Gearing Up for a Light-Hearted Chat with Members of Congress

As we stand on the brink of what could be an unprecedented shift in the workforce due to artificial intelligence and automation, I’ve decided to take a unique approach to discussing this critical issue with one of our esteemed congressional leaders as well as the 40 members of the U.S. Congress who have dedicated themselves to ensuring artificial intelligence benefits society. It is important to make sure first that the politicians who have shown such commitment have a plan of action before I go ahead and speak with the other 495 members of Congress that may need a bit of convincing based on data analytics that our country could be headed towards a workforce crisis and a housing catastrophe. My plan? To inject a dose of humor into the conversation!

As we stand on the brink of what could be an unprecedented shift in the workforce due to artificial intelligence and automation, I’ve decided to take a unique approach to discussing this critical issue. I plan to start by engaging with one of our esteemed congressional leaders and the 40 members of the U.S. Congress who are dedicated to ensuring artificial intelligence benefits society. It is important to first confirm that these politicians have a plan of action. Afterward, I will speak with the other 495 members of Congress, who may need a bit of convincing. The data suggests that our country could be headed towards a workforce crisis and a housing catastrophe. My strategy? To inject a dose of humor into these conversations!

Why Humor?

Let's face it, the topic of job displacement due to AI and automation can be downright daunting. The potential upheaval in job markets has everyone from economists to workers on edge. So, why not lighten the mood? By weaving humor into our discussions, we can make these important issues more approachable and memorable, ensuring they stick with our leaders long after our chat ends.

Preparing for the Big Day

To prepare for my meeting(s) with congressmen and congresswomen, I'm crafting content that balances comedic elements with hard-hitting facts. Here’s a sneak peek into my strategy:

  1. Relatable Analogies: I’ll use creative and relatable analogies to explain complex AI technologies. Imagine comparing an overly cautious AI to a nervous driver on a freeway — slow, overly meticulous, and sometimes, just as frustrating.

  2. Jokes and One-Liners: A well-timed joke can be a powerful tool. I plan to sprinkle in one-liners that will not only evoke a chuckle but also underscore the absurdities we often overlook in technological debates.

  3. Visual Aids: What’s funnier than a meme? Using humorous visuals and memes that highlight the ironies and lighter sides of AI can make the conversation engaging and visually appealing.

  4. Playful Props: Who says Congress can’t enjoy props? Whether it’s a robot hand to shake theirs or a humorous chart showing “predicted outcomes of AI interventions,” these playful elements will ensure our discussions are unforgettable.

Jokes aside: find below is the real approach for effective conversations according to ChatGPT-4.

As a non-politician, why not leverage artificial intelligence and technologies like ChatGPT to be more effective in achieving my end goals? This is a true example of how technology can be beneficial if used in the proper settings. Find out in my open letter titled “Act Now” aimed to the US Congress how leveraging artificial intelligence could help tackle societal and economic issues in the United States.

Plan of Action


I contacted all 40 members of Congress who signed the letter in regards to understanding that the United States needs to come up with reskilling programs, but unfortunately, I have not heard back. I've only gotten a few responses by inbox, so what needs to be my next action? I sent this email a few days ago, and it is Saturday today. Should I reach out by telephone mid-next week to follow up on my email? What should I do?


It's quite common for responses from congressional offices to take some time, especially if the offices are dealing with a high volume of correspondence. Since you sent the emails just a few days ago and today is Saturday, I recommend giving it a bit more time. Here’s a suggested approach:

  1. Wait until mid-next week: This gives the offices enough time to process your initial email.

  2. Follow up with a phone call: If you haven't heard back by then, following up with a telephone call mid-next week is a good idea. When you call, be ready to briefly summarize your email and express your interest in their response.

  3. Be prepared for varied responses: Some offices may direct you to specific staffers or departments depending on the nature of your inquiry. Others might take note of your call and promise to get back to you later.

  4. Keep a record: Maintain a log of who you have contacted and any responses you have received. This can be helpful if you need to make additional follow-ups or reference previous communications.

  5. Stay patient and polite: Congressional staffers often handle many inquiries. Being polite and understanding in your follow-ups can help in getting a more favorable response.

This approach keeps your query active and demonstrates your interest in a timely response without being too pressing.


What is it specifically that I should ask on these follow-up phone calls in regards to maybe when these measures could be implemented? Should I get a vibe on if anything is going to be done in the next 30, 60, and 90 days?


For your follow-up phone calls regarding the timeline for implementing measures related to reskilling programs, here’s a straightforward approach to structuring your questions:

1.Clarify the Purpose: Start by confirming that they received your email. You can say something like, “I recently sent an email concerning reskilling programs supported by Ethical AI initiatives and wanted to ensure it was received and to discuss it briefly.”

2.Ask Specific Questions: To get a clearer picture of the timeline, you might ask:

  • “Can you provide any updates on the progress of actions related to the Ethical AI initiatives mentioned in the joint letter?”

  • “Are there any expected timelines for when these measures might begin to be implemented?”

  • “What steps are currently being taken towards establishing these reskilling programs?”

3.Inquire About Short-Term and Long-Term Plans: This helps you understand both immediate and future actions. You could ask:

  • “What can we expect in the next 30, 60, or 90 days regarding these initiatives?”

  • “Are there specific milestones or goals that the office aims to achieve in the short term?”

4.Offer to Stay Engaged: Express your willingness to stay involved or provide further input, which can be a good way to keep the conversation going and show your commitment to the issue. For example:

  • “I’m very interested in the development of these programs. How can I best stay updated on progress?”

  • “Is there a way for concerned constituents like myself to provide ongoing feedback or support for these initiatives?”

5.Request for Direct Updates: Ask if there’s a possibility to receive updates directly from their office as milestones are reached or as new information becomes available.

These questions not only provide you with a clear understanding of the expected actions and timelines but also position you as an engaged and informed constituent. This approach encourages openness and keeps lines of communication active.


Great. Any other suggestions that you may have for me to end this phone call in regards to next steps or anything else that you're suggesting maybe?


Ending the call effectively can help you maintain a good relationship with the office and ensure that your concerns remain on their agenda. Here’s how you might wrap up the conversation:

  1. Summarize Key Points: Quickly recap what was discussed to confirm your understanding and the commitments made during the call, if any. For example, you might say, “Just to summarize, you mentioned that we can expect an update in the next 60 days regarding the implementation of the reskilling programs, and I will be receiving periodic updates via email.”

  2. Express Appreciation: Thank the staff member for their time and assistance. You can say, “Thank you for taking the time to discuss this with me today. I really appreciate your help and the information you’ve provided.”

  3. Confirm Next Steps: Make sure you’re clear on what will happen next. You could ask, “Is there anything specific that I should look out for in terms of next steps from your office?” or “Can you confirm the best way for me to follow up if I haven’t heard back or if I have additional questions?

  4. Offer Continued Engagement: Let them know that you are an active and engaged constituent who is available for further dialogue. Say something like, “I’m very interested in continuing to support and follow up on this initiative. Please feel free to reach out if there’s more I can do from my side.”

  5. Close on a Positive Note: End the conversation on a friendly and positive note to leave a good impression. You might say, “Thanks again, and please keep me posted on any developments. I look forward to seeing how we can progress on these important issues.”

By summarizing, showing appreciation, and confirming next steps, you not only keep the communication clear but also reinforce your interest and proactive stance on the issue. This approach can help foster a cooperative relationship with the office, increasing the likelihood of your concerns being taken seriously.

The Goal

The goal of using humor in the montage above isn't just to entertain; it's to make the conversation about AI and automation more digestible and to foster a dialogue that sticks. Humor can break down barriers, allowing us to convey the gravity of job displacement in a way that’s impactful yet digestible.

By the end of this/these meetings, I hope to have shared a meaningful dialogue about the challenges and opportunities that AI and automation present. More importantly, I aim to leave our leaders with both a smile and a deep understanding of the urgent need for strategic planning and policy-making in this area.

So, as I prepare to meet with our government's finest, I’m reminded of the words of Charlie Chaplin: "A day without laughter is a day wasted." In our discussion of such serious issues, a little laughter might just be the key to unlocking innovative solutions and paving the way for thoughtful policy-making.

Wish me luck as I gear up for this important mission!


Imagining Futures: Humanity at the Crossroads of Technology and Consciousness


Addressing Political Responses: Advocating for AI Regulation Amidst Generic Acknowledgments