Meta, Violating First Amendment Rights to Freedom of Speech of the United States Constitution

As I was attempting to publicly post a letter, seen below, on my Facebook regarding the dangers of AI-generated tools such as Sora by OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, I had “technical difficulties” making the embedded photo of my social media post display the following text on the attached image: “Sora: Killing Cinema.” I recorded the problem I encountered below.

Once I figured out that the file name of my image, “sora-killing-cinema2.jpg,” and the text being selectable were most likely causing content censorship by Meta, I attempted to repost the social media post from my Squarespace website. This time, I used a screenshot of the image (with non-selectable text) and did not rename it. See the results in the recorded video below.

As I reflect on this incident, I find it crucial that freedom of speech, even on social media platforms owned by private American tech companies, remains in accordance with the United States Constitution. This ensures that the fundamental rights guaranteed by the First Amendment are upheld, allowing individuals to express their views without fear of censorship. Protecting these freedoms is essential for maintaining a healthy, democratic society where diverse perspectives can be shared and discussed openly. It is imperative that private companies recognize their role in safeguarding these rights and work to support, rather than undermine, the principles of free expression.

#DemandEthicalAI #VoiceForChange

Dear Facebook friends, family members, and other acquaintances,

Today, I woke up full of sadness.

This message that you are about to read, if you give it the time, is of utmost importance. I urge you to read below.

Recent announcements have introduced a technological tool called Sora by OpenAI, created by Sam Altman and backed by movie stars such as Ashton Kutcher, who recently stated, “SORA IS AMAZING. SOON, YOU'LL BE ABLE TO RENDER AND WATCH YOUR VERY OWN MOVIE.”

It is an absolute disgrace to promote such technologies that have the potential to eradicate the hard work of workers throughout the industry, including jobs in Pre-Production, Production, Post-Production, Freelancers, Independent Roles, and other Social Media Content Creators.

The cinematography industry is not the only one that will face extreme hardships; Advertising and Marketing, Entertainment and Media—from Film to Television, to Streaming Services and Music Videos—will also be affected. The public release of this tool will impact Education and E-Learning, Corporate and Internal Communications, Freelance and Independent Creators whose only income comes from creating content, News and Journalism, Healthcare (such as medical training videos or patient education videos), Real Estate (from Promotional Videos for Listings to Virtual Reality Property Showcases), Travel and Tourism, Gaming and eSports Coverage, Non-Profit and Advocacy campaigns, Fashion and Beauty promotional content, the Technology industry (from Product Launch Videos to Tech Reviews and Tutorials), the Automotive industry (from Promotional Content for Dealerships to Test Drive Videos), Retail and E-Commerce, the Event Planning and Management industry, Sports, Hospitality, Art and Culture, Finance, Government, and the Public Sector. The list goes on and on.

Having always loved video editing and enjoying being on set during my younger years as a model (Kevin Challinor Model Pagee) in Los Angeles, I understand that this will not only impact our human creativity but also the essence of our dignity.

During my 10 years as a data analyst, telling a story through data has always made me feel rewarded and given me a sense of purpose. I have researched numerous data reports over the past 6 months, and my advocacy efforts for ethical AI are based solely on data analytics.

As a concrete example, Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, based his concerns about reaching the point of no return with the global warming crisis on data. I attended one of his seminars in Houston, TX, in 2017 while providing support to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey for 3 months. The data trends I saw with my own eyes left me in despair because I understood that if we did not act quickly, we would reach the point of no return when it comes to the global warming crisis.

The reality in 2024, as this marks the beginning of the AI Boom Era, is that we face another imminent crisis: job displacement due to the rapid rise of unchecked AI and automation in the American workforce.

I am literally shaking as I type this message on my phone. As an expatriate from France, living in the United States for the past 15 years, and after countless outreach attempts to the American news media, politicians, and other leaders, I realize the lack of concrete planning and response to maintain the United States as a leader in the global economy. President Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom

According to a report from Statista, 441.7 thousand people were working in the motion picture and sound recording industries in the United States as of January 2024. These are not just figures; they represent lives. Fathers and mothers have worked for decades to create the beautiful and exciting movies we cherish for our entertainment.

Last month, Sam Altman confirmed that this tool will be released to the public this year.

Imagine a world where, by typing a few words, you can create a movie of your life, as Ashton Kutcher claims. Whether you see these technological advancements as prowess or dangerous, the impact on the workforce will be unprecedented.

It will not only affect the cinematography industry but also other fields where people depend on content creation to make a living.

Knowing the cost of creating AI-generated content, demand for human labor in these fields will be highly disrupted.

Big studios will no longer find it cost-efficient to spend millions of dollars on blockbuster movies. Since there are no regulations or rules in the United States to set boundaries on such technology implementation, unlike in Europe, America will likely experience an unprecedented economic decline if boundaries on AI are not set IMMEDIATELY.

This is more than a political fight, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat. The United States is at a crossroads. We must tackle one of the most critical issues in our history. As Ex-Google CEO, Eric Schmidt, stated, AI is "under-hyped", not over-hyped because "the arrival of a non-human form is really a big deal for the world". He went on to continue that "It is coming. It is here. It is about to happen. It happens in stages.“ When asked in an interview how quickly, he went on to say "We used to say 20 years, now, within 5."

It's an even bigger deal when the trend for the past 6 months has shown private companies wanting to automate their processes for higher profit slashing thousands of human workers in the tech industry. Fast-Food workers being reaplced by Kiosks in California and AI generated bots at Wendy's as an example.

To continue thriving in our everyday lives, we need government intervention to regulate AI now, not after the election. If the Artificial Intelligence Accountability Act of 2024 only gets implemented next year, (still in the introduced stage), we could see millions of Americans lose their jobs, ultimately ending up in a place where we could have anticipated the risks and impact of AI on the workforce but unfortunately find it is too late to act.

I have been sharing across all my social media platforms that I have been personally impacted by this technology. The ongoing trend of tech companies streamlining their operations with AI has saturated the market and made it impossible for me to reenter the workforce in my field as a data analyst for the past half-year. With technological advancements now occurring weekly, my research and contacts with members of the United States Congress show that there is no plan of action to tackle this critical issue in the short term, there is no concrete 30-day, 60-day nor 90-day plan of action I have heard from any of the correspondences I had with government officials, nor a long term plan of action to address the workforce displacement issue.

According to the International Monetary Fund's Chief, Kristalina Georgieva, the global workforce could see a disruption of 40%, and up to 60% in more advanced economies like the US. She states that the labor market is experiencing a "tsunami" wave of layoffs, (, which is currently occuring, it is a fact, even though they don't talk about it on the news, and we are “highly unprepared” she also stated. Regulation and boundaries on AI need to be implemented immediately, or the United States may reach a “point of no return” regarding the impact AI could have on the workforce.

As I close my argument, I invite you to watch the video montage I created (, highlighting the devastating impact of AI on the workforce, such as tools like Sora by OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman. According to my own research and with the help of ChatGPT which has the knowledge of the entire World Wide Web, if released to the public this year, as planned, the cinematography industry and others could see up to 2,740,000 jobs "impacted." I will let you interpret what that really means. Feel free to comment below, as I would love to hear your thoughts and concerns about this important socio-economic subject.

Kevin Bihan-Poudec | An American at Heart and Advocate for Ethical AI and Job Preservation

#demandethicalai #VoiceForChange #ashtonkutcher #SamAltman #Sora #EthicalAI #ActNow

For more details, read the following blog articles:

Title: Jobs, No More? (Denouncing Ashton Kutcher)


Title: Sora is Killing Cinema (Data Research)


Title: Facing Loss of Self-Worth in a World Where Technology Takes Over Skillsets (Mental Impact on the American Workforce, a personal example)



Breakthrough Study: Voice For Change Foundation Raises the Alarm to Government Officials Based on Data Analytics Research


Facing Loss of Self-Worth in a World Where Technology Takes Over Skillsets