Charting the Future: Advocacy and Action in the Age of AI and Automation

In recent communications with members of Congress, I've engaged in pivotal discussions that reinforce a critical mission—safeguarding human rights and societal wellbeing as we embrace the rapid advancements of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation. These interactions, especially the latest with a dedicated lawmaker committed to these causes, have been both enlightening and encouraging.

A Crucial Conversation

The second member of Congress I had the privilege to connect with, Rep. Darren Soto, has been an ardent advocate for integrating human rights within the framework of technological progress. During our email exchange, the focus was on the transformative impact of AI and automation, particularly its potential to significantly disrupt the U.S. workforce.

The topic of conversation was not just about the challenges; it was about actionable solutions. The Congressman expressed a profound commitment to ensuring that as we advance technologically, we do not lose sight of our ethical obligations. The potential for AI and automation to displace workers is a concern that requires not only recognition but also proactive legislative action.

Key Takeaways from the Email Exchange

  1. Human-Centric AI Development: The Congressman emphasized the importance of developing AI technologies that prioritize human welfare and societal benefits. This approach involves designing systems that enhance human capabilities without replacing them.

  2. Transparency and Accountability in AI: A major point of discussion was the need for transparency in how AI systems make decisions. There is a pressing need for AI creators to be accountable, ensuring their systems operate without bias and with a clear ethical framework.

  3. Legislative Action and Oversight: The lawmaker highlighted ongoing efforts to draft and refine legislation that addresses the rapid deployment of AI. The goal is to establish a regulatory framework that not only fosters innovation but also protects workers from the adverse effects of automation.

  4. Support for Displaced Workers: A significant portion of our conversation was dedicated to strategies for supporting workers who might be displaced due to AI and automation. This includes retraining programs, educational initiatives, and transitional support to navigate new career paths.

  5. Public-Private Partnerships: There was a strong advocacy for fostering partnerships between the government, academia, and the private sector. These collaborations are crucial for developing ethical AI solutions that can lead to job creation rather than job displacement.

Proposals to Enhance the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023

In our latest correspondence with Rep. Darren Soto, as seen below, I proposed several enhancements to the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 to ensure comprehensive workforce adaptation in the era of AI and automation:

  • AI Impact Assessments: Implement mandatory comprehensive assessments before the large-scale deployment of AI technologies to analyze potential job market disruptions and propose robust mitigation strategies.

  • AI-Enhanced Government Services: Utilize AI to modernize unemployment services, thereby enhancing their capacity to support workers displaced by AI and automation.

  • Federal Healthcare Support: Provide temporary healthcare support to displaced workers during transition periods, ensuring their well-being.

  • Comprehensive Workforce Transition Programs: Establish government-funded retraining programs specifically designed for industries most impacted by AI and automation.

  • Public-Private Partnerships: Encourage collaborations between the government, academia, and the private sector to develop AI technologies that create new job opportunities.

  • Economic Incentives for AI Ethics: Introduce tax breaks and other incentives for companies that implement ethical AI practices.

Moving Forward with Hope and Vigilance

These conversations are just the beginning. As a founder of the Voice for Change Foundation, I am committed to ensuring that these dialogues lead to tangible outcomes. It is imperative that we continue to engage with our lawmakers, urging them to consider the far-reaching implications of unchecked technological advancement.

The promise of AI and automation is immense, but so are the challenges. By advocating for policies that protect human rights and by promoting an ethical approach to AI development, we can ensure that technological progress benefits all members of society.

Email Subject: Response from Congressman Darren Soto

Email Content:

Dear Mr. Bihan-Poudec,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding artificial intelligence. Hearing from you helps me better represent Florida’s Ninth Congressional District.
While artificial intelligence has the potential to bring about numerous benefits and improvements to our lives, it also presents substantial risks and challenges that we must address. As a member of the newly formed Congressional AI Caucus, I am committed to fostering a greater understanding of the promises and risks of artificial intelligence and ensuring a responsible policy response to this emerging technology.
Congress has a responsibility to monitor the growth of artificial intelligence and ensure that it remains a beneficial factor in the evolving American workforce. I am encouraged by the AI Risk Management Framework published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), which outlines transparent, safe, and reliable principles for developing new artificial intelligence technologies. 
I believe that artificial intelligence has the capacity to expand career opportunities and industrial capabilities when employed properly. When used improperly, however, artificial intelligence augments the risks of misinformation campaigns and cyberattacks. It is essential that Congress prioritize regulatory guardrails to prevent these threats. Despite the risks that artificial intelligence poses, I am proud to report that Florida has remained a leading innovator in artificial intelligence innovation.
That's why I introduced H.R.4498, the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, bipartisan legislation authorizing the Department of Labor and the National Science Foundation to work with private and public stakeholders to create a report analyzing the future growth of artificial intelligence and its impact on the American workforce. As artificial intelligence continues to grow rapidly, the Jobs of the Future Act will ensure we have information on industries projected to have the most growth, demographics affected by these changes, and more. 
In Central Florida, artificial intelligence is increasingly being utilized in tourism, agriculture, and aerospace, at Lake Nona’s Medical City, and NeoCity for microchip manufacturing. We hope the report generated as a result of the Jobs of the Future Act will help organizations identify opportunities for workers and prepare for the changes created by AI.
Once more, I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me, and hope you will continue to do so in the future. If you have not already done so, I encourage you to sign up for my newsletter to receive email updates on the work I am doing in Congress and how it will affect you and your community. You can also find more about my work in Congress via my website, or on my X, Facebook, and Instagram, @RepDarrenSoto.


Rep. Darren Soto
Member of Congress


From the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, does it mention anything in regards to immediate relief for displaced workers who suffer from losing their job due to the unchecked implementation of AI and automation?


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, as detailed in the document provided, focuses primarily on analyzing and reporting on the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on the workforce. This includes examining which industries and demographics are most likely to be affected by AI, the skills required for the future, and opportunities to influence AI's impact across various sectors. However, it does not specifically mention providing immediate relief for workers who may be displaced due to the implementation of AI and automation.

The act is structured more towards understanding and preparing for future developments rather than addressing immediate relief measures for displaced workers. It aims to equip stakeholders with the necessary data and analysis to make informed decisions about workforce development and training in response to AI advancements.

For immediate relief measures, such initiatives would typically be part of broader social safety net enhancements or specific legislation aimed at unemployment benefits, retraining programs, and other direct support mechanisms for displaced workers, which may be outside the scope of this particular act.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

Private Sector Regulation: The bill mandates that tech companies with significant profits temporarily halt worker displacement. This measure allows the government time to enhance unemployment services and implement reskilling and upskilling programs, preparing the workforce for the transition period of the AI era.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, as detailed in the document, does not specifically mention mandating tech companies to temporarily halt worker displacement to allow government time to enhance unemployment services or implement reskilling and upskilling programs. The act focuses on authorizing the Department of Labor and the National Science Foundation to collaborate with private and public stakeholders to create a comprehensive report analyzing the growth of artificial intelligence and its impacts on the American workforce.

It aims to gather data on industries likely to be affected by AI, potential demographic impacts, and necessary skills for future jobs. This information is intended to help organizations identify opportunities for workers and prepare for the changes AI will bring. However, direct regulation of private sector employment practices, such as halting worker displacement, is not mentioned in the sections of the act that were reviewed.


Regulations like the one you described would typically involve different legislative actions specifically targeting labor laws and corporate regulation, potentially involving other governmental bodies or legislative frameworks.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

AI Impact Assessments: Before any AI technology is implemented on a large scale, it would be subject to an “AI Impact Assessment”. This assessment would analyze the potential job market disruptions and propose measures to mitigate negative effects.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 does not directly mention "AI Impact Assessments" that would be required before the implementation of AI technologies on a large scale. The primary focus of the act is on preparing and submitting reports analyzing the future growth of artificial intelligence and its impact on the workforce. This includes identifying industries most likely to be affected, the skills required, and the demographics most likely to experience career opportunities or displacement due to AI.


While the act does involve gathering extensive data and analysis concerning the impact of AI on various aspects of the workforce, it doesn't specify a process such as an "AI Impact Assessment" before AI technologies are deployed. The act is more geared towards understanding and preparing for the impacts of AI rather than setting regulatory frameworks for pre-deployment assessments.

If specific regulatory assessments like the one you described are required, they would likely need to be outlined in separate, specific legislation that directly addresses the procedures and standards for assessing AI technologies before they are implemented.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

AI-Enhanced Government Services: The bill proposes using Artificial Intelligence to modernize unemployment services, enhancing their capacity to support workers displaced by AI and automation. It also advocates for increasing unemployment funds through taxpayer contributions to provide temporary relief to those most affected.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, as described, does not specifically mention using Artificial Intelligence to modernize unemployment services or increasing unemployment funds through taxpayer contributions. The act primarily focuses on analyzing and preparing reports concerning the growth and impact of AI on the workforce. It aims to identify the areas and demographics most likely to be impacted by AI, and to understand the types of skills and education that will be necessary for future jobs.

The legislation's main goal is to facilitate a better understanding among policymakers and stakeholders about the transformations AI is expected to bring to the labor market. This understanding is intended to inform future policy and strategy but does not directly propose enhancements to government services or changes to funding mechanisms for unemployment relief as outlined in your query.

For proposals specifically involving the modernization of government services using AI or the funding of unemployment relief through increased taxpayer contributions, separate legislative initiatives would likely be needed. These would address the specifics of government service delivery and funding, potentially as part of broader reforms in workforce development and social safety nets.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

Federal Healthcare Support: The bill ensures that during the transition period, displaced workers due to AI and automation receive temporary healthcare support provided by the states, safeguarding their well-being while they adapt to new employment landscapes.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 does not mention providing temporary healthcare support to displaced workers during the transition period affected by AI and automation. The act's primary focus is on authorizing a comprehensive study to analyze and report on the growth of artificial intelligence and its impacts on the workforce. This includes examining the industries most likely to be affected, the demographics that will be most impacted, and the skills necessary for new and evolving job roles.

The legislation aims to prepare and inform stakeholders about the implications of AI advancements on employment but does not directly address support measures like healthcare for displaced workers. Typically, provisions related to healthcare support would involve separate legislative measures that specifically address health benefits and support systems for workers who lose their jobs due to technological advancements or economic changes. Such measures would also detail the roles of federal and state governments in providing these supports.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

Comprehensive Workforce Transition Programs: The bill proposes the creation of government-funded retraining programs tailored specifically to industries most affected by AI and automation. These programs would be designed to provide both technical and non-technical skills, preparing the workforce for the jobs of tomorrow.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 primarily focuses on authorizing the creation of a report to analyze the future growth of artificial intelligence and its impacts on the American workforce, including identifying the industries and demographics likely to be most affected and the skills needed for new or evolving job roles. However, the act itself, as detailed in the excerpts provided, does not specifically mention the creation of government-funded retraining programs tailored specifically to industries most affected by AI and automation.

While the act is concerned with preparing for and understanding the impact of AI, it does not directly propose or mandate the establishment of comprehensive workforce transition or retraining programs. Such initiatives typically would be part of broader workforce development legislation or specific job training programs that could be proposed in separate bills or as part of larger policy initiatives aimed at addressing the challenges identified in the act’s report. These programs would detail how training is to be implemented, funded, and managed to assist workers transitioning due to the impacts of AI and automation.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

Public-Private Partnerships: To foster innovation while ensuring workforce protection, the bill encourages partnerships between the government, academia, and private sector. These partnerships would focus on developing AI technologies that create new job opportunities and enhance workers' capabilities.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 primarily focuses on authorizing the Department of Labor and the National Science Foundation to work with private and public stakeholders to create a comprehensive report analyzing the future growth of artificial intelligence and its impact on the American workforce. The act mentions collaborating with private and public stakeholders, which implies a level of engagement that could encompass public-private partnerships.

However, the act does not explicitly mention fostering public-private partnerships specifically for developing AI technologies that create new job opportunities or enhance workers' capabilities. It is more oriented towards understanding the implications of AI on the workforce and preparing for those changes by analyzing industries and demographics that are likely to be affected and the necessary skills and education needed.


While the act sets the groundwork for collaboration and stakeholder engagement, specific initiatives or programs to foster innovation through public-private partnerships would likely be detailed in separate legislation or subsequent initiatives stemming from the findings and recommendations of the report mandated by the act.


Does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 mention anything in regards to the following in any shape or form?

Economic Incentives for AI Ethics: Companies that implement ethical AI practices, including transparency in AI decision-making and ensuring AI systems are free from bias, would be eligible for tax breaks and other economic incentives.


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023, as outlined in the information provided, does not specifically mention providing economic incentives such as tax breaks for companies that implement ethical AI practices, including transparency in AI decision-making and ensuring AI systems are free from bias. The act's primary focus is on analyzing and preparing a report concerning the impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce, including identifying the necessary skills, affected industries, and demographics.


The legislation is aimed at gathering data and insights to help policymakers, educational institutions, and industry leaders understand and prepare for the changes AI is expected to bring to the job market. It does not delve into specifics regarding regulatory or incentive-based measures for promoting ethical AI practices directly within businesses.

For economic incentives related to ethical AI implementation, these would typically be part of broader regulatory frameworks or specific legislation focused on AI governance, ethics, and compliance standards, which would likely involve other legislative actions or policy initiatives.

Kevin: What does the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 supposed to do?


The Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 is designed to address the impact of artificial intelligence on the American workforce. The main purposes of the act are:

  1. Research and Reporting: It authorizes the Department of Labor and the National Science Foundation to collaborate with both private and public stakeholders to prepare and submit a comprehensive report. This report aims to analyze the growth of artificial intelligence and its potential effects on the workforce.

  2. Identify Impacted Sectors: The report is meant to identify which industries are projected to experience the most significant changes due to AI technologies.


3. Analyze Demographic Impacts: The legislation seeks to determine which demographics are most likely to be affected by the proliferation of AI, thereby helping to understand who might need the most assistance or training to adapt to the changing job market.

4. Skill Analysis: It aims to pinpoint the skills, expertise, and education necessary to thrive in an AI-influenced job market, helping educational institutions and training programs better prepare the current and future workforce.

5.Guide Policy and Strategy: The insights gathered from the report are intended to guide policymakers, educational leaders, and industry stakeholders in developing strategies to ensure that the workforce can adapt to and benefit from AI technologies.

In essence, the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 is a proactive measure to ensure that the rapid development of AI technology benefits the American workforce by providing necessary data and analysis to inform future educational, labor, and economic policies.

Email Title: Enhancing the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 for Comprehensive Workforce Adaptation

Email Content:

Dear Rep. Darren Soto,

Thank you for your dedicated efforts as a member of the Congressional AI Caucus and for your response regarding the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on our society. Your leadership in introducing the Jobs of the Future Act of 2023 is commendable and clearly demonstrates your commitment to preparing our workforce for the challenges and opportunities posed by AI technologies.

While the act provides a critical foundation for understanding AI's implications, the rapid pace of technological change necessitates not only studies and forecasts but also actionable, immediate measures to safeguard and transition our workforce effectively. Based on your commitment to fostering responsible AI policy and the needs of our communities in Florida’s Ninth Congressional District, I propose several enhancements to further strengthen the Jobs of the Future Act:

  1. AI Impact Assessments: Mandate comprehensive assessments before large-scale AI deployments to analyze potential job market disruptions and propose robust mitigation strategies.

  2. AI-Enhanced Government Services: Utilize AI to modernize unemployment services, improving their capacity to support workers displaced by AI and automation, complemented by increased funding for these services through innovative funding mechanisms.

  3. Federal Healthcare Support: During transition periods, provide temporary healthcare support to displaced workers, ensuring their well-being as they navigate employment changes.

  4. Comprehensive Workforce Transition Programs: Establish government-funded retraining programs specifically designed for industries most impacted by AI and automation, providing both technical and non-technical training to equip our workforce with future-proof skills.

  5. Public-Private Partnerships: Foster collaborations between the government, academia, and the private sector to develop AI technologies that not only innovate but also create new job opportunities and enhance worker capabilities.

  6. Economic Incentives for AI Ethics: Introduce tax breaks and other economic incentives for companies that prioritize ethical AI practices, such as transparency in AI decision-making and bias mitigation.

Given your role and influence, I believe these proposals could significantly augment the existing legislative efforts, ensuring that our approach to AI not only anticipates future needs but also actively addresses the immediate challenges faced by our constituents.

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on these suggestions and any guidance on how to engage further with the Congressional AI Caucus and other key stakeholders to drive these initiatives forward.

Thank you once again for your visionary leadership and commitment to this critical issue. I look forward to the possibility of collaborating with you to ensure that AI advancements benefit all Americans, particularly those in our vibrant community in Central Florida.

Kind regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder | Voice for Change Foundation


Advocating for Responsible AI: A Call to Action to the Congressional AI Caucus


Kevin's Initiative for a Comprehensive AI Workforce Protection Bill