Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a Franco-American tech worker in the AI Revolution, sent an S.O.S “Message in a Bottle” across the Atlantic to France's top TV news channels

In an era where the conversation about the advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications on the workforce is more crucial than ever, Kevin Bihan-Poudec, a French born citizen, who has lived in the United States for the past 15 years, is striving to be heard. Amidst a notable silence from American media, Kevin has taken his advocacy across the Atlantic, seeking the attention of France's top news outlets to shed light on the stories of displaced American workers during this rapid AI revolution.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec's efforts originate from a place of deep concern and personal experience. After experiencing job displacement himself within the tech sector, he has become a vocal advocate for those facing similar fates due to the unprecedented integration of AI technologies across various industries. His quest is not just to share his own story, but also to echo the narratives of countless individuals currently affected by massive job displacement across the country. Kevin argues that if government measures are not taken seriously and quickly, thousands more could be affected by the changing landscape of employment in the United States.

It's a story of resilience and proactive action. Kevin Bihan-Poudec, in his role as the founder of the "Voice for Change" Foundation, has been tirelessly working to unify the diverse voices of American workers into a single, resonant call to action that cuts through the noise of progress, aiming to amplify their collective message and spark meaningful dialogue and policy change.

French media, known for its global perspective and comprehensive coverage, has yet to respond to this cry for help. However, Kevin feels confident that the media will respond favorably to covering his story and will recognize the importance of the gravity of the situation The United States of America is about to put themselves into. The potential willingness of France's leading channels to engage with his cause would underscore the gravity of the situation and the need for a broader, more inclusive conversation about the future of work. Kevin recognizes that coverage by the French media could significantly elevate his efforts to promote ethical AI in the United States.

By ensuring that technology advances human rights and societal well-being, his advocacy could set a precedent for global emulation. This mirrors the initiatives already undertaken by Europe with its A.I. Act, and more recently, by countries like Singapore and India, which are taking more rapid initiatives than the United States to maintain its leading position on the world stage.

It is important to note that IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva predicts that AI will affect roughly 40% of jobs worldwide as she recently stated the following:

“Advanced economies face greater risks from AI — but also more opportunities to leverage its benefits — compared with emerging market and developing economies”

“Roughly half the exposed jobs may benefit from AI integration, enhancing productivity. For the other half, AI applications may execute key tasks currently performed by humans, which could lower labor demand, leading to lower wages and reduced hiring”

The above statements clearly warn us that AI technologies will reshape the labor market on a scale that we have never experienced before, at a much more rapid rate than the previous automobile industrialization revolution of the early 20th century or the dot-com bubble of the mid-1990s. Thus, it is imperative to be proactive and be prepared for this abrupt shift in the context of the AI Revolution era.

As we await the eventual coverage that French media could offer, one thing is clear: the story of the American worker in the age of AI will not go untold. Kevin’s determination ensures that the world will see and hear about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, making it an international narrative rather than a silent struggle.

Stay tuned for the unfolding of this story.


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