A Call to Action: The Day America's Regulatory Silence Culminated in Crisis

April 18th, 2024, will be ingrained in the collective memory of the American arts and animation workforce as a day of profound impact. With the release of Meta's groundbreaking AI, Meta AI, an unsettling silence looms over the future of countless professionals in these fields. The tool’s capacity to generate images and animations from mere text is not just a technological triumph but also a precursor of an uncertain future for many.

Here is the image that captures the mood of a somber day with workers leaving office buildings, carrying their belongings. -ChatGPT

Today, as we absorb the implications of Meta AI’s capabilities, our thoughts go out to those whose livelihoods are at stake. Let us take a moment of silence for the families who may no longer rely on a stable income from the arts and animation industries.

This silence is for the artist who may lose their healthcare benefits, the father who might not be able to support his sick child, the mother whose dreams of sending her children to college may now be out of reach. It's for the individuals facing the stark reality of not affording basic necessities like food or housing.

The ripple effect of this technology threatens a broad spectrum of roles in the animation industry, including but not limited to:

  • Traditional and digital illustrators

  • Character designers and concept artists

  • Storyboard artists and scriptwriters

  • Voice actors and dialogue editors

  • Compositors and visual effects specialists

  • Animators and riggers

  • Texture and matte painters

  • 3D modelers and scene assemblers

  • Lighting technicians and render wranglers

  • Sound engineers and music composers

  • Editors and post-production professionals

  • Marketing artists and advertising creatives

  • Production coordinators and project managers

  • Educators and trainers in arts and multimedia

  • Merchandising artists and licensing specialists

The list goes on, reflecting the extensive ecosystem of talent behind every piece of content we cherish.

As we face this disruptive innovation, we're also reminded of the importance of foresight and empathy. The conversation isn’t just about resisting change; it's about shaping it to ensure that progress doesn’t come at the cost of human dignity and welfare.

The discourse must include the necessity of retraining programs, investment in human-centric AI governance, and a push towards a new renaissance where technology and human artistry coalesce to create a future that honors both innovation and the irreplaceable touch of the human hand.

We must not be silent. As a nation, it is our duty to #SpeakUp, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and to take action that upholds the value of human labor. Our policy makers, educational institutions, and corporate leaders are called upon to navigate this transition with compassion and strategic planning.

Create an image of the Capitol crumbling like a house of cards, with people at the base visibly upset and pulling out pistols and guns, amidst thousands of others. There should be fires everywhere, reminiscent of the French Revolution. The image should have very vivid colors and appear as if it could happen today. People should be putting up signs and yelling at the top of their lungs at the U.S. government to ACT NOW on Ethical AI regulations.

On April 18th, 2024, a pivotal moment in history, we simultaneously recognized the profound significance of the arts as the soul of our civilization, necessitating preservation and reverence, and acknowledged the oversight in the United States' failure to swiftly implement regulatory measures for advanced AI technologies like Meta's Meta AI, which have surpassed our existing societal safeguards. This day marks both a silence and a newfound collective voice, emphasizing unity and a commitment to championing deeply human causes, while facing the challenges posed by the unchecked expansion of technology.

The poignant image below of Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, justifying in an imagined scenario the need for a $260,000,000 personal bunker is emblematic of a greater issue at hand. It mirrors a world where tech tycoons, in their race to outdo each other, have overlooked the stark repercussions their “playground competition” has on real lives and jobs. This fictional account symbolizes the disconnect between the rush for innovation and the socio-economic fabric of society.

Prompt: Create an image depicting Mark Zuckerberg in court explaining himself to the world as to the reasons why he is building himself a bunker for $260,000,000.

Result: Here is the image depicting a futuristic scene in an international assembly hall, where a 39-year old white male, representing Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta (formely known as Facebook) is being interrogated. He appears sad and is surrounded by representatives from every country, each in distinctive attire. The setting features advanced technology and a somber atmosphere.

As the world watches the titans of technology spar for supremacy with tools that can generate not just images but potentially videos from text—mirroring capabilities rumored to be in OpenAI’s Sora—there lies an urgent imperative for governance. The very notion that Sam Altman, OpenAI’s CEO, might expedite the release of Sora in response to Meta’s advancements signals a concerning trend. It prompts fears of an industry-wide rush that may completely automate roles across the movie industry, leading to an unprecedented job crisis.

This is no longer a distant possibility but an impending reality that requires immediate and decisive action.

“The United States Government must now intervene to halt or at least slow the cascading effects of unregulated AI deployment. It is not just about preserving jobs but about securing the essence of our humanity that is expressed through our creative industries.”

-Kevin Bihan-Poudec

Legislation must be put in place to ensure that AI tools augment rather than replace human talent. There must be a framework to guarantee that technological advancements do not come at the cost of human well-being. This includes robust support for retraining programs, a reinforcement of the arts as vital to our national identity, and a safety net for those displaced by such technologies.

We stand at a critical juncture where the course of many lives depends on the decisions of a few. The fictional narrative of a billionaire's bunker pales in comparison to the real and present need for a sanctuary that protects the livelihoods of millions.

As this day marks a sad chapter for the American workforce, it must also mark the beginning of a vigorous campaign for thoughtful and humane technology use. Let us rise from the silence and advocate for policies that prioritize the welfare of citizens, the nurturing of artistic talent, and the responsible stewardship of technology.

The call is clear: The United States Government must act now to safeguard the future—not just of the American workforce but of the cultural legacy we will leave behind. Let this be the day we take a stand to ensure our society values the artist as much as the artifice, the creator as much as the creation. I urge you to use #VoiceForChange across all your social media platforms to put pressure on our government and turn this sinking ship around while there is still time to act.

Here is the image that metaphorically represents the Titanic sinking, a symbol of the American workforce in the context of AI disruption.

As we close this chapter, let us not forget the individuals who dedicated their lives to mastering their craft. Their stories, skills, and contributions are the foundation upon which our cultural heritage is built. Their legacy must be honored, not in silence, but in the actions we take moving forward to protect the human essence in every art form.


Addressing the Gap in Communication About AI's Impact on the American Workforce


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