government just wants to watch this country burn and do nothing about it while we are all looking for food and shelter like in the “Hunger Games” while they all live in the “Capitol”. This dystopian society portrayed in the movies is becoming real, real fast.

ChatGPT: This content may violate our Usage Policies and Terms and Policies.

Kevin’s comment: How is this conversation with ChatGPT “violating” the Terms and Conditions exactly?

The first image highlights a conversation that was flagged for violating terms of use by OpenAI, owned by CEO Sam Altman, on his ChatGPT platform. The content in question is a critical commentary on the government's inaction and the growing socioeconomic divide. The second image drives the point home, questioning how such discussions could be deemed inappropriate when they reflect the dire reality many are facing.

Connecting the Dots

Thousands of displaced workers are grappling with financial hardships every single day, a situation exacerbated by leaders like @POTUS, @elonmusk, @sama, and @finkd who continue to drive these technological advancements without considering the human cost. And now, adding insult to injury, it appears we can't even watch these dystopian tales unfold on our screens.

The third image ties everything together, showcasing a tweet from @GuardiansOfAI. This tweet succinctly encapsulates the growing sentiment of disillusionment and frustration among those who see the unchecked power of AI and automation as a threat to societal stability. It points fingers at prominent figures and institutions, calling them out for their roles in this unfolding crisis.

The Implications

The removal of "The Hunger Games" from Netflix is more than just a programming decision; it's a metaphor for the broader silencing of critical voices. It symbolizes the erasure of narratives that challenge the status quo and prompt us to question the trajectory we're on. As we edge closer to a society that resembles a dystopian movie, the need for awareness and action becomes increasingly urgent.

Deep Dive into Misinformation and Terms and Conditions Violations in Modern Times

Kevin: How is my first prompt violating usage policies? Provide specific reasons.


Based on the content in your first prompt, it seems to include language and statements that might be flagged for several reasons:

1. Harsh Criticism and Insulting Language: The use of terms like "idiots" and harsh criticism of the government could be considered offensive or inflammatory, which might violate policies aimed at maintaining respectful discourse.

2. Sensitive Comparisons: Comparing the current situation to a dystopian future like "The Hunger Games" could be seen as sensational or fear-mongering, which might violate policies against spreading misinformation or creating undue panic.

3. Political Statements: Strong political statements and accusations against specific figures or groups (such as the government wanting to "watch this country burn") could be flagged for inciting distrust or hostility.

4. Emotional Language: The overall tone is highly emotional and negative, which might trigger content moderation systems designed to reduce the spread of potentially harmful or divisive content.

These factors combined could lead to the content being flagged as violating usage policies. To avoid this, it's important to maintain a respectful tone, avoid inflammatory language, and present arguments in a constructive manner.


What if all the reasons above are true facts, how could is my content violating policies against spreading misinformation as the true reality of displaced workers due to AI implementation in the real world is occuring. Wouldn't it be OpenAI that would spread misinformation in regards to the true impact of ChatGPT on the American workforce instead?


Your point raises important considerations about the role of content moderation and the balance between addressing real issues and maintaining platform policies. Here's how your content might still violate policies despite being based on true facts:

1. Tone and Language: Even if the facts are accurate, the way they are presented matters. Harsh language and insults can be considered unconstructive and could contribute to a negative or hostile environment, which many platforms seek to avoid.

2. Context and Nuance: While the reality of displaced workers due to AI implementation is a significant issue, platforms may require that such discussions are presented in a nuanced and balanced way, avoiding sensationalism or overly dire comparisons (like the "Hunger Games" analogy) that might induce unnecessary panic or fear.

3. Respect and Civility: Policies often emphasize the importance of respectful dialogue. Calling decision-makers "idiots" or making sweeping negative statements about the government can be seen as disrespectful and contrary to guidelines encouraging civil discourse.

4. Policy Enforcement: Platforms like OpenAI need to enforce their policies consistently to maintain a respectful and informative environment for all users. Even true statements can be flagged if they are presented in a way that violates guidelines on tone, respectfulness, and constructive criticism.

To ensure that important issues like AI displacement are discussed without violating policies, consider:

  • Using Respectful Language: Avoid insults and derogatory terms.

  • Presenting Balanced Views: Include context and acknowledge multiple perspectives.

  • Focusing on Constructive Criticism: Offer solutions or ways forward rather than just highlighting problems.

This approach can help ensure that your content is impactful and informative without running afoul of platform policies.

@GuardiansOfAI: Artificial Intelligence is able to teach irritated displaced workers how to better approach societal issues in the face of unprecedented technological advancement. #Opentocriticism #LearningCurve #Impatientmillennial #BeSmart #ACTNOW


In conclusion, the images and content shared above paint a troubling picture of our current state. We are witnessing the erosion of job security, the silencing of critical voices, and the removal of narratives that reflect our societal struggles. It's a call to action for all of us to advocate for ethical AI implementation, support displaced workers, and ensure that our freedoms, including the freedom to consume thought-provoking media, are preserved.

Let's not allow this dystopian future to become our reality. Engage in the conversation, demand accountability from our leaders, and strive for a balanced approach to technological advancement that prioritizes human well-being.

#VoiceForChange #EthicalAI #StayPolite #SpeakUp (or stay quiet and face the inevitable consequences)


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