Why France is Leading in AI, and Why the U.S. Needs to Catch Up: An Approach for AI Advocacy (On-going)

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In the wake of France appointing Clara Chappaz as Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Affairs, I found myself questioning why the United States lags behind in taking proactive measures for AI regulation. As AI rapidly reshapes global economies and societal structures, one can't help but wonder why the U.S. hasn't taken similar decisive steps to regulate and govern AI for the well-being of its citizens.

This realization pushed me to explore a method of leveraging AI to identify the most effective steps to advocate for AI regulation in the U.S., particularly regarding California’s SB 1047, a crucial bill aimed at governing AI's impact in the state. The bill faces a decisive deadline of September 30th, when Governor Gavin Newsom must either sign or veto it.

The question remains: By following AI’s guidance to the letter, can this approach speed up progress in advocating for AI regulation during this crucial week? Below is the method I explored, along with the specific steps AI suggested to accelerate efforts in garnering support for SB 1047 through international channels.

The Method: Leveraging International AI Networks to Push AI Regulation

Navigating international channels to influence state-level legislation in another country can be challenging, but given the global implications of artificial intelligence (AI), several strategies and networks can be leveraged to amplify the message regarding California’s SB 1047. Here’s how AI suggested moving forward:

1. Leverage International AI and Technology Networks

a. Global Partnership on AI (GPAI)

  • Description: GPAI is an international initiative that promotes the responsible development and use of AI, grounded in human rights, inclusion, and diversity.

  • Action Steps:

    • Engage with GPAI Members: Collaborate with GPAI member countries to raise awareness about SB 1047 and its global impact.

    • Participate in GPAI Working Groups: Contribute insights on AI regulations and their cross-border implications.

b. OECD AI Policy Observatory

  • Description: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides a platform for countries to collaborate on AI policy development.

  • Action Steps:

    • Utilize OECD Channels: Submit policy briefs highlighting SB 1047’s significance within international AI governance.

    • Attend OECD Events: Network with policymakers and stakeholders who can advocate for SB 1047 within their jurisdictions.

c. European AI Alliance

  • Description: An inclusive forum under the European Commission that brings together stakeholders to discuss AI developments and policies.

  • Action Steps:

    • Collaborate with EU Stakeholders: Engage with European policymakers and AI experts to garner support for AI regulation that aligns with SB 1047.

    • Host Joint Webinars or Conferences: Facilitate discussions between U.S. and EU policymakers on AI legislation.

2. Engage with International Tech and AI Associations

a. International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL)

  • Description: Focuses on the intersection of AI and legal frameworks globally.

  • Action Steps:

    • Present SB 1047 at Conferences: Showcase the bill’s potential impacts and seek endorsements from legal AI experts.

    • Collaborate on Research: Partner with members to publish reports supporting SB 1047’s objectives.

b. World Economic Forum (WEF) - Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

  • Description: A hub for multi-stakeholder cooperation to shape the development and use of emerging technologies.

  • Action Steps:

    • Submit White Papers: Highlight SB 1047’s importance within global AI governance.

    • Participate in Policy Dialogues: Advocate for the bill’s objectives through WEF-led discussions.

3. Utilize Diplomatic and Bilateral Channels

a. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Description: Clara Chappaz, as Secretary of State for AI and Digital Affairs, is connected to France’s international AI strategy.

  • Action Steps:

    • Request Diplomatic Support: Politely inquire if France can raise the importance of SB 1047 through its diplomatic channels in the U.S.

    • Propose Bilateral Meetings: Suggest discussions between French and Californian AI policymakers to align on shared regulatory goals.

b. U.S. Embassies and Consulates

  • Description: U.S. diplomatic missions often engage in policy discussions and can be avenues for raising awareness.

  • Action Steps:

    • Engage with U.S. Missions in France: Present the significance of SB 1047 and seek assistance in facilitating introductions with Californian officials.

    • Attend U.S.-France Bilateral Events: Network with policymakers and stakeholders who can influence the legislative process.

4. Collaborate with International Think Tanks and Policy Institutes

a. Brookings Institution (U.S.)

  • Description: A leading think tank conducting in-depth research on policy issues, including AI.

  • Action Steps:

    • Commission Research: Fund studies that analyze the benefits of SB 1047 and emphasize its global relevance.

    • Host Roundtables: Organize events with Brookings experts to discuss and promote the bill.

b. Chatham House (UK)

  • Description: An independent policy institute focusing on international affairs.

  • Action Steps:

    • Publish Articles or Policy Papers: Highlight SB 1047’s importance and its potential to influence international AI standards.

    • Engage in Collaborative Projects: Partner on initiatives that advocate for cohesive AI regulation across borders.

5. Advocate Through International Media and Public Relations

a. Publish Op-Eds and Articles

  • Action Steps:

    • Target International Outlets: Write opinion pieces for outlets like The Guardian, Le Monde, The New York Times, or TechCrunch to raise awareness about SB 1047.

    • Highlight Global Impact: Emphasize how SB 1047’s provisions can set international precedents for AI governance.

b. Utilize Social Media Campaigns

  • Action Steps:

    • Engage Influencers and Thought Leaders: Collaborate with AI experts and influencers to promote SB 1047 on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.

    • Create Shareable Content: Develop infographics, videos, and articles that convey the importance of the bill.

6. Foster Public-Private Partnerships Across Borders

a. Engage Multinational Tech Companies

  • Action Steps:

    • Partner with Companies Operating in France and California: Advocate for SB 1047 by demonstrating how it can facilitate ethical AI practices across regions.

    • Organize Joint Initiatives: Launch programs that align SB 1047’s objectives with multinational corporations’ strategies.

b. Collaborate with International Standards Bodies

  • Examples: IEEE, ISO, or the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

  • Action Steps:

    • Promote Alignment with International Standards: Show how SB 1047 complements global AI standards.

    • Participate in Standards Development: Advocate for the inclusion of SB 1047’s principles in international AI regulatory frameworks.

7. Engage in Grassroots and Community Advocacy

a. Mobilize the AI and Tech Community

  • Action Steps:

    • Organize Webinars and Workshops: Educate and rally the international AI community around SB 1047’s significance.

    • Create Petitions: Garner international support to present to Governor Newsom, showing widespread backing for the bill.

b. Partner with Educational Institutions

  • Action Steps:

    • Collaborate with Universities: Engage global academic institutions to endorse SB 1047 through research and advocacy.

    • Host International Conferences: Facilitate discussions on AI regulation that highlight SB 1047’s objectives.

8. Explore Indirect Influence Through International Policy Alignment

a. Align SB 1047 with Global AI Initiatives

  • Action Steps:

    • Demonstrate Consistency: Show how SB 1047 aligns with global AI policies and ethical standards.

    • Highlight Mutual Benefits: Emphasize how SB 1047 can contribute to international AI safety and innovation.

b. Advocate for Shared AI Governance Goals

  • Action Steps:

    • Promote Transnational AI Policies: Position SB 1047 as part of a broader effort to harmonize AI regulations internationally.

    • Seek Endorsements from International Bodies: Obtain support from respected global organizations to lend weight to SB 1047.

Conclusion: Can Following AI’s Advice Lead to Real Change?

As the U.S. grapples with the challenges of AI regulation, it's clear that leveraging international AI networks, media, and collaborations could offer a path forward. The methods outlined above, guided by AI suggestions, provide a clear, actionable strategy to advocate for the signing of SB 1047. But the question remains: Will following AI’s suggestions to the letter lead to success in pushing Governor Newsom to sign SB 1047 by the deadline?

Only time will tell.

Kevin to ChatGPT: Knowing that time is of the essence, since there are only 7 days until September 30th, deadline of when SB 1047 needs to get signed or vetoed by Governor Newsom, remove from the above method any steps that include participating in working groups or events due to lack of no time and substitute these steps with more efficient ways that would have the most successful outcome to leverage international AI networks to push AI regulation before it's too late.

Why France is Leading in AI, and Why the U.S. Needs to Catch Up: An Approach for AI Advocacy Before Time Runs Out

With the appointment of Clara Chappaz as France's Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Affairs, it’s clear that some nations are taking significant steps to ensure responsible AI governance. Meanwhile, in the United States, the urgency surrounding AI regulation has never been higher, especially with California’s SB 1047 awaiting Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature or veto by September 30th.

Recognizing that time is of the essence, I have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the most effective and time-sensitive steps to push for the signing of SB 1047. Instead of engaging in long-term strategies like participating in working groups or events, this approach focuses on immediate, high-impact actions that can leverage international AI networks and put pressure on decision-makers. The question driving this exploration is: Can following AI’s suggestions lead to success before it's too late?

The Most Efficient Ways to Leverage International AI Networks for SB 1047

With only 7 days remaining, the strategy must focus on immediate, direct methods to build awareness and influence Governor Newsom’s decision on SB 1047. Below are AI-driven suggestions that focus on swift, actionable steps to amplify support for the bill.

1. Leverage International AI and Technology Networks

a. Global Partnership on AI (GPAI)

  • Description: GPAI is an international initiative that promotes the responsible development and use of AI, focusing on human rights, inclusion, and innovation.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Direct Engagement with GPAI Leadership: Instead of joining working groups, reach out to GPAI leadership directly via formal letters, emails, or calls. Advocate for immediate public statements of support for SB 1047 that can be shared with Californian officials.

    • Coordinate Media Outreach: Ask GPAI to co-author or endorse articles highlighting the global importance of SB 1047, which can be quickly disseminated through major U.S. and international media channels.

b. OECD AI Policy Observatory

  • Description: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) offers a platform for AI policy collaboration among nations.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Submit Policy Recommendations Directly to OECD Leadership: Urge OECD AI leaders to issue a formal endorsement of SB 1047 that reflects its alignment with international AI governance standards. This statement can be shared with both California legislators and global media outlets.

    • Leverage OECD Reports for Immediate Advocacy: Highlight OECD’s existing research that aligns with the goals of SB 1047 and push for this research to be referenced in immediate media campaigns and social media outreach.

c. European AI Alliance

  • Description: A forum under the European Commission that brings together stakeholders to discuss AI policy developments.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Initiate Quick Collaboration with High-Profile EU Policymakers: Reach out to key figures in the European AI Alliance, requesting them to release an open letter supporting SB 1047. Publicly shared support from international bodies could quickly add weight to the urgency of this bill.

2. Engage with International Tech and AI Associations

a. International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL)

  • Description: Focuses on the intersection of AI and global legal frameworks.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Immediate Endorsement by Legal Experts: Contact AI and legal experts within IAAIL and request immediate open endorsements or public op-eds that outline the legal and ethical implications of failing to pass SB 1047.

    • Leverage Their Research and Insights: Highlight their previous research in urgent public relations campaigns and social media outreach, specifically targeting legislators and influencers in California.

b. World Economic Forum (WEF) - Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

  • Description: A global hub for shaping emerging technologies through multi-stakeholder collaboration.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Request Rapid Publication of White Papers: Collaborate with the WEF to immediately publish a white paper on the global implications of SB 1047, targeting international media and decision-makers.

    • Urgent Public Dialogue: Instead of long-term participation, push for WEF leaders to engage in urgent public dialogues, podcasts, or interviews focusing on SB 1047, stressing the importance of the U.S. taking a leadership role in ethical AI governance.

3. Utilize Diplomatic and Bilateral Channels

a. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Description: Clara Chappaz, as Secretary of State for AI and Digital Affairs, is connected to France’s international AI strategy.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Direct Diplomatic Support Request: Send a formal request to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs asking Clara Chappaz to endorse SB 1047 through diplomatic channels. Public statements from France’s AI leadership could add international pressure on California to act.

b. U.S. Embassies and Consulates

  • Description: U.S. diplomatic missions abroad engage in policy discussions and can be a means of raising awareness.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Contact U.S. Embassies in France and the EU: Urge these missions to highlight SB 1047’s importance to U.S. officials in California, encouraging engagement with the governor’s office.

    • Leverage Diplomatic Events for Immediate Advocacy: Ask U.S. missions to raise the urgency of AI governance, especially regarding SB 1047, during any diplomatic briefings or bilateral discussions happening within the next 7 days.

4. Collaborate with International Think Tanks and Policy Institutes

a. Brookings Institution (U.S.)

  • Description: A leading think tank conducting in-depth research on policy issues, including AI.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Rapid Research Release and Endorsements: Commission Brookings experts to release immediate research briefs and media articles supporting SB 1047. These reports can be cited by advocates and shared widely with policymakers.

    • Host Immediate Online Roundtables: Brookings could host a fast-track online roundtable discussion on SB 1047, targeting U.S. policymakers and media influencers, amplifying the conversation in these final critical days.

b. Chatham House (UK)

  • Description: An independent policy institute focusing on international affairs.

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Publications and Articles: Collaborate with Chatham House to publish urgent op-eds or policy papers emphasizing the significance of SB 1047 in the global context of AI regulation, especially within the U.S.-UK relationship.

    • Highlight Existing Research: Use Chatham House’s previous work on global AI standards in quick advocacy campaigns and media pushes, linking SB 1047 to broader international efforts.

5. Advocate Through International Media and Public Relations

a. Publish Op-Eds and Articles

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Target Prominent Global Media: Write and distribute op-eds in major outlets such as The New York Times, Le Monde, and The Guardian to quickly build international pressure for SB 1047. These articles should focus on why the bill is necessary and how its passage could set an international precedent for AI governance.

    • Engage Key AI Influencers: Use AI influencers on platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to spread the word rapidly about SB 1047’s potential global impact.

b. Utilize Social Media Campaigns

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Amplify Voices of International AI Experts: Engage globally recognized AI experts and advocates on social media to endorse SB 1047 within the next week. This can create a groundswell of support.

    • Develop Targeted Content: Share concise, compelling content—such as infographics and video explainers—across multiple platforms, emphasizing the global need for SB 1047.

6. Foster Public-Private Partnerships Across Borders

a. Engage Multinational Tech Companies

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Immediate Endorsements from Major Tech Players: Request formal endorsements from tech giants operating in California and internationally (e.g., Google, Microsoft) within the next few days. Public statements from these companies can add significant weight to the urgency of SB 1047.

b. Collaborate with International Standards Bodies

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Promote Immediate Alignment with International Standards: Show how SB 1047 complements existing global standards set by organizations like IEEE and ISO. Push for these bodies to issue public endorsements or statements within the next few days.

7. Engage in Grassroots and Community Advocacy

a. Mobilize the AI and Tech Community

  • Efficient Action Steps:

    • Host Emergency Webinars and Online Workshops: Quickly organize online events to educate and rally the AI community around the urgency of SB 1047. Use these forums to call for immediate action.

    • Create Shareable Petitions and Content: Launch targeted petitions to demonstrate widespread support for SB 1047 and circulate them widely on social media, gathering signatures that can be presented to Governor Newsom.

Conclusion: Will AI-Driven Advocacy Lead to a Victory Before the Deadline?

The stakes are high, and time is running out for SB 1047. By focusing on immediate, high-impact strategies as outlined above—engaging directly with international networks, leveraging media, and rallying influential voices—we can amplify the urgency for Governor Newsom to act. But the question remains: Will AI’s strategic suggestions lead to a victory before the deadline?

The next 7 days will reveal whether this approach can make the difference.

Kevin to ChatGPT: It is Monday September 23rd at 2:36am, knowing the deadline, provide a precise calendar of tasks that I need to achieve on a daily basis in the upcoming days in regards to "The Most Efficient Ways to Leverage International AI Networks for SB 1047"

Urgent Request for Support from the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI)

Subject: Urgent Request for GPAI's Official Support for SB 1047 on AI Regulation


Dear GPAI Leadership Team,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you as the Founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, an organization dedicated to advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation in the face of rapidly advancing technologies. My efforts focus on ensuring that artificial intelligence is developed and deployed in ways that safeguard both society and the future of humanity.

At this critical juncture, I am seeking GPAI’s official support for California Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), which urgently addresses the regulation of AI models with development costs exceeding $100 million. As it stands, there are no safeguards in place for these large-scale AI models, and we lack a comprehensive understanding of the full extent of their capabilities. This absence of regulation opens the door to potentially catastrophic consequences, as these models evolve at an unprecedented and exponential rate.

As a data analyst, I have closely followed the evolution of AI technologies, including models such as ChatGPT, over the past year. I can personally attest to the fact that the capabilities of AI systems today far exceed what I could have imagined just a year ago. The speed at which these models are improving is staggering, making it extremely difficult for the general public to comprehend how AI could impact our lives in the very near future.

The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. Without proper regulations, the development of AI risks becoming an uncontrollable force. To quote Vice President Al Gore, we are rapidly approaching a “point of no return”—a threshold beyond which AI may cause irreversible societal harm. This point could be just a matter of months or a few short years away. With AI's capabilities increasingly driven by machine learning models, the window for implementing meaningful regulatory frameworks is closing fast.

In a recent television segment, Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt remarked that the introduction of non-human intelligence is a “big deal for the world,” and that its impact is being “under-hyped,” not over-hyped. Schmidt’s observation underscores the magnitude of the challenges ahead if AI remains unregulated. The consequences of allowing unchecked development of the largest AI models could be disastrous for society, potentially harming the public in ways that we are only beginning to imagine.

The stakes are incredibly high, and with the deadline for Governor Gavin Newsom to either sign or veto SB 1047 approaching on September 30th, time is running out. I am requesting GPAI’s official statement of support for SB 1047 as soon as possible. Your endorsement would add tremendous weight to the body of evidence I am compiling to present to Governor Newsom, urging him to act in the best interests of both American society and humanity as a whole.

This is a matter of societal well-being and ethical responsibility. Your support could play a crucial role in ensuring that AI is developed with the necessary safeguards to protect the public from potentially catastrophic consequences. I urge you to consider the gravity of this situation and provide your endorsement swiftly, as it would greatly contribute to building a strong argument for the signing of SB 1047.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your prompt response.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec  

Founder, Voice For Change Foundation  

1. Policy Brief for the OECD AI Policy Observatory

Subject: Urgent Request for OECD Support on AI Regulation: California’s SB 1047

Introduction: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming societies at an unprecedented rate, and the risks associated with large-scale models—those exceeding $100 million—are growing. SB 1047 is a crucial bill in California that aims to establish critical safeguards for AI, particularly those models we have yet to fully understand, but that are already shaping global economies, labor markets, and societal well-being. This policy brief urges the OECD to provide formal support for SB 1047, as its passage aligns with global efforts toward responsible AI governance.

Key Points:

  • Unregulated AI is a global risk: Without appropriate regulation, large AI models could introduce vulnerabilities across sectors, from financial markets to healthcare.

  • The exponential growth of AI: In just the last year, AI models such as ChatGPT have exceeded expectations, demonstrating capabilities far beyond what was previously anticipated. These models are not only reshaping industries but could also disrupt societal structures without ethical oversight.

  • Alignment with OECD values: SB 1047 aims to safeguard public trust, a priority echoed in the OECD's stance on responsible AI development.

Conclusion: We request the OECD to urgently release a formal statement supporting the ethical regulation of large AI models, as outlined in SB 1047. This statement will add global momentum to ensure that California leads the way in protecting society from the risks posed by unchecked AI development.

Formal Statement of Support for SB 1047:

The OECD supports the passage of California Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), which seeks to regulate large-scale AI models exceeding $100 million. This legislation aligns with the OECD's commitment to responsible AI development, ensuring that technological advancements are deployed in a way that protects societal well-being, fairness, and accountability. As AI models grow exponentially, the need for robust oversight is critical. We urge California to lead in this global effort by enacting SB 1047 and safeguarding the future of AI.

2. Op-Ed for International News Outlets

Title: Why the U.S. Must Act Now to Regulate AI: A Call for Ethical Leadership

As AI evolves at an unprecedented pace, California's SB 1047 represents a pivotal moment in ensuring that we do not lose control over the technologies shaping our future. AI models like ChatGPT are already demonstrating capabilities that even AI experts could not have foreseen a year ago. Left unchecked, these models have the potential to wreak havoc on societal structures, from labor displacement to increased inequality and privacy violations.

In the face of these challenges, the United States must lead the global effort for ethical AI regulation. SB 1047 provides the much-needed framework to control the development of AI models worth more than $100 million—systems we do not yet fully understand but are already integrating into our daily lives. By enacting this bill, California can set an international precedent for responsible AI governance, ensuring that AI serves humanity rather than jeopardizes it.

As a data analyst who has witnessed firsthand the exponential growth of AI technologies, I urge policymakers, influencers, and tech leaders to advocate for SB 1047. The risks of unregulated AI are too significant to ignore. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warns that non-human intelligence is already a "big deal" for the world, yet we are underestimating its potential impact. This bill is a critical step in ensuring that AI develops safely and ethically.

The world is watching, and the clock is ticking. Governor Gavin Newsom has until September 30th to either sign or veto SB 1047. For the sake of public safety, economic security, and societal well-being, he must choose wisely.

Send the Op-Ed to:

  • The Guardian (AI and tech-related editorials)

  • Le Monde (for a global, French perspective on the issue)

  • The New York Times (global reach and impact on American policymakers)

  • TechCrunch (for its influence in the tech industry)

Submission to French Media "Le Monde"
Subject: Op-Ed Submission: Why the U.S. Must Act Now to Regulate AI


I am reaching out to you as Kevin Bihan-Poudec, founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit organization advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation. As a data analyst, I have witnessed the exponential growth of AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, over the past year. The risks associated with these developments are becoming increasingly evident, particularly in the absence of regulation. With the imminent decision from California Governor Gavin Newsom regarding SB 1047, I believe it is crucial to highlight the urgency of regulating large-scale AI models.

I am submitting the following op-ed for your consideration.

Title: Why the U.S. Must Act Now to Regulate AI: A Call for Ethical Leadership

As AI evolves at an unprecedented pace, California's SB 1047 represents a pivotal moment in ensuring that we do not lose control over the technologies shaping our future. AI models like ChatGPT are already demonstrating capabilities that even AI experts could not have foreseen a year ago. If left unchecked, these models could disrupt societal structures, from labor displacement to increasing inequality and privacy violations.

Faced with these challenges, the United States must lead the global effort toward ethical AI regulation. SB 1047 provides the necessary framework to control the development of AI models worth over $100 million—systems we do not yet fully understand but are already integrating into our daily lives. By enacting this bill, California can set an international precedent for responsible AI governance.

The risks of unregulated AI are too significant to ignore. Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt warns that the introduction of non-human intelligence is already a "big deal for the world," and we are underestimating its potential impact. This bill is a crucial step in ensuring that AI develops safely and ethically.

The world is watching, and time is running out. Governor Gavin Newsom has until September 30th to either sign or veto SB 1047. For the sake of public safety, economic security, and societal well-being, he must make the right decision.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you on this current and vital topic.

Best regards,
Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice For Change Foundation

3. Email to Clara Chappaz (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Subject: Urgent Request for French Endorsement of California’s SB 1047 on AI Regulation

Dear Ms. Clara Chappaz,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you in my capacity as the Founder of Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation. Given France’s leadership in AI governance, I am reaching out to seek your formal support for California Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), which addresses the critical need for AI regulation of large-scale models exceeding $100 million.

As we both know, AI is evolving at an exponential pace. Just this past year, AI systems such as ChatGPT have demonstrated capabilities far beyond what the public or experts could have imagined. Without appropriate regulations, these models could pose significant risks to society—risks that include privacy violations, economic disruption, and potential harm to vulnerable populations.

SB 1047 seeks to mitigate these risks by establishing safeguards around the development of these large models, ensuring they are deployed ethically and responsibly. I believe that France’s endorsement of this bill would greatly strengthen the case for Governor Gavin Newsom to sign it into law.

The urgency of this matter cannot be overstated. The deadline for Governor Newsom’s decision is September 30th, and your endorsement could provide critical momentum for this important cause. I kindly request that you issue a formal statement of support for SB 1047, which I would be honored to present to the Governor as part of a larger body of international support.

Thank you for considering this urgent request. I look forward to your response.

Warm regards,
Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice For Change Foundation
Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation

4. Support Letter from France (Draft)

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Secretary of State for AI and Digital Affairs, Clara Chappaz, strongly supports the passage of California Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047). As a global leader in AI governance, France recognizes the urgent need for regulation of large-scale AI models that exceed $100 million in development costs. The rapid growth of AI capabilities requires immediate and comprehensive oversight to ensure these technologies are deployed responsibly. We urge Governor Gavin Newsom to sign SB 1047 into law and establish California as a pioneer in the ethical regulation of AI.

Letter sent to French President Emmanuel Macron intended for the newly appointed Secretary of State for AI, Clara Chappaz

Subject: Urgent Request Regarding AI Regulation and a Message Intended for Clara Chappaz

Dear President Emmanuel Macron,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a French expatriate living in the United States for the past 15 years. I am the Founder of the Voice For Change Foundation, a nonprofit organization advocating for ethical AI and workforce preservation.

I am writing to you with great urgency regarding California Senate Bill SB 1047, which aims to regulate large-scale AI models. The bill is currently awaiting a decision by California Governor Gavin Newsom, with a deadline of September 30th. Unfortunately, Governor Newsom is currently indecisive, largely due to the pressure he is under from Tech CEOs who are prioritizing profit over public safety.

I am working to gather letters of support from different international bodies to submit to Governor Newsom, urging him to prioritize the safety of the public rather than bow to corporate interests. The consequences of allowing AI models to go unchecked are immense. If AI remains unregulated, the worldwide economic repercussions will be severe, affecting not just the U.S. but also countries like France, whose economy is deeply intertwined with global AI developments.

I would like to respectfully request that this message be forwarded to Clara Chappaz, France’s newly appointed Secretary of State for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Affairs. In addition to my request, I would also like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Chappaz on her new role. Her leadership will continue to elevate France as a pioneer in responsible AI governance.

This bill aims to regulate large-scale AI models that exceed $100 million in development costs. With the rapid advancements of AI, models like ChatGPT present major risks, including privacy violations, economic disruption, and potential harm to the public. SB 1047 is designed to address these risks and ensure that AI models are developed and deployed responsibly.

This matter is urgent, as Governor Newsom has until September 30th to either sign or veto this bill. Your timely support could play a pivotal role in his decision. The deadline is fast approaching, and I would greatly appreciate a prompt response.

As a suggestion, I have included a draft of a Support Letter from France, which could serve as an official statement:

Support Letter from France (Draft):

The French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, through its Secretary of State for AI and Digital Affairs, Clara Chappaz, strongly supports the adoption of California Senate Bill SB 1047. As a global leader in AI governance, France recognizes the urgency of regulating large-scale AI models whose development costs exceed $100 million. The rapid growth of AI capabilities requires immediate and comprehensive oversight to ensure these technologies are deployed responsibly. We urge Governor Gavin Newsom to sign SB 1047 and make California a pioneer in ethical AI regulation.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to hearing from you and once again extend my congratulations to Clara Chappaz for her new role!

Best regards,
Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice For Change Foundation
Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation


“Veto or Not to Veto?”: Playing with Fire and Reaching into the Flames


Exposing Corruption: Governor Newsom Must Stop Selling Out Public Safety for Corporate Profit – Demand He Sign SB 1047 and Stand Against Big Tech’s Influence