Voice For Change: Amplifying Our Ethical AI Message through Local and National Media

Our quest for ethical AI took a dynamic turn following a brief but impactful dialogue with Congressman Adam Schiff, where we found a shared commitment to addressing the challenges of AI in the workforce. This encounter, coinciding with our support for his Senate campaign, spotlights the crucial role that ethical considerations must play in the evolution of AI technologies.

The Voice For Change Foundation is leveraging this moment to broaden our narrative across local and national media. This initiative, integral to our "Message in a Bottle" campaign, is about igniting discussions that drive concrete actions.

As we attempt to engage with various platforms, from the intimate community connections of local news to the far-reaching voices of national channels, our mission remains steadfast: to advocate for an AI-infused future that honors human dignity, secures jobs, and fosters a culture of ethical innovation.

The "Act Now" campaign is more than a slogan; it's a directive for all who believe in the power of ethical AI to stand up and participate in shaping the policies and educational initiatives that will guide us forward. Join us on this journey, and let's make ethical AI a cornerstone of our shared future.


Breaking the Silence: The Indisputable Duty to Address AI's Impact on Work


Meeting Minds with Congressman Schiff: Paving the Way for an AI-Ready Workforce