America At a Crossroad

@kevinbihanpoudec At a Crossroad I’m facing the harsh reality that our world is changing rapidly and no one wants to talk about it, not even the news. This is deeply concerning. Imagine the U.S. headed toward an iceberg, just like in The Titanic movie. In 1913, we didn’t see the iceberg coming, but today’s data, market trends and the real impact on workers such as myself as a data analyst, fast-food workers, other tech workers and customer service agents to name a few, paint a different story. The government introduced the Task Force on AI and the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024, but it likely won’t be implemented this year due to the election. Millions of American jobs are at risk. For instance, OpenAI’s new tool, Sora, is a text-to-video tool that could devastate the entire cinematography industry. Sam Altman announced it will be public this year. Imagine using a high-definition picture of young Julia Roberts from “Pretty Woman” to generate an entire new movie without paying her a salary. Even movie starts are at risk of losing their jobs, just like us. This impacts costume designers, sound engineers, set designers, and many more. The government doesn’t seem to care about us at the bottom while they live comfortably in “The Capitol,” part of the 1%. It’s like “The Hunger Games” becoming a reality, where the elite live lavishly while we struggle down at the bottom. As a displaced worker in the tech sector, I haven’t been able to reenter the job market for six months due to companies streamlining their operations with AI for their gain and profit. We need action NOW to protect our jobs and future. Use #VoiceForChange and #SpeakUp for #EthicalAI NOW before we reach the “point of no return.” We are owed to do this for future generations to come. #JobDisplacement #HarshReality #AITakingOver #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #Automation #ForYou #Viral #TikTok #Trending ♬ original sound - Kevin Bihan-Poudec AI Advocate

In a world where technological advancements are happening at an unprecedented pace, it feels like we’re heading towards a massive iceberg, much like the ill-fated Titanic. In 1913, we didn’t see the iceberg coming. Today, not only do we have data and market trends warning us, but also countless individuals losing their jobs daily, such as fast-food workers, tech workers, customer service agents, and soon to include workers in the arts, to name a few. Yet, no one seems to be paying attention. This is deeply troubling.

The government has introduced initiatives like the Task Force on AI and the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024. However, it’s likely that these measures won’t be implemented this year due to the election. This delay puts millions of American jobs at risk.

Take OpenAI’s new tool, Sora, for instance. This text-to-video tool has the potential to devastate the entire cinematography industry. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, announced that Sora will be available to the public this year. Imagine being able to use a high-definition picture of Julia Roberts from "Pretty Woman" to generate an entirely new movie without paying her a salary. Even movie starts are at risk of losing their jobs, just like us, at the bottom of the societal hierarchy. This not only impacts actors but also costume designers, sound engineers, set designers, and many others in the film industry.

It seems that the government doesn’t care about those of us at the bottom. They live comfortably in "The Capitol," part of the 1%, while the rest of us struggle. It’s reminiscent of "The Hunger Games" where the elite enjoy a lavish lifestyle while the masses fight for survival.

As a displaced worker in the tech sector, I’ve been unable to reenter the job market for six months due to private companies streamlining their operations with AI, prioritizing profit over people. The job market has become a cold and unforgiving place, with hiring freezes and market saturation making it nearly impossible to find a foothold.

In this environment, AI is taking over roles once held by humans, and the impacts are far-reaching. The lack of government action is a stark contrast to the urgency of the situation. The Task Force on AI and the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024 were steps in the right direction, but they are not enough. We need immediate action to protect our jobs and secure our future.

The silence from the news media is deafening. No one is discussing the current widespread job displacement or the looming threat of future job losses. The narrative seems controlled by those who benefit from the status quo, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves.

We must raise our voices and demand that our leaders take this issue seriously. The stakes are too high for complacency. We need comprehensive policies that regulate AI and protect workers. We need retraining programs to help displaced workers transition to new roles. And most importantly, we need to hold companies accountable for the social impact of their technological advancements.

In conclusion, America stands at a crossroad. The choices we make now will determine the future for millions of workers. We can either ignore the looming iceberg and face disaster, or we can take decisive action to steer our ship to safer waters. The time for action is now. Let’s not wait until it’s too late or until we reach the “point of no return.”

#VoiceForChange # DemandEthicalAI


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