Embracing the Future: How Automation is Transforming Fast Food Restaurants

In a recent phone conversation with a relative, the evident realities and unfolding future shaped by the rise of automation and artificial intelligence in the United States came vividly into focus. This discussion, both enlightening and sobering, covered the spectrum of job displacement, socioeconomic impacts, and the shifting employment landscape in the tech and fast-food industries. Here's a deeper dive into the main talking points:

Reality of Job Displacement in the US

  • Kevin's personal struggle with job displacement is not unique. It reflects a broader trend across the country, especially within the tech sector. An alarming average of 780 families per day are grappling with the consequences of unemployment, struggling to cover basic living expenses.

  • A significant hurdle in re-entering the job market is the modern reliance on Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). These automated systems, responsible for approximately 75% of resume rejections, mark a dramatic shift in hiring practices, leaving many skilled workers like Kevin in a precarious position.

  • The root of this displacement wave is the strategic pivot of tech companies towards automation and artificial intelligence. This move, aimed at boosting long-term profits, indicates a seismic shift towards a more technologically integrated business model.

Socioeconomic Impacts in the US

  • The aftermath of job displacement is not just a count of unemployed individuals; it's a growing crisis of Americans unable to afford necessities.. Kevin's story underscores the dire need for a robust safety net, including healthcare, which becomes a critical issue following job loss.

  • Automated hiring systems exacerbate this situation, often blocking qualified candidates from reaching potential employers, further entrenching the cycle of unemployment.

Impact on Large Corporations and Minimum Wage

  • The impending rise in California's minimum wage to $20 per hour by April 2024 is prompting giants like McDonald's to lean more heavily into automation. This shift is evident in the development and expected widespread implementation of AI-driven machines capable of tasks like frying fries more consistently.

  • The financial and operational advantages of machines over human labor are becoming increasingly clear. Automation not only promises efficiency and consistency but also sidesteps the complexities of human needs and labor laws.

Other Relevant Points

  • Kevin envisions a future where manual labor, from fast-food to broader industries, is entirely automated. This prospect is increasingly plausible, particularly with visionaries like Elon Musk suggesting the potential of robotics, such as Optimus, to supplant manual work across sectors. This is notably relevant in the context of Tesla and other automotive production lines, a transformation Musk has recently highlighted.

  • A glaring gap in education and digital skills among displaced workers highlights the urgent need for retraining and career redirection programs. Without intervention, the shift towards automation could lead to increased homelessness and socio-economic decline.

Looking Ahead: The Dual-edged Sword of Automation

  • The conversation with Kevin and his family member brings to light the dual realities of the impending AI and automation era: while it promises job creation in new sectors, it also portends widespread job displacement. The United States stands at a crossroads, requiring comprehensive reskilling programs and enhanced unemployment services to support workers in transition.

  • The corporate shift towards automation, as a cost-saving measure in response to rising wages, is poised to redefine the workforce landscape. This transition, while enhancing efficiency and customer experience, also demands a reevaluation of the value and place of human labor in the future economy.


The threat of an AI Apocalypse, as recently stated by Elon Musk, is a vivid reminder of the challenges ahead. However, through concerted efforts by government bodies and the private sector, we can take proactive steps to mitigate the impacts of automation and ensure a future where technological advancements and human prosperity go hand in hand. For an in-depth exploration, delve into the details provided below.

Summary of Main Talking Points

  • Reality of Job Displacement in the US:

    • Kevin is experiencing the effects of job displacement firsthand, highlighting the reality for many in the US.

    • Since the beginning of the year, the tech sector alone has seen an average daily impact on 780 families, mirroring Kevin's own situation. Having been unemployed in the tech industry for the past five months, Kevin, like many others, struggles to afford essential living expenses such as rent and food. This difficulty is compounded by the modern hiring landscape, where approximately 75% of resumes are automatically rejected by Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), also known as bots. This significant shift in the hiring process marks a stark contrast to the situation just a few years ago, making re-entry into the job market increasingly challenging.

    • The looming wave of job displacement is primarily due to tech companies optimizing their workflows, transitioning from manual operations to leveraging artificial intelligence and automation. This strategic shift aims at securing larger profits over the long term for private sector corporations, underscoring a pivotal movement towards more technologically integrated business models

  • Socioeconomic Impacts in the US:

    • The surge in unemployment and the challenges displaced tech workers face in reentering the job market, due to the streamlining of operations by tech companies, are resulting in a growing segment of Americans struggling to cover basic living expenses.

    • The lack of healthcare following job loss is a critical issue, as experienced by Kevin over the past four months, not being able to schedule appropriate health doctors appointment due to a broken healthcare system that fails to meet the needs of unemployed Americans.

    • Job applications are often blocked by automated systems, preventing human applicants from reaching potential employers.

  • Impact on Large Corporations and Minimum Wage:

    • With the increase in minimum wage in California (e.g., $20 per hour starting April 2024), companies like McDonald's are expected to invest more in automation to save costs. Automated machines that can fry fries more consistently using artificial intelligence technologies have already been created and are expected to be implemented across all fast food chains in the near future.

    • Adopting automation machines such as “Flippy” presents a financially and operationally advantageous strategy for employers, particularly in light of escalating wages. The initial investment in automation technology—such as machines priced at $15,000, with an annual maintenance estimate of $10,000—significantly outweighs the ongoing costs associated with human labor. Human employees, necessitating healthcare, vacation, and sick leave, alongside the unpredictability of their punctuality due to personal and family commitments, render automation an appealing alternative for enhancing business efficiency and reducing financial burdens.

    • Kevin points that automation is being praised as a transformative tool to elevate the customer experience, boasting the capability to execute tasks with greater efficiency and fluency in a multitude of languages. This technological advancement is rapidly becoming the norm across the United States, particularly in the fast food industry. It enables restaurant owners to streamline operations, requiring fewer staff members, thanks to automation's round-the-clock functionality. This shift not only optimizes service delivery but also aligns with the industry's move towards more sustainable and cost-effective business models.

  • Other Relevant Points:

    • Kevin suggests a future where human workers in fast-food chains are replaced by machines due to economic efficiency and technological advancements, displacing workers, in need of resklling from government programs, and who are likely to face trouble finding other manual work that will be slowing replaced by automation such as working in automotive manufacturing industry. Elon Musk himself announced that his new invention, the Optimus AI generated robot, could potentially take over all manual workers’ jobs in his Tesla factories across the world.

    • Kevin has a  growing concern regarding the educational and digital skill gaps among workers displaced by automation underscores the urgent need for comprehensive retraining and career redirection strategies. This necessity becomes even more critical in light of the potential rise in homelessness among affected individuals. Despite this pressing issue, current policy frameworks, including the AI Bill of Rights unveiled by The White House in October 2022, have yet to announce specific measures addressing this challenge. This oversight highlights the imperative for targeted interventions to equip the workforce with the skills required to navigate the evolving job landscape effectively.The narrative foresees a significant societal shift within the next 5 to 10 years, where the presence of human workers in industries like fast food will be a memory, replaced entirely by automation.

Summary of Discussion Points on Future Job Displacement Due to Automation

  • The expected rise in the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Automation technologies, along with the shift towards renewable and sustainable energy sources, signals a transformative era that, while promising job creation, also anticipates significant job displacement across multiple sectors in the United States. This dual-edged reality underscores the urgent necessity for the nation to brace itself for the forthcoming changes. Essential measures include the development and implementation of comprehensive reskilling programs, alongside an increase in funding for unemployment services. These strategic initiatives are crucial to support displaced workers as they transition to new roles in different industries, navigating the complexities of the AI revolution era with resilience and adaptability.

  • Kevin highlights the urgent need for reeducation and reorientation programs for displaced workers to prevent socioeconomic decline, such as increased homelessness.

  • There is an emphasis on the immediate and long-term impacts of automation on employment and the socioeconomic fabric of the US.

Discussion Points on Big Corporations Investing in Automation

  • Corporations, including McDonald's, are likely to invest heavily in automation as a response to rising minimum wages and operational costs.

  • The financial logic behind choosing automation over human labor, especially in the face of legislative changes like those in California, is clearly presented..

  • The shift towards AI-generated audio technologies and automation is portrayed as an inevitable move to boost efficiency and enrich customer experience, further validating corporate preference for technological investment over human capital.


Navigating the Maze: Enhancing Fairness and Efficiency in the Age of Applicant Tracking Systems


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