Macron’s U.N. Speech: The Global Crisis and the AI Threat He Didn’t Address (English)

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On September 25th, 2024, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the United Nations, focusing on global instability, humanitarian crises, and the urgent need for multilateral solutions to conflicts in the Middle East. His speech emphasized international cooperation in the face of growing geopolitical tensions, climate change, and the tragic loss of innocent lives. Macron’s core message was clear: nations must come together to restore peace and uphold human dignity amidst a world in crisis.

Yet, while Macron’s speech rightly addressed the most pressing issues of our time, one crucial topic was notably absent—the ethical regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). As the world rapidly advances into an AI-driven era, leaving AI unregulated poses a significant risk to global economic stability and human safety. The speech that could have been—a direct call for AI regulation—might have brought global attention to an issue that affects not only the future of work but the very foundations of international peace.

In his 25-minute speech, Macron spoke passionately about the need for coordinated global efforts, yet only briefly mentioned AI. "We need to ensure that the innovation of artificial intelligence will be accessible to all countries and peoples of the planet and that it does not come to feed new fractures and new inequalities," he said. This statement, though powerful, could have taken center stage as a critical issue, particularly in light of California’s pending Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047).

SB 1047 aims to regulate AI technologies in the United States, safeguarding against unchecked deployment of AI by tech CEOs who operate without government oversight. The bill is critical for ensuring that AI evolves within an ethical framework. Failure to regulate AI could lead to catastrophic consequences, undoing the very efforts Macron championed at the United Nations for peace and global stability. The stakes are too high—and the world cannot afford to ignore this.

In creating an AI-generated version of Macron's speech to focus on AI regulation, I aim to show how easily AI can manipulate even the highest levels of discourse. This video demonstrates what Macron should be saying as a leader in ethical AI at a moment when action is needed most. The clock is ticking—Governor Gavin Newsom must decide on SB 1047 by September 30th, 2024. If we let AI remain unregulated, no effort to foster global peace or tackle inequality will succeed, as AI could create new divides and risks we are not prepared to face.

This is why I am using AI to generate this hypothetical speech: as a last resort to raise awareness. Macron’s voice, amplified through AI, serves as a warning about the potential dangers if we do not act. We cannot wait for AI to reshape the world without putting ethical safeguards in place.

Macron holds a unique position as a global advocate for responsible technological advancement. His influence, combined with global diplomatic pressure, could persuade Governor Newsom to sign SB 1047 and lead the world in AI regulation. The time for action is now.

Hypothetical Speech by Emmanuel Macron in Support of Ethical AI and SB 1047

Above hypothetical Emmanuel Macron’s Speech in his AI generated French voice can be viewed here.

I urge our friends and colleagues to prepare to face a new threat that weighs on humanity. Today, I address you with particular urgency: the emergence of unregulated artificial intelligence.

The technological advancements driven by powerful American CEOs, who are introducing this technology into our society without supervision, constitute a grave threat, and this must stop. We have all seen how artificial intelligence has transformed work. But this transformation, without safeguards, leads to the destruction of millions of jobs and threatens global economic stability.

We are on the brink of an abyss, where the decisions made today will shape the future of our species. But we still have a chance to correct this course. That is why I strongly urge Governor Gavin Newsom to sign SB 1047 before September 30, 2024.

This bill, ladies and gentlemen, is more than just legislation. It is a signal to the entire world—a message that we will not allow artificial intelligence to destroy our societies without accountability. Without this framework, we risk a human catastrophe. We risk an explosion of unemployment, as well as social and economic fractures.

It is unacceptable to let a few large tech companies have total control over the future of humanity. These American CEOs, left free to introduce automated systems without control, must be held accountable. But we need this development to occur within an ethical framework, one thought out by the people of the planet. We cannot allow a few, starting with these private actors who are today at the forefront of innovation, to decide for us what our future will be.

We cannot allow the future of our children to be driven by a few CEOs who are only interested in their profits. Artificial intelligence can be a force for good, but only if it is framed and supervised. That is why France firmly supports the establishment of international AI regulation, as well as the immediate ratification of SB 1047. I am convinced that this American law will be a turning point in the protection of humanity.

We cannot wait any longer. The security and future of our societies depend on this decision. It is time for lawmakers around the world to act. In February 2025, France will host the next global summit on artificial intelligence. But before that, we must all show responsibility.

We cannot wait for these international discussions while jobs disappear every day. Gavin Newsom, the governor of California, has the power, with one stroke, to sign SB 1047 and save millions of jobs. This is not just a legislative act; it is a historic decision. And if we fail to take the right measures today, the consequences will be irreversible. The future of our people and our economies depends on the signing of this bill.

We must act now, and we must be united in this action. But we need all of this to develop within an ethical and democratic framework, thought by the people and for the people. It is crucial that we set limits, because allowing a few powerful leaders in Silicon Valley to control these technologies without restrictions will lead to ever-greater inequalities. These inequalities—both economic and social—will be devastating for our societies.

Tech companies cannot decide alone the future of our workers, our economic systems, and our families. We cannot allow these decisions, which will affect every person on this planet, to be made without public consultation, without responsible governance. France, I repeat, is firmly committed to this fight for ethical artificial intelligence. That is why we support regulation on a global scale.

We will organize a summit in 2025, but action must begin today. Governor Newsom has the opportunity to set an example by signing SB 1047 to protect American workers and show the world that ethics are paramount in the adoption of these technologies. If this bill is not signed, the consequences will be dramatic.

We will see a proliferation of automated systems that will replace millions of workers, not only in the United States but worldwide. Without regulation, artificial intelligence will amplify inequalities and create a gap between those who control the technology and everyone else. We cannot allow this scenario.

We must act now, with courage, by regulating tech companies and ensuring that AI advancements serve humanity, not the other way around. Artificial intelligence must be a tool that helps us, not a tool that enslaves us. That is why, on the eve of September 30, 2024, I address Governor Newsom directly and ask him, in the name of humanity, to sign SB 1047.

This will not only protect American workers, but it will also send a strong message to all world leaders. We have a responsibility to ensure that technological innovations do not destroy what we have built together.

Thank you for your attention.

Letter to Emanuelle Macron:

Subject: This correspondence must be addressed "As a matter of urgency" regarding an American law that must be decided within the next 24 hours, or by September 30, concerning the future of AI, not only in California but with a planetary impact on the safeguarding of humanity if not taken seriously.


Mr. President,

I hope this letter finds you in good health.

As an advocate for ethical AI, I have taken the initiative of using artificial intelligence to generate a video in which you deliver a speech on the dangers of unregulated AI, particularly regarding the American tech industry. While this video is fictional, it serves as a powerful illustration of how AI, if left unregulated, could be used to manipulate public opinion.

The modified video of your speech at the United Nations, generated by artificial intelligence using your own voice, on the subject of uncontrolled artificial intelligence, can be found below:

You can access the accompanying blog article via the following link:

The video calls on Governor Gavin Newsom of California to sign Senate Bill SB 1047 by September 30, 2024—a crucial step to protect the future of AI implementation so that it does not take over with models costing over 100 million dollars. Time is of the essence, as a decision is expected by this Monday, September 30, and it is highly likely that a veto decision will be made by this Friday, September 27, before the weekend, at 9 a.m. Pacific time. Given the urgency of the situation, your influence as a global leader in the ethical use of AI is desperately needed.

I respectfully ask that you take a moment to watch this AI-generated video, where your own voice—powered by AI—advocates for the essential need to regulate AI. The current situation in the United States is precarious. If AI continues to be deployed without ethical oversight, it could destabilize not only the U.S., but also the global economy and workforce. This is not a future we can afford to risk.

I implore you to use your diplomatic influence to encourage Governor Newsom to sign Senate Bill SB 1047. The world views you as a leader in advancing ethical technology. The consequences of inaction could be catastrophic, and it is only through international cooperation that we can effectively regulate AI.

Thank you for your time and consideration, Mr. President. The future of AI regulation—and, in many ways, the future of global stability—largely depends on the decisions made in the coming days.


Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Advocate for Ethical AI and Workforce Preservation


The Clock is Ticking: My Urgent Calls with the French Government Over AI Legislation


Le discours de Macron à l'ONU : La crise mondiale et la menace de l'IA qu'il n'a pas abordée (French)