Returning to My Roots: Leveraging AI in the Fight Against Climate Change

@kevinbihanpoudec Navigating the Crossroads of Ethics and AI: Embarking on a Journey Towards Political Change! In this video, I recount a personal anecdote, connecting my experiences in the fight against Global Warming with my current advocacy for Ethical AI. Reflecting on witnessing Al Gore's relentless dedication to our planet during my time in Houston, TX, back in 2017, when I spent three months volunteering to support the victims of Hurricane Harvey, I am now preparing to meet with Rep. Mike Levin's office in Washington, D.C. My goal is to lead legislative initiatives that leverage AI for a sustainable future. Diving deep into my motivations, I recount a pivotal moment with Gore that fueled my passion. Despite the skepticism surrounding climate change years ago, today's reality underscores the urgency of addressing AI's potential risks before reaching a "point of no return." Elon Musk's recent remarks, made while laughing, on the world potentially experiencing an “AI Apocalypse” are in clear contrast with the gravity of our era. As I stand ready to tackle AI's challenges head-on, even if it means going solo, I reached out to Congressman Levin to leverage AI for good: battling Global Warming, boosting sustainable energy, and supporting veterans. In the meantime, I am actively seeking signatures for a petition to amplify our collective voices, striving to harness AI for a range of vital issues, particularly within the United States. Join me by filling out the form on the provided page below and sharing your thoughts on why supporting Ethical AI development matters to you. Your input is priceless, guaranteeing that your voice, alongside those of your loved ones, acquaintances, and colleagues, plays a pivotal role in sculpting a future where technology serves humanity's greater good. This represents a distinct chance to shape the governance of AI technologies, emphasizing a collaborative framework that incorporates diverse societal viewpoints. Moreover, I encourage you to explore my open letter titled "Act Now," directed towards the U.S. Congress. It is available at and outlines how AI can positively impact these critical areas. With a decade of experience in data analytics, I am eager to prove how AI can enact real change, starting with aiding veterans' reintegration, which is one of Mike Levin’s top priorities. Your support and engagement are crucial in driving forward these initiatives and shaping a future where technology serves humanity's greater good. Together, we can shape a future where technology serves humanity, not the other way around. #EthicalAI #PoliticalAdvocacy #GlobalWarming #SustainableFuture #VeteransSupport #VoiceForChange #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Automation #MikeLevin #CongressmanMikeLevin #PioneerPolitician #LeveragingAI #AIforGood ♬ original sound - Kevin Bihan-Poudec AI Advocate

As I reflect on my journey over the past seven years, I find myself returning to the roots that I hold dear: the fight against climate change. This cause has been a central part of my advocacy, and today, it takes on a renewed significance as I prepare to attend the 56th Climate Reality Project Corps Training Program in Rome from June 28th through June 30th. This training offers a unique opportunity to learn the latest scientific facts about the climate crisis and its solutions, develop new communication skills, and network with others who share similar goals and values.

“I remember shaking the hand of Al Gore backstage at one of his conferences to combat global warming back in 2017. The interaction was brief; no words were exchanged, but I saw the fear and determination in his eyes. This meaningful interaction has impacted my life greatly and has made me who I am today.”

The Climate Reality Project Corps Training, founded by former Vice President Al Gore, aims to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to address the climate crisis effectively. The training, which is free to attend, emphasizes the power we have today to implement real solutions. By participating in this program, I hope to join a global community of Climate Reality Leaders dedicated to ushering in meaningful climate solutions worldwide.

In my letter to the U.S. Congress titled "Act Now," I stressed the urgency of addressing climate change and the critical role that artificial intelligence (AI) can play in this endeavor. AI has the potential to revolutionize our approach to the climate crisis by offering innovative solutions for monitoring, mitigating, and adapting to the impacts of climate change. From predictive modeling and data analysis to optimizing renewable energy systems and enhancing conservation efforts, AI can be a powerful ally in our fight for a sustainable future.

Al Gore's words in the video above resonate deeply with me: "As we face the critical challenges posed by the climate crisis, your voice is more important than ever." This call to action underscores the importance of individual and collective efforts in driving change. It reminds me of my ongoing advocacy for Ethical AI in the face of rapid technological advancements. Just as we must address the climate crisis, we must also ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly, with a focus on ethical considerations and the greater good.

"What comes next is up to us," Al Gore said, highlighting the power we have to shape the future. This sentiment aligns perfectly with my commitment to leveraging AI for positive change. As I embark on this new chapter in my climate advocacy journey, I am inspired to integrate my expertise in AI with my passion for environmental stewardship. By harnessing the potential of AI, I believe we can create more effective strategies for combating climate change and protecting our planet for future generations.

In conclusion, attending the Climate Reality Project Corps Training in Rome represents a significant step in my ongoing efforts to fight climate change while leveraging artificial intelligence. It is an opportunity to deepen my understanding of the climate crisis, learn from experts, and connect with like-minded individuals. Moreover, it provides a platform to explore how AI can contribute to sustainable solutions. As I prepare for this training, I am filled with hope and determination, knowing that our actions today will shape the world of tomorrow.

Let us embrace this moment and work together to create a future where both technology and nature thrive in harmony. Together, we can make a difference. #VoiceForChange

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Stay tuned for updates from the Climate Reality Project Corps Training, and let's continue to advocate for a sustainable and ethical future.


One goal I have in the next year is to launch an advocacy campaign focused on ethical AI and climate action, as outlined in my Open Letter to Congress, "Act Now," at I aim to drive awareness and legislative action on how AI can tackle global warming equitably.

At this training, I hope to:

  1. Promote AI for Climate: Advocate for AI solutions to optimize energy, enhance renewables, and reduce carbon footprints.

  2. Policy Advocacy: Push for policies supporting sustainable AI.

  3. Raise Awareness: Create content to highlight AI's role in fighting global warming.

  4. Collaborate: Partner with organizations to develop scalable AI solutions for climate challenges.

This training will help bridge technology and sustainability, ensuring AI advancements benefit climate efforts.

Thank you for your consideration,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder Voice For Change Foundation | Advocating for Ethical AI, Workforce Preservation and Human Rights

Download my research paper on “Leveraging AI for Climate Action: A Roadmap to Reducing Global Temperatures by 1°C by 2032” here

See you in Rome!


Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Imminent, Singularity Approaching


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