Bracing for Impact: The Harsh Reality of Job Displacement due to AI across The World

As we navigate through 2024, the job market is experiencing seismic shifts driven by the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). This transformation is not just a local phenomenon but a global wave impacting countries worldwide. The French news article "Le futur de l'emploi à l'ère de l'IA : transformation ou éviction ?" highlights the impending challenges and changes that AI brings to the labor market, particularly in France. Let's delve into the key points and statistics to understand the magnitude of this issue.

The Global Impact of AI on Jobs

AI is fundamentally altering the job landscape, prioritizing technological skills over traditional roles. The recent trends in the United States, where mass layoffs have occurred, serve as a precursor to what other countries can expect. The article mentions that since the beginning of 2024, over 50,000 jobs have been cut across more than 200 tech companies, including giants like Alphabet, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, eBay, Unity Software, SAP, and Cisco.

The graph below illustrates the change in the number of jobs on Upwork since the release of ChatGPT, reflecting a significant decrease in roles like writing, social media marketing, and customer service. Conversely, there's an uptick in demand for web development, video editing, and other tech-centric jobs.

The French Perspective

In France, the situation mirrors the trends observed in the United States, albeit with a typical delay of 2-3 years. As the article states, AI is set to eliminate technician jobs worldwide, a reality that France must brace for. Specific job categories such as writing (-33%), social media marketing (-5%), translations (-19%), and customer service (-16%) have already seen a decline.

Allison Croissant, a data science specialist with ten years of experience, recently found herself unemployed after being laid off by PayPal. She describes the current job search process as "crazy," reflecting the chaotic and competitive nature of the market.

The Future of Work

The transformation driven by AI is not entirely bleak. There is an increased demand for roles involving AI development and implementation, such as chatbot development and neural network-based marketing. However, these roles require a new set of skills and offer higher compensation, leaving a gap for those unable to transition.

The article predicts that marketers and IT professionals will need to evolve into AI engineers capable of managing multiple tasks previously handled by several employees. This shift not only demands technical proficiency but also a willingness to adapt to new roles and responsibilities.

Preparing for the Future

The question remains: are we ready for the future of employment? The current trends indicate a need for proactive measures to mitigate the impact of AI-driven job displacement. Supporting retraining programs, sharing personal stories of displacement, and encouraging innovative local businesses can help cushion the blow.

Communities worldwide must engage in advocating for ethical AI and job preservation. By highlighting these challenges and preparing for the inevitable changes, we can strive for a balanced integration of AI into our work environments.


The tsunami wave of job displacement due to AI has already hit the United States and is now poised to impact other nations such as my home country: France. As we brace for this new reality, it's crucial to stay informed, adapt, and advocate for measures that protect and prepare our workforce for the future.


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