Addressing the Oversight in the Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024: The Future of Work and AI

The Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 marks a significant step by the government towards regulating the rapidly expanding field of AI to safeguard human rights and societal well-being. By establishing the Frontier Artificial Intelligence Systems Administration, the Act meticulously outlines measures to regulate advanced AI technologies, emphasizing security guidelines and monitoring to prevent potential catastrophes that unchecked AI systems might cause. However, amidst these commendable efforts, there's a glaring oversight that directly impacts an essential aspect of American life: the workforce.

The Missing Piece: Workforce Impact

While the Act's thoroughness in addressing AI's “security” risks is evident, it remarkably overlooks an issue affecting the backbone of the nation — the 160 million working people in America. The rapid advancement of AI technologies, such as OpenAI's "Sora," capable of creating movies from mere keywords, poses a significant threat to job “security” across various industries, particularly the movie industry in this instance. This technological leap could lead to unprecedented changes in employment landscapes, affecting thousands of jobs and livelihoods.

Timeline for Implementation: A Race Against Time

The timeline for the Act's implementation is crucial, given the swift pace of AI development. The Act is scheduled for enactment and the subsequent establishment of the Frontier Artificial Intelligence Systems Administration within the year it is passed.

According to a source within the U.S. Congress, bipartisan challenges coupled with this year's election dynamics make it unlikely that any significant legislative measures will be passed until 2025. Tech CEOs likely understand how long it can take for the government to get its act together. It's not too far-fetched to speculate that the timing of these AI technologies' release during an election year may be intentional. How probable is it that the start of the AI Revolution, also known as the AI Boom, is happening in 2024? Is it merely a coincidence that 2024 is an election year? Could an advanced version of AI already exist? It seems we are gradually being introduced to new versions of ChatGPT capabilities and tools like Sora, following a timeline set by the tech CEOs themselves. Despite Elon Musk's repeated promises that Tesla’s self-driving capabilities would exit beta “by the end of this year” for the past six years, it is intriguing to hear his latest claims that AI will surpass human intelligence by next year. This technology has the potential to grow exponentially, given its foundation in machine learning. Below are his most recent statements.

Al will be smarter than humans in 2 years.” - Elon Musk, April 9th 2024.

Elon Musk predicts Al will outsmart humans by the end of 2026 - earlier than he first expected.

Following the setup phase, we could expect the regulatory frameworks and permit systems to start impacting new AI tools within 1-2 years, provided that the administrative and regulatory mechanisms are promptly put in place.

However, time is of the essence. The potential release of advanced tools like "Sora" underscores the urgency for these measures to consider the workforce's security. Without timely intervention, we risk witnessing a significant displacement of jobs before the safeguards are operational.

Bridging the Gap: The Need for Comprehensive Impact Analysis

The omission of workforce impact analysis in the Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 signals a critical area for improvement. As we navigate the complexities of integrating advanced AI into our society, it becomes imperative to develop a more holistic approach to AI regulation—one that includes a comprehensive impact analysis on employment and job security.

The Act lays a solid foundation for addressing the myriad risks associated with AI technologies. However, to truly safeguard the societal well-being, it must evolve to include provisions that assess and mitigate the potential impacts on the workforce. This evolution is vital to ensure that as we embrace the benefits of AI, we do not overlook the welfare and security of the working class, which forms the very fabric of our society.

The Path Forward

As the government continues to refine and implement AI regulations, engaging with a broad spectrum of stakeholders—industry experts, labor unions, and the workforce—is crucial. By incorporating a more inclusive approach to AI regulation, we can ensure that the transformative power of AI technologies benefits society without compromising the job security of millions.

In conclusion, while the Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 represents a significant stride towards regulating AI, it must adapt to address the full spectrum of impacts AI has on society, especially the workforce. The time to act is now, to ensure that as we stand on the brink of a new technological era, we safeguard not only our security but also our livelihoods.


A Dialogue for the Future: Engaging Congress on the AI Workforce Transition


The Dawn of Regulation: The Responsible Advanced Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024