Avoiding Past Mistakes: Leveraging AI for a Comprehensive Minimum Wage Increase for Healthcare Workers in California

In recent years, the push to increase the minimum wage has been met with mixed results. While the intention behind these initiatives is noble, aiming to improve the standard of living for workers, the execution has often led to unintended consequences, such as massive layoffs. This was notably seen in California's fast food industry following the wage hike to $20 per hour. As California now looks to raise the minimum wage for healthcare workers, it's crucial to learn from past mistakes and leverage technology, particularly AI, to implement a more comprehensive and balanced approach.

Lessons from the Fast Food Industry

When Governor Gavin Newsom implemented the wage increase for fast food workers, the lack of a data-driven strategy became apparent. The rapid and blanket wage hike caused significant economic strain on businesses, leading to layoffs and other ripple effects across the state. What could have been done differently?

  1. Gradual Implementation: A tiered approach, gradually increasing wages over several years, would have allowed businesses time to adjust financially.

  2. Subsidies and Tax Incentives: Providing financial support and tax incentives to small businesses during the transition period could have mitigated the immediate financial burden.

  3. Technological Adaptation: Support for the integration of AI and automation to complement, rather than replace, human labor would have helped businesses maintain efficiency without reducing their workforce.

  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing data analytics to predict and monitor the economic impact of wage increases would have informed more balanced and sustainable policy decisions.

A Comprehensive Approach for Healthcare Workers

California Democrats agree to delay health care worker minimum wage increase to help balance budget. Democrats in California agree to delay the increase for about 426,000 workers - ABC News

To avoid repeating these mistakes, we propose a strategic, AI-driven plan for implementing the minimum wage increase for healthcare workers in California.

1. Gradual Wage Increase

  • Phased Approach: Introduce incremental wage increases over a defined period (e.g., yearly increases). This gradual implementation allows businesses to adjust financially without sudden cost surges.

  • Monitor Economic Impact: Regularly assess the economic impact of each wage increment using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as employment rates, business profitability, and healthcare service quality.

2. Financial Support and Incentives

  • Subsidies for Healthcare Providers: Provide state-funded subsidies to healthcare providers, particularly small and rural clinics, to offset the increased labor costs.

  • Tax Incentives: Implement tax breaks and incentives for healthcare organizations that comply with the wage increase, encouraging retention and preventing layoffs.

  • Loan Programs: Create low-interest loan programs for healthcare facilities to manage short-term financial pressures.

3. Education and Retraining Programs

  • Skill Development: Establish and fund training programs for healthcare workers to enhance their skills, improving job security and career progression.

  • Transition Support: Offer retraining programs for healthcare workers to transition into higher-skilled roles within the industry, ensuring they remain valuable assets.

4. Technological Integration and Support

  • AI and Automation: Support the adoption of AI and automation technologies that complement human labor. Provide grants or subsidies for healthcare facilities to implement these technologies efficiently.

  • Workforce Integration: Develop programs to train healthcare workers to work alongside new technologies, ensuring they can adapt to changing job requirements.

5. Regulatory Framework for AI and Automation

  • AI Implementation Guidelines: Create regulations that control the pace and nature of AI adoption in healthcare to ensure it enhances rather than replaces human labor.

  • Ethical AI: Establish ethical guidelines for AI use in healthcare to protect jobs and ensure fair labor practices.

6. Data-Driven Policy Making

  • Impact Assessment: Use data analytics to forecast the economic impact of wage increases on the healthcare sector. Regularly review and adjust policies based on these insights.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Implement systems for continuous feedback from healthcare providers and workers to understand the ground realities and make necessary adjustments.

7. Economic and Business Support

  • Financial Planning Assistance: Offer financial planning and advisory services to healthcare facilities to help them manage increased labor costs effectively.

  • Operational Efficiency Programs: Provide support for initiatives that enhance operational efficiencies in healthcare facilities, reducing overall costs and mitigating the impact of wage increases.


By adopting a phased approach, providing financial support, enhancing skills, and integrating technology responsibly, California can increase the minimum wage for healthcare workers while minimizing the risk of layoffs. Continuous monitoring and data-driven policy adjustments will ensure the long-term success and sustainability of this initiative.

Email to Governor Gavin Newsom

Subject: Leveraging AI for a Sustainable Minimum Wage Increase for Healthcare Workers

Dear Governor Newsom,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share insights on a strategic approach to implementing the minimum wage increase for healthcare workers in California. Drawing lessons from the fast food industry's experience, where rapid wage hikes led to significant layoffs, it is crucial to adopt a comprehensive and data-driven strategy for healthcare workers.


  1. Gradual Implementation: A phased approach to wage increases allows for economic adjustment and prevents financial shocks.

  2. Financial Support: Subsidies, tax incentives, and low-interest loans can help healthcare providers manage increased labor costs.

  3. Education and Retraining: Investment in skill development programs ensures workers remain valuable and can transition to higher-skilled roles.

  4. Technological Integration: Supporting the adoption of AI and automation in a complementary manner will enhance operational efficiency without displacing workers.

  5. Data-Driven Policy Making: Continuous assessment and adjustment of policies based on economic impact data will ensure sustainable implementation.

By leveraging these strategies, California can set a precedent for responsibly raising minimum wages while safeguarding jobs and ensuring the well-being of both workers and businesses. This approach not only addresses the immediate financial challenges but also ensures long-term economic stability and job security for healthcare workers. I would be happy to provide further data and insights to support this initiative.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Kind regards,

Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder Voice For Change Foundation | Advocating for Ethical AI, Workforce Preservation and Human Rights

Email sent to California Governor, Newsom Gavin, on June 22nd 2024.


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