Request to L'Elysee Palace for an Update on Case Number I017807 Regarding AI Regulation and SB 1047

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As an advocate for ethical AI and the preservation of the workforce, my role is not only to support legislation that ensures the responsible development of artificial intelligence but also to seek clarity when outcomes do not align with those goals. Recently, SB 1047—an important bill designed to regulate AI in California—was vetoed by Governor Gavin Newsom. This decision has raised significant concerns about the future of AI safety and its impact on public welfare.

Today, I am sharing an important step in my advocacy journey: a formal request for further clarification from the office of President Emmanuel Macron at L’Elysée Palace. France, under President Macron’s leadership, has been a strong advocate for ethical AI regulation. My inquiry is focused on understanding what actions, if any, were taken by the French government to engage with Governor Newsom regarding SB 1047 and the risks associated with unregulated AI.

À : Bureau du Président, Emmanuel Macron
Objet : Suivi concernant le numéro de dossier I017807 – Régulation de l'IA et SB 1047

Monsieur le Président Macron et l'équipe de l’Élysée,

Je me permets de revenir sur ma précédente correspondance concernant la régulation de l'intelligence artificielle et le récent veto de la loi SB 1047 par le Gouverneur Gavin Newsom en Californie. La SB 1047 visait à mettre en place des mécanismes de sécurité essentiels pour réguler l'intégration croissante de l'IA dans des services essentiels tels que la gestion de l'eau, les réseaux énergétiques et les transports. Le veto de cette loi a suscité de graves inquiétudes quant à la sécurité publique et aux risques de déstabilisation des infrastructures mondiales si des systèmes d'IA non régulés venaient à échapper à tout contrôle.

La dernière communication que j’ai reçue de votre bureau indiquait que le dossier était à l’étude. En raison des récents développements, je souhaiterais savoir quelles mesures ont été prises, le cas échéant, par votre bureau pour engager des discussions avec le Gouverneur Newsom et son administration concernant les risques posés par une IA non régulée. Je voudrais également savoir si le Président Macron a eu des discussions directes avec le Gouverneur Newsom à ce sujet.

En tant que leader dans la régulation éthique de l’IA, je me permets de vous demander des précisions sur les points suivants :

  1. Des discussions ont-elles eu lieu entre le Président Macron et le Gouverneur Newsom concernant les risques potentiels liés au veto de la SB 1047 ?

  2. La France a-t-elle fourni des analyses ou des recommandations spécifiques concernant les risques mondiaux et locaux liés à l’IA non régulée, notamment en ce qui concerne la sécurité publique et les infrastructures critiques ?

  3. La déstabilisation de l’économie mondiale et de la société a-t-elle été prise en compte dans les discussions concernant cette loi ?

  4. Quelle est la position officielle du Président Macron et de la France suite au veto de la SB 1047, et quelles actions sont prévues pour défendre la régulation éthique de l’IA à l’échelle mondiale ?

  5. Le gouvernement français considère-t-il que ce veto crée un précédent inquiétant dans le paysage de la régulation de l'IA, et si oui, comment cela sera-t-il abordé dans les forums internationaux ?

  6. Y a-t-il eu une incompréhension ou un manque d'informations fournies par la Voice For Change Foundation au bureau du Président Macron concernant les risques et les répercussions mondiales du veto de la SB 1047 ? Si c’est le cas, je serais ravi de fournir des clarifications ou des détails supplémentaires afin que la gravité de la situation soit pleinement comprise.

Dans le cadre de mon travail de plaidoyer, ce dossier a suscité une attention publique croissante, et je suis engagé à assurer la transparence et la responsabilité sur les questions liées à la régulation de l'IA. Je vous serais reconnaissant de bien vouloir m’apporter des informations ou une déclaration pour que le public reste bien informé.

Les risques décrits dans la SB 1047 ne concernent pas uniquement la Californie, mais pourraient avoir des conséquences mondiales considérables. Sans régulation efficace, nous risquons de voir les infrastructures critiques et les économies mondiales se déstabiliser.

Votre leadership sur la régulation éthique de l'IA est largement reconnu, et j'espère connaître la manière dont votre administration a répondu à cette question cruciale. Je vous serais reconnaissant pour toute information ou éclairage supplémentaire qui pourrait faire la lumière sur cette situation et nous indiquer les prochaines étapes pour protéger notre avenir.

Je vous remercie de l'attention portée à cette question urgente et j’attends avec intérêt votre réponse ainsi que la poursuite de ce dialogue important sur la régulation éthique de l'IA.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Fondateur, Voice For Change Foundation

Follow-up letter to the Office of President Emmanuel Macron regarding prior correspondence on SB 1047 (view correspondence here, here, here, here, here and here)

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Southern California, United States
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mr. President Emmanuel Macron
President of the French Republic
Palais de l'Élysée
55 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré
75008 Paris, France

Reference: I017807

To: Office of President Emmanuel Macron
Subject: Follow-Up on Case Number I017807 – AI Regulation and SB 1047

Dear President Macron and the team at L’Élysée,

I am writing to follow up on my previous correspondence regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence and the recent veto of SB 1047 by Governor Gavin Newsom in California. SB 1047 aimed to establish essential safety mechanisms to regulate the growing integration of AI into critical services such as water management, energy grids, and transportation. The veto of this bill has raised serious concerns regarding public safety and the risks of destabilizing global infrastructure if unregulated AI systems were to spiral out of control.

The last communication I received from your office indicated that the case was under review. Given the recent developments, I would like to know what measures, if any, were taken by your office to engage in discussions with Governor Newsom and his administration regarding the risks posed by unregulated AI. I would also like to know if President Macron had any direct discussions with Governor Newsom on this matter.

As a leader in ethical AI regulation, I respectfully ask for clarification on the following points:

  1. Were any discussions held between President Macron and Governor Newsom concerning the potential risks linked to the veto of SB 1047?

  2. Did France provide any specific analyses or recommendations regarding the global and local risks associated with unregulated AI, particularly concerning public safety and critical infrastructure?

  3. Was the destabilization of the global economy and society considered in discussions about this bill?

  4. What is the official stance of President Macron and France following the veto of SB 1047, and what actions are planned to advocate for ethical AI regulation globally?

  5. Does the French government consider this veto to set a concerning precedent in the field of AI regulation, and if so, how will this be addressed in international forums?

  6. Was there any misunderstanding or lack of information provided by the Voice For Change Foundation to President Macron’s office regarding the risks and global repercussions of SB 1047 being vetoed? If so, I would be happy to provide additional clarifications or details to ensure the seriousness of the situation is fully understood.

As part of my advocacy work, this case has drawn increasing public attention, and I am committed to ensuring transparency and accountability on issues related to AI regulation. I would greatly appreciate any information or statements you can provide to keep the public well-informed.

The risks described in SB 1047 do not concern California alone, but could have significant global repercussions. Without effective regulation, we risk seeing critical infrastructure and global economies destabilize.

Your leadership in ethical AI regulation is widely recognized, and I hope to understand how your administration has responded to this crucial issue. I would be grateful for any additional information or insight that could shed light on this situation and guide us in the next steps to safeguard our future.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, and I look forward to your response and to continuing this important dialogue on ethical AI regulation.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice For Change Foundation
Advocate for Ethical AI

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The work of any advocate involves more than celebrating victories. It also requires seeking accountability and answers when outcomes go against the broader interests of public safety and societal well-being. By seeking answers to these critical questions, I aim to foster transparency and accountability. It is vital for the public to understand how these decisions are made and to ensure that world leaders take responsibility for their role in shaping the future of AI regulation.

Without the safety mechanisms proposed in SB 1047, there is a real risk that unregulated AI could jeopardize critical infrastructure, destabilize economies, and have far-reaching consequences across the globe. This is not just a concern for California but for the entire global community.

In my request to L’Elysée Palace, I’ve asked several key questions, including whether there was a lack of information provided by the Voice For Change Foundation regarding the global implications of vetoing SB 1047. It’s crucial that misunderstandings be addressed, and I am eager to provide any additional details necessary to ensure this issue is fully understood.

Advocacy requires persistence, especially when the stakes are as high as they are with AI regulation. I remain committed to keeping the public informed and pushing for transparency at all levels. This is not just about legislation; it’s about safeguarding the future of humanity in the face of rapid technological advancement.

I will continue to update you all as I await a response from L’Elysée. In the meantime, I encourage everyone to remain engaged in this conversation. The future of AI, and by extension the future of humankind, depends on our collective efforts to hold decision-makers accountable.


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