Should AI Be the Least of Our Worries?

As the world anxiously watches advancements in artificial intelligence and its implications, another, more immediate threat might be on the horizon: the potential outbreak of World War III. Recent statements by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic have heightened these fears. Vucic has warned that escalating tensions in Europe, particularly the conflict in Ukraine, could lead to a global war within the next few months​ (Anadolu Ajansı)​​ (Future Fast Forward)​​ (N1)​.

@kevinbihanpoudec Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the incredibly insecure times we're living in. With the looming threat of World War Ill and the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, we need to recognize the seriousness of these issues. Al, while powerful and transformative, is not just another tool, its implications on our society and jobs are profound and far-reaching. We need our government to act now, to put in place safeguards that will protect human rights and societal well-being. It's crucial for our future that we address these challenges head-on. Let's use our voices and demand the action we desperately need. #voiceforchange #ethicalai #speakup #actnow #humanrights #artificialintelligence #ai #societalwellbeing #worldwar3 #dictator #putin #democracy ♬ original sound - Kevin Bihan-Poudec AI Advocate

Escalating Tensions and Global Conflict

President Vucic has highlighted that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, compounded by the involvement of major powers, has brought us to a critical juncture. He mentioned that the situation is deteriorating rapidly, with increasing hostility and a lack of diplomatic efforts to establish peace. Vucic stressed that if the West and Russia continue on their current paths, the world could face a conflict larger than World War II, with devastating consequences for all involved​ (Anadolu Ajansı)​​ (Newsmax)​.


Video: Serbia's President Vucic gives a dark outlook - All signs point to a major war in Europe 🇷🇸 塞爾維亞總統武契奇前景悲觀 - 所有跡像都顯示歐洲將爆發一場大戰. “We are heading for a major catastrophe and it seems that the train has already left the station and can no longer be stopped. No one in the West is talking about peace anymore - only more war. The West thinks it can win and take out Russia. I think the West is wrong. Both sides now believe it is existential for them, so I don't think they will find a solution other than war and everything, everything is at stake. In Europe, the leaders act as the big heroes, but they are not honest and do not tell their citizens that they will all pay a big price if it comes to war.” 「我們正在走向一場大災難,火車似乎已經離開車站,無法再停下來了。西方沒有人再談論和平——只有更多的戰爭。西方認為自己能夠獲勝並消滅俄羅斯。我認為西方的做法是錯誤的。雙方現在都認為這對他們來說是生死攸關的,所以我認為他們不會找到除了戰爭之外的解決方案,一切都岌岌可危。在歐洲,領導人扮演著大英雄的角色,但他們並不誠實,也沒有告訴他們的公民,如果爆發戰爭,他們都會付出巨大的代價.

♬ original sound - johnsonwkchoi

Astrological Predictions and Public Anxiety

Adding to the public's anxiety, Indian astrologer Kushal Kumar, often referred to as the "new Nostradamus," predicted that World War III could start on June 18, 2024. Kumar, using Vedic astrology, suggested that planetary alignments on this date had the strongest potential to trigger a global conflict. He also mentioned June 10 and June 29 as other significant dates. While June 18 has passed without incident, the predictions have not alleviated fears, as Kumar indicated that other dates might still be critical​ (Daily Express US)​​ (UNILAD)​​ (The Gateway Pundit)​.

Hollywood's Prophetic Timeliness

Interestingly, the release of the TV show "Fallout" on Amazon Prime two months ago seems eerily prescient. The show, which depicts a post-apocalyptic world, mirrors the potential fallout from geopolitical conflicts that could lead to widespread devastation, including in the United States. This serves as a stark reminder of the catastrophic consequences that wars can bring, overshadowing even the disruptive potential of AI​ (Future Fast Forward)​.

Recent Military Movements

Recent reports have added to the tension, with sightings of two Russian ships and a nuclear-capable submarine 30 miles off the coast of Florida. These developments underline the increasing risk of military confrontations that could escalate into a larger conflict. The presence of these vessels so close to U.S. shores is a significant cause for concern and underscores the urgency of the current geopolitical situation.


While the potential of AI to disrupt industries and economies remains a pressing issue, the immediate threat of a global conflict demands our urgent attention. The warnings from President Vucic and the unsettling predictions by astrologers like Kumar suggest that the world could be on the brink of a catastrophic event far greater than the challenges posed by AI. It is crucial for global leaders to act decisively to de-escalate these tensions and pursue diplomatic solutions to ensure peace and stability.

As we continue to monitor these developments, it is important to stay informed and engaged with the unfolding events that could shape our future. The potential for World War III is not a distant possibility but a looming threat that requires our collective vigilance and action.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the sources that provide comprehensive insights into these developments​ (Anadolu Ajansı)​​ (Future Fast Forward)​​ (Newsmax)​​ (N1)​​ (Daily Express US)​​ (UNILAD)​​ (The Gateway Pundit)​.


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