A Gentle Reminder to the United Nations

Dear United Nations, this is your gentle reminder—though there is nothing gentle about the stakes at hand. We are standing on the precipice of a future that is quickly slipping out of our control. As the world marvels at the endless possibilities of artificial intelligence (AI), the rapid and unchecked expansion of this technology is creating a threat we cannot afford to ignore. Without immediate, global action, the safety of humanity, our economies, and the very fabric of society are in jeopardy.

Yes, it’s that urgent.

It’s why I’ve taken steps to appeal to California’s Governor Gavin Newsom to pass Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047), a critical piece of legislation that, if signed, would place essential guardrails on the largest and most dangerous AI models. But here’s where the sarcasm ends and the serious message begins: if we allow AI to continue evolving without the necessary regulations, we may find ourselves grappling with risks we can neither control nor reverse.

In case you needed a refresher on the risks we’re facing:

The Automation of Human Livelihoods

AI is already reshaping industries across the globe, but the current trajectory threatens to displace millions of workers at an unprecedented rate. These aren’t just hypothetical discussions or abstract models—they’re realities for many people, including myself. I’ve witnessed firsthand the ways AI can replace human skill sets. Imagine this scenario repeating itself on a global scale: the destruction of job markets, the widening of the wealth gap, and the destabilization of entire economies. The economic imbalance and societal unrest caused by mass unemployment will be catastrophic if we don’t take action now.

Cybersecurity: An Open Door to Chaos

AI-driven cyberattacks are no longer the stuff of science fiction. As AI systems grow more sophisticated, so too do the threats they pose. Autonomous hacking, large-scale cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, and AI-generated malware are not far-off possibilities—they’re imminent realities. Without regulation, AI could be weaponized by bad actors, putting the global economy and security at risk. From financial markets to power grids, the consequences of unchecked AI on cybersecurity could be devastating.

AI-Driven Crimes and the Rise of Autonomous Weapons

We are heading into dangerous territory where AI can be programmed to carry out crimes autonomously—fraud, theft, or worse. Without regulatory frameworks, AI could be used to develop autonomous weapons, making it easier than ever for non-state actors or authoritarian regimes to wreak havoc on a global scale. Imagine AI-powered drones or robots being weaponized, capable of inflicting damage without human oversight. The idea that AI could be used to harm, rather than help, is no longer theoretical.

Undermining Democracy

AI has already proven its ability to manipulate public opinion through misinformation and fake news. But without proper regulation, AI could be weaponized on a much larger scale to destabilize democracies and influence elections. We’ve seen hints of this power in recent elections, but imagine an AI system capable of micro-targeting entire populations with political propaganda. Unregulated AI in the hands of bad actors could undermine the democratic institutions we hold dear, tipping the scales in favor of authoritarianism and undermining public trust in the electoral process.

Environmental Damage

AI systems, particularly those used by the world’s largest tech companies, require massive amounts of computing power. The environmental toll of this unregulated expansion is staggering. If AI continues to be developed without regard for sustainability, it will exacerbate our already fragile environmental situation. AI’s energy consumption must be regulated, not only to protect our climate but to ensure that its benefits are not outweighed by its ecological costs.

A World Without Guardrails

The most pressing issue is that, without regulations like SB 1047, AI will continue to develop in a lawless space. California’s decision on this bill has global ramifications. If SB 1047 is not passed, it signals to the world that it’s acceptable to develop these incredibly powerful tools without accountability. This is a dangerous precedent.

To the United Nations, this is your moment. You are in a unique position to rally nations around the cause of responsible AI development and to pressure leaders, such as Governor Newsom, to pass regulations like SB 1047. California’s leadership on this issue could set a vital example for the world, providing a framework that other nations can follow. Without such regulation, the economic, social, and existential threats we face from AI will become increasingly dire, compounding the dangers we already confront..

This Is Not a Drill

In conclusion, this "gentle reminder" is anything but gentle. It’s a warning, a plea, and a call to action. AI development is moving faster than our ability to understand its full implications, and without guardrails, we risk losing control of one of the most powerful tools ever created.

It’s time for the United Nations to step in and take a leadership role in AI governance. The world is watching. And the consequences of inaction are too great to ignore.

Governor Newsom, and indeed every world leader, has a decision to make. Will they allow AI to develop unchecked, or will they take the bold step of regulating its power for the safety of humanity?

We must not let AI write humanity’s future, we must write it ourselves.

- Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Founder, Voice for Change Foundation

Advocate for Ethical AI, Workforce Preservation, and Human Rights

Follow-up Letter to the United Nations

Subject: Follow-Up on Global AI Ethics Charter: Addressing the Urgent Risks of Unregulated AI with SB 1047


Dear United Nations,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to urgently follow up on our previous discussions about the Global AI Ethics Charter. Since my last correspondence, I have been deeply involved in advocacy around critical AI regulation efforts in California, where a pivotal piece of legislation—Senate Bill 1047 (SB 1047)—is currently awaiting Governor Gavin Newsom's signature.

This bill holds immense global significance. As I emphasized in my open letter to Governor Newsom on September 17, 2024, SB 1047 addresses the immediate need to regulate the largest and most powerful artificial intelligence (AI) models, which pose not only a threat to California but to the global economy, public safety, and humanity as a whole.

Expanded Risks of Unregulated AI

Allow me to provide more context on the urgent risks that SB 1047 seeks to mitigate:

  1. Massive Job Displacement and Economic Destabilization
    AI's rapid advancement has already begun to automate tasks traditionally performed by human workers, leading to widespread job displacement. If AI continues to develop without regulation, millions of workers, particularly those in the service and data sectors, are at risk of losing their jobs at an unprecedented rate. The economic destabilization that follows could be catastrophic, leading to a surge in unemployment, increased inequality, and the erosion of middle-class job security. The social safety nets currently in place are not designed to handle the scale of disruption that unregulated AI could cause.

  2. Cybersecurity Threats
    Unregulated AI poses a significant threat to global cybersecurity. AI systems are increasingly being used to enhance the sophistication of cyberattacks, including autonomous hacking and malware generation. SB 1047 highlights the possibility of large-scale AI models being used to conduct cyberattacks that could cripple critical infrastructure, financial systems, or even entire economies. Imagine AI-driven attacks on power grids, hospitals, or stock markets. Without stringent regulation, AI could become a tool for bad actors, nation-states, or rogue entities seeking to destabilize entire nations.

  3. Autonomous AI-Driven Crimes
    AI-driven systems capable of operating autonomously could be used to carry out crimes on a massive scale, including fraud, financial theft, or even the physical harm of individuals through automated robotics or drones. These crimes could occur with minimal human intervention, making it difficult to track or stop them once initiated. For instance, autonomous AI could be programmed to manipulate digital assets, influence stock markets, or even launch weaponized drones, leading to physical harm and societal chaos.

  4. Weaponization of AI
    The most alarming risk of unregulated AI is its potential use in the creation of autonomous weapons or weapons of mass destruction. As AI continues to advance, so does its capability to make independent decisions. There is a very real possibility that without strict governance, AI could be used to develop or deploy weapons capable of causing untold damage without human oversight. From AI-directed missile systems to autonomous drones, the dangers posed by the militarization of AI could lead to global conflict, with devastating consequences.

  5. Environmental Harm and AI Misuse
    Unregulated AI also has the potential to cause harm to the environment. Powerful AI systems require vast amounts of computing power, contributing to energy consumption and environmental degradation. Furthermore, AI-driven automation in industries such as agriculture or manufacturing, if improperly regulated, could lead to unsustainable practices that deplete natural resources or contribute to environmental pollution. We are entering a phase where AI's influence on the environment must be closely monitored and managed to avoid long-term damage.

  6. Manipulation of Democratic Processes
    AI can and has been used to manipulate democratic processes through disinformation campaigns, micro-targeting of political ads, and the mass dissemination of fake news. Unregulated AI could enable authoritarian regimes or political actors to influence elections or destabilize democracies around the world. SB 1047 recognizes these risks and seeks to place limits on AI models large enough to influence public discourse on a massive scale. The global consequences of ignoring these risks could be far-reaching, with AI undermining the trust and integrity of democratic institutions.

Global Implications if SB 1047 is Not Passed

If Governor Newsom fails to sign SB 1047 into law, the precedent set by California's inaction could have severe repercussions for the global AI landscape. The absence of proper regulation in such a critical region would send a message to other nations and technology companies that safety standards can be disregarded in the name of innovation. This would embolden large tech companies to continue developing AI without considering the profound impacts on society, the economy, and global security.

California, as a hub for technological development, has a responsibility to lead the way in AI regulation. If SB 1047 is not signed into law, the global community could see a domino effect, where regions fail to take the necessary steps to mitigate AI risks. This would result in a fragmented and dangerous global AI environment, where each country operates under its own rules, leading to a lack of accountability and coordination. Such a scenario is dangerous and untenable for humanity.

A Call for Global Action

The urgency of SB 1047 is clear, and it is my request that the United Nations urgently consider this matter and apply pressure to Governor Newsom's office. The passage of this bill could serve as a model for other regions and nations to adopt similar regulations, ensuring a unified and coordinated approach to AI governance. Without such a framework, the global economy, democratic institutions, and the very safety of humanity are at risk.

I firmly believe that your influence could make a decisive difference in this critical moment. The United Nations has the ability to mobilize nations and help establish the international standards necessary for AI safety. I urge you to consider SB 1047 not just as a California state matter, but as a crucial step in shaping the global future of AI.

Thank you for your continued dedication to addressing this vital issue. I hope to hear of any actions taken by the UN to engage with California and Governor Newsom’s office, as the passage of SB 1047 could be pivotal in ensuring the safety and security of humanity in the age of artificial intelligence.

Warm regards,
Kevin Bihan-Poudec
Founder, Voice for Change Foundation
Advocate for Ethical AI, Workforce Preservation, and Human Rights


Can Governor Newsom Solve AI Going Rogue? The Future of AI Regulation Hinges on SB 1047


The Real Chilling Effects: What Happens if SB 1047 Isn’t Signed Into Law?