Preparing for a Momentous Call: Discussing Ethical AI with President Emmanuel Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron wants to make France “one of the leading countries in AI.”

As I prepare for a significant conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron, I am filled with a mix of anticipation, excitement, and a profound sense of responsibility. This call represents a unique opportunity to advocate for the cause of ethical AI on a global stage, leveraging the support and acknowledgment I have already received from President Macron's office. Here, I will share my preparation process, the key talking points I plan to address, and the broader context of our discussion.

The Background: Acknowledgment from the Élysée

On March 23rd 2024, I reached out to President Macron with a proposal for the creation of an AI Global Ethics Charter. To my great satisfaction, I received a formal acknowledgment from his office on April 18th 2024 (as seen bellow), recognizing the importance of my concerns and the necessity of establishing a global framework for the ethical development and deployment of artificial intelligence. This acknowledgment not only validated my efforts but also set the stage for this upcoming call.

Letter Content received from the office of Emmanuel Macron:


The President of the Republic has received the new correspondence you wished to address to him.

Attentive to your approach, the Head of State has entrusted me with the task of thanking you and assuring you that your concerns regarding the development of artificial intelligence and your proposal to establish a global AI ethics charter have been duly noted.

Like you, the French government is attentive to ensuring that the rise of artificial intelligence does not come at the expense of humanity. This is why a commitment has been made to establish a regulatory framework that respects our values, the safety of all, and our sovereignty.

Given the stakes and the global nature of this technology, the construction of a legislative framework had to take place at the European Union level. Thus, last February, the "Artificial Intelligence Act," a pioneering text in the world, was approved by all EU member states. This regulation, which will be gradually implemented in the coming months, aims to regulate the use of AI and ensure its virtuous and transparent use.

Rest assured that the government, aware of the opportunity this new technology represents and the upheavals it entails, is fully committed, alongside its partners, to contributing to the building of trustworthy artificial intelligence that reconciles ethical demands and innovation.

Yours sincerely,

Rodrigue FURCY

The Context: France’s Leadership in AI

France, under the leadership of President Macron, has taken bold steps to position itself as a global leader in artificial intelligence. Recent announcements highlight France's ambitious plans to increase the number of individuals trained in AI, establish new data centers, and create significant funding for AI research and development. These initiatives underscore France's commitment to becoming a "champion of AI" and set the perfect backdrop for our conversation.

Key Talking Points for the Call

  1. Expressing Gratitude and Support

    • I will begin by expressing my gratitude to President Macron for acknowledging my proposal and for France's proactive stance on AI. Recognizing these efforts is crucial in setting a positive tone for the conversation.

  2. Emphasizing the Importance of International Collaboration

    • The ethical challenges posed by AI are global in nature and require a concerted international effort. I will highlight the necessity of collaboration between nations to ensure that AI development is both ethical and beneficial for all.

  3. Outlining the Goals of the AI Global Ethics Charter

    • Transparency, accountability, and fairness are the cornerstones of the proposed charter. I will explain how these principles can guide AI development and deployment, ensuring that AI enhances human capabilities without compromising human rights.

  4. Discussing the Role of the U.S. in Ethical AI

    • As an expatriate living in the U.S. and an advocate for ethical AI, I see the potential for the U.S. to play a significant role in this global initiative. I will discuss how I can contribute to building a transatlantic partnership that promotes ethical AI practices.

  5. Proposing Specific Initiatives

    • Training and education initiatives to prepare the workforce for ethical AI practices.

    • Joint research and development projects between France and the U.S.

    • Development of regulatory frameworks that ensure the ethical use of AI.

  6. Positioning Myself as a Leader for the Cause in the U.S.

    • I will emphasize my background in advocacy and my readiness to lead efforts in promoting the AI Global Ethics Charter within the U.S., leveraging my experience and networks to build support for this important cause.

Preparing for the Call

Preparation is key to making the most of this opportunity. I have meticulously reviewed the latest developments in France’s AI strategy, refined my talking points, and considered potential questions and discussions that may arise during the call. My goal is to present a clear, compelling case for why ethical AI is crucial and how we can work together to achieve it.

Looking Ahead

This call is just the beginning. The journey towards establishing a global framework for ethical AI is a long one, requiring persistent effort and collaboration. However, with the support of leaders like President Macron and the collective will of the international community, I am optimistic that we can make significant strides in this direction.

As I await this pivotal conversation, I am reminded of the broader impact our actions today will have on the future. Ensuring that AI is developed and deployed ethically is not just a technical challenge but a moral imperative. It is a cause that I am deeply committed to and one that I believe will shape the future of humanity in profound ways.

Stay tuned for updates on this important dialogue and join me in advocating for an ethical AI that benefits all.


Ready for a Pivotal Call: My Journey Towards Discussing the AI Global Ethics Charter with President Macron


J'Accuse...! - Dreyfus